These madows really want P Diddy to be Somali because this is one of the many tweets of him ive seen us being mentioned...

The thing is, even R Kelly has that somali odey look, asap rocky too and p diddy, but with p diddy wlhi you couldn’t pick him apart from some USC mooryan from the nineties, he has the look and it’s unexplainable
Many of these madows post under their real accounts and are based in the West.

They will have jobs and go to schools; all which have a zero tolerance of racism. Somalis need to start getting organised and go after them by reporting them to their employers/schools. We need to leave a negative digital footprint for them and where possible, link it to Islamophobia as that gets more people on board.

Ignoring them will not work. We need to make them feel the consequences. Especially those Africans on visas in the America etc. Somalis don’t like to paint themselves as victims but we can’t allow these xoolo to demoralise our upcoming youth.

We need to make an example out of just one of them. Just one and I promise you, others will think more carefully about coming for us on their main accounts.
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This tweet is already doing numbers and soon will get 100k likes..

I hate how people these days are over familiar with us.
Only because we are chronically online and we engage with everything and everyone and we cannot shut the f*ck up! Look up videos of ajnabis with somali titles, they get at least 10X more views, likes and comments than other videos from said creator. It's like the whole Somali nation is starving for attention, and I am fucking sick of it!

Looks like his account got packed
I blame Somalis for this. I first heard this lie in 2004 while shooting hoops and non-Somalis were also around. It was also said earlier than that by Somalis online. It was also claimed by some of your abos/hooyos who followed Biggie and Bad Boy Records. People have said it so much and for so long that a lot of ajnabis started to believe it.
shooting hoops 20 years ago, I will call you adeer from now on duq waayeel ah!
Also, while searching I found this old ass thread from 2002 about Somalis arguing if P Diddy is Somali LMAO

Damn, faraxs were really arguing this nonsense online back in the early 2000s

When he's one of the most succesful artists/producers around he is Black American; when he falls from grace they palm him off as a @#£%# Somali. In this instance it's a larping nigerian wanting to throw rocks and hide his hand.

Always othering us, and only including us to smear and degrade.

Don't get mad; get even.
Nice to see you Samira it's been a while. And yeah our name is being dragged to the depths of the earth or even more under. And the sad part is there's nothing we can do other than to watch our downfall unfold. I feel so powerless, it is what it is, we have no choice but to swallow these negative stereotypes attached to us for the coming decades. There is no escape I'm afraid
WE NEED A GIANT GC TO MASS REPORT! If we don’t defend ourselves no one will.

