This beautiful, soft spoken woman sabotaged herself due to feminism


Old Head šŸ‘“šŸæ
Wasn't a 39 year old xalimo in a similar circumstance where she was divulging her life on YouTube. Also they're many men who are also not choosing to be married.

Live and let live, Allah has already written their fates and there's nothing you can do to change that. šŸ‘šŸæ


My mother completed her duty as a woman by birthing children and making use of the ability of child birth allah has blessed her with. That is the primary function of a woman which is to give birth and bear children and it comes over all other things and the rest comes after which also gauges her worth in other factors.

So what about Aisha, the wife of the Prophet saw who never gave birth at all? Do you consider her as not having worth?
That user is 16 or 17 year old šŸ˜‚

You guys need to learn to stop taking the opinions of ciyaal seriously on here.
At this point these kids just say it to be trolls and be edgy. Iā€™d like to think if he was to sit there and think about it, he wouldnā€™t necessarily agree with that sentiment AT all.


Stop Trudeau's Black racism and mass immigration
Staff Member
She's very pretty on the inside and on the outside. She likely faced mental health concerns or the common Black woman hesitancy of vulnerability. But she's a top quality and deserves top quality.


A man without a šŸ« won't be praised in afterlife
I hate this mindset in our community that you need to have children at a certain age. Itā€™s no wonder there is so many issues pertaining to the youth when our parents view us but nothing as a check box.
If you can whats stopping you and you must have a really valid reason to not and other qualities/attributes that outweigh your duty for childbirth.
Somalis have increasingly high divorce rates and itā€™s mostly via youngsters marrying very early. Iā€™m not knocking young marriages, but itā€™s worth mentioning since if a woman does marry by 21 and gets a divorce since sometimes many that marry early donā€™t do heavy vetting or at least wait for a man that ticks most of their boxes, they will later on mock that same woman for being a divorced woman and thus ā€˜undesirableā€™.

I want women to understand that men who talk this way will always find a way to mock and look down on you. Even older 45+ mothers whoā€™ve birthed kids are looked down upon for being ā€˜old and saggyā€™. We k know this since that seems to be a manā€™s go to insult towards a middle aged lady. Also many women are even left by their partners for being now older and unattractive and itā€™s normalized amongst a segment of Somali men to such an extent theyā€™ll say stuff like ā€˜ why are you always still sitting around Islaanta, get yourself a younger wifeā€™.

All in all, men who talk the way certain boys are talking will always devalue you. Being a woman is enough for them to think youā€™re just an object with one propose that they think they can toss out.