This Country is Full of Braindead People With No Pride Letting Any Youtuber in to Defame Them


What happened to being a unionist? Why do you always switch your views every other day. What happened to going on break Pinkythebrain. Every other thing you say is a lie, who knows your stories might be fake too
Yoir naive to think that i was ever a unionist. When I made that thread it was out of sympathy. No offence but why would we want to reunite with Somalia when it's literally a failed state? let's be forreal.
Yoir naive to think that i was ever a unionist. When I made that thread it was out of sympathy. No offence but why would we want to reunite with Somalia when it's literally a failed state? let's be forreal.
You are somalia, there is no sland its just a bunch of snm rebels in suit. Your only source of legitmacy, the bargaining chip ... the british colonial border. Even that is falling apart. The election is happening in a few days now, the time for sland to become independant is long gone. only people left supporting it is qabilists, crazy people and oromos.
Somaliland will progress much quicker.
Alhamdullilah if Somaliland progresses quicker. I wish for all my Somalis to improve their circumsances.

I don't see it as a competition. If anything Somaliland and Puntland destroy the image of a perpetual conflict ridden Somali region. It's easy to see why because of the lack foreign intervention messing it up.

This guy has been to Afghanistan Pakistan Yemen he’s an extreme traveler and content producer

This is what i said in my first post. He is farming extreme travel content for viewership and these lot are singling Somalia out .
Alhamdullilah if Somaliland progresses quicker. I wish for all my Somalis to improve their circumsances.

I don't see it as a competition. If anything Somaliland and Puntland destroy the image of a perpetual conflict ridden Somali region. It's easy to see why because of the lack foreign intervention messing it up.

This is what i said in my first post. He is farming extreme travel content for viewership and these lot are singling Somalia out .
Let them watch the Afghanistan video,he didn’t even say anything bad just highlighted a few things
Go and take your medication aren't you autistic.
Subanallah how am I autistic? why are you resorting to personal attacks and insults? Dont worry I dont really care but its more of a reflection of your character and how weak your position is. Look I have nothing against northerners they are no different to us. But a foreign funded rebel group known as SNM along with ethiopian conspirators are dividing us. A very few are falling for it. all the people I know from there are for greater somali state.
@Sigmundd focus on somaliland. Somalia is improving and will continue to improve. Inshallah isaaq get ictiraaf, I’m getting sick of y’all using our hardships to insult us.


@Sigmundd focus on somaliland. Somalia is improving and will continue to improve. Inshallah isaaq get ictiraaf, I’m getting sick of y’all using our hardships to insult us.
That video triggered me I can't lie so I apologise if I lashed out but some of yall need to also stop dragging Somaliland at every moment you guys have.


Focus on failed state Somalia always there to ruin any decent image left for somalis. Genuinely can't wait for the day Somaliland breaks away from Somalia smh
In your dreams

More than 30 years a still no progress.

Use our passports to travel and still have the arrogance to rebel
Alhamdullilah if Somaliland progresses quicker. I wish for all my Somalis to improve their circumsances.

I don't see it as a competition. If anything Somaliland and Puntland destroy the image of a perpetual conflict ridden Somali region. It's easy to see why because of the lack foreign intervention messing it up.

This is what i said in my first post. He is farming extreme travel content for viewership and these lot are singling Somalia out .

Of course I'm going to single out Somalia. Firstly, I wasn't aware of extreme travel, and secondly, Somalia is my country. I want it to move forward, attract investment, and improve. These outdated narratives aren’t helpful in fact they’re used to insult us, and they’re 30 years old. We need to move on from them. Also since when did Mogadishu pirates
@Sigmundd focus on somaliland. Somalia is improving and will continue to improve. Inshallah isaaq get ictiraaf, I’m getting sick of y’all using our hardships to insult us.
Lmaao wipe your tears. They have their own hardships , i could make a whole detailed list of it

I have spoken about Somaliland before and said that they hold themselves back with this rabid recognition seeking and should postpone it and adopt Taiwan's approach they don't have recognition and they don't actively seek, but they maintain autonomy and developed in spite of it

Recognition seeking just makes it embroiled in diplomatic isolation, lack of access to global markets, loss of ties, conflict and economic retaliation


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
It was a good video overall, hes much more balanced than the Russian one
That video triggered me I can't lie so I apologise if I lashed out but some of yall need to also stop dragging Somaliland at every moment you guys have.
No one dragged somaliland until you started slagging Somalia off, be fr.
Lmaao wipe your tears. They have their own hardships , i could make a whole detailed list of it
Tf are you being condescending for? Did I ever say that somaliland didn’t go through any hardships? There’s a difference between acknowledging hardships and using them to put others down. Wipe your tears kulaha dfkm 🤣
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