This pic is so sad

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Don't give me links to what your atheist brother wrote. Somalia, and all the so called poor Muslim nations, where muslims for thousands of years. Your interloping, unwanted missionaries is what destroys a country. Those missionaries always fail to take the religion away from someone and replace it, but it was a success on you. Why don't they ever make articles on those poor Christian nations, e.g. Armenia, Georgia, Romania.
How do people in Somalia's plains, living with no water pray?

What are you talking about do you mean how they wudu/weyseeyso with out water ?

It is called tayammum Quran chapter 5 verse 6
O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and do not find water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and hands with it. Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful
What are you talking about do you mean how they wudu/weyseeyso with out water ?

It is called tayammum Quran chapter 5 verse 6
O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and do not find water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and hands with it. Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful

I know this but didn't state it, but few know this. They where born on Plains, hardly know how to make Wudu, so what makes you think they know Tayammum.
Don't give me links to what your atheist brother wrote. Somalia, and all the so called poor Muslim nations, where muslims for thousands of years. Your interloping, unwanted missionaries is what destroys a country. Those missionaries always fail to take the religion away from someone and replace it, but it was a success on you. Why don't they ever make articles on those poor Christian nations, e.g. Armenia, Georgia, Romania.

War niin wareersan batahey about missionaries taking away my religion :lebronwtf: and Gallup being a atheist link from my brother :snoop: countries being Muslim for thousands of years when Islam only existed for 1400 years
I know this but didn't state it, but few know this. They where born on Plains, hardly know how to make Wudu, so what makes you think they know Tayammum.

You asked how they make wudu and i answered, now weather they know about
Tayammum or not i haven't the slightest faint of idea by the way how do you know they don't know how to make wudu ? a country that turned deeply religious and have regular Quran teachings from a young age i would say one of the 1st things they learn is how to make wudu and how to pray.
You asked how they make wudu and i answered, now weather they know about
Tayammum or not i haven't the slightest faint of idea by the way how do you know they don't know how to make wudu ? a country that turned deeply religious and have regular Quran teachings from a young age i would say one of the 1st things they learn is how to make wudu and how to pray.

Poor Nomads don't have that wider knowledge of the Deen. My relatives back in Somalia know how to make wudu only using water.


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Poor Nomads don't have that wider knowledge of the Deen. My relatives back in Somalia know how to make wudu only using water.
My father told me when he was young geeljire he passed by a house where there was this elderly lady making salaad and he could hear her say "alahayow rida madow caaneheeda cadeeyey adaan kucaabuday", she would stand and go to sujuud then repeat the same words.
when she finished my father asked her who tought her how pray like that. she said there is this wadaad who only comes to her once a month.
when ever comes he would teach few things.

The nomads their knowladge of the deen was little.
What has that to do with anything ? By the way no wonder your backward clinging on to the past forever stuck in the 7th century unable to move past the 7th century:kanyehmm:, anyway have a good day

You asked a question, I gave you evidence. AND Don't wish me a good day you bastard, probably want me to bump into your atheist preaching fuckers.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
My father told me when he was young geeljire he passed by a house where there was this elderly lady making salaad and he could hear her say "alahayow rida madow caaneheeda cadeeyey adaan kucaabuday", she would stand and go to sujuud then repeat the same words.
when she finished my father asked her who tought her how pray like that. she said there is this wadaad who only comes to her once a month.
when ever comes he would teach few things.

The nomads their knowladge of the deen was little.

My mum told me exactly the samething the other day. Reer baadiye's knowlege when it comes to deen was very limited back in the days.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
It's more disheartening seeing somalis in the West wearing these dustbin in public. A Somali can be spotted from a mile away due to wearing these bin bags in shocking colours.

We need to educate somalis here first before we can even influence somalis back home.

So sad to see really.
It's more disheartening seeing somalis in the West wearing these dustbin in public. A Somali can be spotted from a mile away due to wearing these bin bags in shocking colours.

We need to educate somalis here first before we can even influence somalis back home.

So sad to see really.

Life is short, you can't impress everyone.
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