This post is so true

Only three of these guys were actual presidents who ruled over a country. After Siad Barre the rest are just bunker presidents or Mogadishu administrators.
You and the OP tweeter should have listed the reasons for your dislike for the 2 presidents AUN. Great men and good character. From what point of view are you guys slandering these 2 men? Please tell us. No need to do UNO reverse here.

The mere fact they respected human rights and the celling of freedom was very high during their reign. They also handled transition of power very well the first in it's kind in Africa.

Aside from Cabdi Qassim Salad & Farmajo (who were powerless ceremonial figures) every "president" who came after Aden & Sharmarke have blood on their hands and subjugated their people to unbelievable levels of violence and abuse.
You would defend your qabil aswell I seen it first hand I dont even disagree im poitning out your Double standards. I can defend my qabil but you cannot What the hell is that I can see where The nick name comes from now


The first president remains the best by the simple fact that he was a man of integrity and efficiency. He didn't covet power but instead used it like a head of state would. Second wasn't all too bad and Barre started strong but didn't plan the war well enough. Everyone else is crap.

