Three members of a Somali sex gang who groomed, raped and subjected British schoolgirls...

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Again, let's look at nations that do have the death penalty, America for example. What we find is that the states that carry out the death penalty, have had death row inmates who've been executed and later posthumously relieved all convictions. However, it was too late. Similar observations can be made in other nations.

Also, I don't know where you're from but convictions aren't apprehended due to the slightest doubt, it's apprehended on the pretext that there's reasonable doubt. If the jury has any reasonable doubt, then the death penalty will not be upheld.

Moreover, how I would feel if this happened to me is irrelevant. Justice is not served by the victims or their family, justice is served by the State. I live in Britain, and over here if you commit a crime, you've broke the Queens laws. Emotions are irrational and so I will not entertain your question.

In Britain and America there are ridiculous reoffending rates but the reasons are pretty clear. These nations punish the inmate rather than reform them or help them. So your studies are irrelevant because they don't address my point. If the state will not try and reform the individual, then the individual will have no reason to reform. Look st Norway, it has some of the lowest reoffending rates in the world if not the lowest. Why is that? Because the state puts emphasis on helping the individual build themselves into decent citizens rather than treat them as outlaws who needs to be punished and rejected.

Furthermore, when has killing ever solved anything? Now your just being cynical.

Now you’re just recycling your points, I’ve already said that should the capital punishment be re-established things should change so your “wrong convictions” argument is getting really old really quickly.

Again, I don’t know why you’re talking about how things are already. Maybe you’re confused because I’m talking about how things should change if the death penalty is restored.

You’ve broken the government’s laws, they make the laws the Queen only passes them, it’s not as though she has a choice, she must pass the laws or it’s goodbye monarchy. Also, if you’re found guilty or not is up to the jury so technically Justice is served by the people.

“Emotions are irrational” lmaooo okaaaay Ted Bundy, though science says otherwise.

So, you’re saying murderers and rapists and such criminals should get off scotch free? Are you having a laugh? They’re not children, they know wrong from right, you’re starting to sound ridiculous.

Well lets go back to basics, killing has helped us to live e.g. the killing of animals


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This is an old story from two years ago @Laila :fantasia2:

Why is this story still getting reposted and recycled?. Notice how DailyMail are always looking for someone and/or something to blame for crimes committed by non-ethnic British.

This is an old political trick, never turn down a chance to let bad news be used as propaganda in your favor


What I don't get is how can any farah rape in the UK when sex is available everywhere + prostitutes.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I remember when crime watch was reporting Somali rapists on the loose. So embarrassing :mjcry:


Pepe Trump
Now you’re just recycling your points, I’ve already said that should the capital punishment be re-established things should change so your “wrong convictions” argument is getting really old really quickly.

Again, I don’t know why you’re talking about how things are already. Maybe you’re confused because I’m talking about how things should change if the death penalty is restored.

You’ve broken the government’s laws, they make the laws the Queen only passes them, it’s not as though she has a choice, she must pass the laws or it’s goodbye monarchy. Also, if you’re found guilty or not is up to the jury so technically Justice is served by the people.

“Emotions are irrational” lmaooo okaaaay Ted Bundy, though science says otherwise.

So, you’re saying murderers and rapists and such criminals should get off scotch free? Are you having a laugh? They’re not children, they know wrong from right, you’re starting to sound ridiculous.

Well lets go back to basics, killing has helped us to live e.g. the killing of animals

Ok, I don't know if you're just being cynical or whether you're actually being serious. Whether you reform the death penalty or not isn't the point. The point is that there will always be the risk of wrong convictions. No matter how well you try and tighten up any loopholes for mistakes, there will be a loophole. It's more human to not kill that man and give him a chance to reflect and change rather than taking away all hope.

The death penalty is an ancient act that we as a society (at least in the developed world) have evolved to despise. The death penalty creates a pretext that killing is justified at certain conditions. Killing is always wrong no matter why it's done. Sometimes you have a reason and sometimes you don't but nonetheless, it's always wrong.

What are you on about?? Emotions are irrational in that it pushes you to out feelings above reason. We see this all the time when families blame people who are accused of murder who they later were innocent. They've decided to out feelings over the pretext of "innocent until proven guilty". The courts do not prove you are guilty, they prove the evidence states your guilty. You can be relieved of any crime.

Moreover, I think you perfectly well know that that's not what u was talking about. I'm talking about people killing each other. I'm not talking about people killing each other ok the dawn of man to survive. I'm talking about people killing each other over greed, land, religion, hate and so on. I think you perfectly well knew I wasn't talking about animals.

Also, I have not said that criminals should get away with their crimes?? How on earth did you pick that up?? I said they should serve their sentences in prison, alive and actually being given the incentive to change. Killing murderers doesn't prove murder is wrong, it proves murder (which means unlawful killing) is wrong. If they had not broken the law, it's fine.


This is an old story from two years ago @Laila :fantasia2:

Why is this story still getting reposted and recycled?. Notice how DailyMail are always looking for someone and/or something to blame for crimes committed by non-ethnic British.

This is an old political trick, never turn down a chance to let bad news be used as propaganda in your favor

I don't care. I was on break from studying.
Obviously there should be extensive steps taken to avoid excuting the wrong person. You have to be 100% certain, the evidence is 100% there
Extensive steps are already being taken to avoid wrongful convictions. They still happen.

I think your problem is that you think it's possible to create a flawless system of justice.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
What's with men and rape? They can literally pay a prostitute to have sex with instead of forcing themselves into women, in this case young girls. Disgusting.
Weren't they running a sex ring in Minnesota a couple years ago. The 30 plus members who got locked up included
female pimps.

But its a UK thing after extensive studies:denzelnigga:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
yeah you can't actually get away with organized shit anymore unless you live in a country without a viable penal code
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