Time line of the history of Mogadishu, a multiethnic city.

I agree with the first part that mentioned the Arab origins of Mogadishu.
I knew that Cerulli believed the sultan of Mogadishu was bantu and that the area was inhabited by swahili like bantus but it seems unlikely to me.
Bantus in somalia are mainly not-swahili (except bajunis) no swahili like dialect has survived in Mogadishu. Ibn battuta says the sultan was of "barbara" which indicates he wasn't a bantu, ibn battuta never used the word zanj. To my understanding arabs knew the difference between zanj(bantus), berbers(cushitic peoples) and abyssinians.
Grant has a Bantu agenda, and is usually anti-Somali.

@Farabuuto is likely Waaqo, a habesha troll.

I wouldnt take either too serious.


the man was somali from zeila stop the historical revisionism bro hes even mentioned in somali and arab sources as a somali

either report some real history or get out of here man we dont need some troll material in the history section:camby:

This isn't trolling bro.
It's just asking legitimate questions, if you have arab sources mentioning him as somalis I'll be more than happy to accept it and retract my statements
funny thing is the benediri community migrated to powerfull somali sultanates the ajuraans in the 1500s and adopted the somali language and culture if arabs founded mogadishu then the somali immigrants to the city would speak arabic and adopt to the dominant arab culture which didnt happen

either way mogadishu has been somali since the time of the city states even the romans and greeks called the inhabitants dark skinned berbers its all written and recorded history
I don't agree with the logic but anyway, I never seen Greeks and Romans refer to the people of Mosylon as dark skinned berbers. Interesting


lol @ foreign trolll. So you don't believe me when I'm tellign u that Sada Mire made the claim he was a foreign Arab?

Please buy the book :yloezpe:
:gucciwhat: she never said he was a foreign arab you fool she said the gravesites of aw barkhadle predate islam not that aw barkhadle was a foreigner she mentions that the graves were an old waaq gravesite later replaced with the grave of aw barkhadle and his masjid and thats were the arab myth of somalis originated from that was the point she was trying to make

also that since the waaq graves were converted to aw barkhadles tomb it got replaced by Islam thous giving the somalis a foreign Arab origin
This isn't trolling bro.
It's just asking legitimate questions, if you have arab sources mentioning him as somalis I'll be more than happy to accept it and retract my statements
Don't ask them anymore. It's just gonna spiral into name-calling. If they have no reason or proof for their rant then let it speka for itself.

You posted good stuff btw


Grant has a Bantu agenda, and is usually anti-Somali.

@Farabuuto is likely Waaqo, a habesha troll.

I wouldnt take either too serious.
spot on farabuto is definitely that Ethiopian troll their both similar i always had the feeling grants is not realy a white man but some African American with extreme hatred of Somalis who stole an identity he hasnt returned since i exposed him as such
and you are???? you just just entered the thread with nothing productive and u just dismissed 3 people's points without proof.

Get a grip "embarassing"
Lol 3? I've been on here long enough to know Grants angle and read enough of your posts to realize youre not Somali.

Thats enough.
:gucciwhat: she never said he was a foreign arab you fool she said the gravesites of aw barkhadle predate islam not that aw barkhadle was a foreigner she mentions that the graves were an old waaq gravesite later replaced with the grave of aw barkhadle and his masjid and thats were the arab myth of somalis originated from that was the point she was trying to make

also that since the waaq graves were converted to aw barkhadles tomb it got replaced by Islam thous giving the somalis a foreign Arab origin
She literally mentions he's Arab on this page...did you even read the book? :draketf:


@Samaalic Era if u think I was kidding. Here you go


lol @ foreign trolll. So you don't believe me when I'm tellign u that Sada Mire made the claim he was a foreign Arab?

Please buy the book :yloezpe:
I've also read that he was arab from Sada Mire.
But there is a very important point we should mention.
Arab and persians origins are exaggerated among muslim peoples, even in the swahili coast historians found out that the so called shirazi(persian) influence among swahilis was largely exaggerated by the desire of the people to claim ancient muslim ancestry. Persians were not the same as arab but it was still prestigious to claim them.
This could also explain Aw Barkhadle being mentioned as a sharif, at the end of the day even most somali clans claim an arab genealogy despite not being arab


She literally mentions he's Arab on this page...did you even read the book? :draketf:

View attachment 112376

@Samaalic Era if u think I was kidding. Here you go
Ok to beh honest the fact she says "oral sources" isn't a proof of Aw barkhadle arabness.
According to oral sources daroods, isaaqs etc are all arabs but this has been largely disproven so it's likely he was a local who claimed arabic lineage for religious purposes.
Aw barkhadle is considered as the founder of the walashma dinasy. The walashma claimed to descend from Aqeel ibn Abu taleb and it's interesting to note all ethnic somali clans claim to descend from aqeel.
It's seems the "aqeel genaolgy" is fictitious thing invented by ethnic somalis
Ok to beh honest the fact she says "oral sources" isn't a proof of Aw barkhadle arabness.
According to oral sources daroods, isaaqs etc are all arabs but this has been largely disproven so it's likely he was a local who claimed arabic lineage for religious purposes.
Aw barkhadle is considered as the founder of the walashma dinasy. The walashma claimed to descend from Aqeel ibn Abu taleb and it's interesting to note all ethnic somali clans claim to descend from aqeel.
It's seems the "aqeel genaolgy" is fictitious thing invented by ethnic somalis
Why would a local religious preacher just casually lie about his heritage? An imam would never do that. and I agree on the Walashma geneaology. It makes no sense

and I asked him if Sada Mire mentioned Aw Barkhadle was from somewhere else...still waiting


ok?? Did she mention he was from somewhere else in the book then? If so post it.
Another point that makes me doubt he was arab is the fact that there are no arabs in northern somalia.
Arabs always leave a strong trace but there is no evidence of s large arab community in norther somalia. In benadir we have cadcads as a living proof of arab settlement but that's not the case with somaliland and puntland. The only " arabs " are the arab Salah and mehri(not actual arabs) who are virtually indistinguishable from other somalis
It's unlike that Aw barkhadle was jus one missionary guy from arabia in a land with very few arabs.
I'm more inclined to accept arab theories about Mogadishu and that's why I made this post, but the north has few evidence of Arab settlement.
The northern somali coast didn't have natural harbours or resources to attract substantial arab migration.


Why would a local religious preacher just casually lie about his heritage? An imam would never do that. and I agree on the Walashma geneaology. It makes no sense

and I asked him if Sada Mire mentioned Aw Barkhadle was from somewhere else...still waiting

Well Sada Marie says that somalis oral history says that Aw barkhadle was from arabia.
We have no proof of Aw barkhadle himself claiming to be Arab.
Sada Mire just reported a local tradition.
Somalis have long tradition of changing somali names in their genealogy to arab ones.


Your ad hominem is air to me. Go talk to Grant or something. I ain't got time to talk air.
waaqo stop the lies she never claimed aw barkhadle was a forighner she was simply explaining that somalis predate islamic exitence and dont come from arab migrants

stop misquoting her :draketf:



By the way this is not a black and white issue.
I always see that this sub is divided between somali nationalist claiming everything is 100% somali and and anti -somali people claiming somalis have nothing to do with their own country.
If my timeline is roughly correct it means that we are the only people in africa that were influenced and not conquered or assimilated by the arabs.
Berbers got conquered and assimilated
Nubians got conquered and assimilated
Swahili bantus got conquered and partially assimilated.
Somalis on the other hand took over an Arab settlement, ruled Mogadishu alongside arabs and got influenced without being assimilated.
Somalis also influenced the arabs settlers and basically turned them into somali.
It's a unique case in africa, in most other places arabs never speak the local language while in somalia we have cadcads who look like straight from yemen and they speak somali as their native language.

Same thing with aw barkhadle.
Unless we find the guy and dna test him there is no 100% proof to identify his ethnicity. It's likely he was somali but nobody can be 100%sure.

