Toronto somalis are a different breed

Djiboutians have little presence in Toronto. Almost all live in Ottawa and a minority in Quebec. Somali degeneracy in Canada comes primarily from Yaaqshid, Puntland, and Gabiley people in Toronto. Djiboutians have class.
Gabiley? 😂 be fr. Gabiley is a small area. There’s not even that many of us period, let alone enough in Toronto to make a presence

Most Somalis in Toronto are reer muqdisho and puntland anyway


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Gabiley? 😂 be fr. Gabiley is a small town. There’s not even that much of us period, let alone enough in Toronto to make a presence

Most Somalis in Toronto are reer muqdisho and puntland

You just don't want to get pinned on the degeneracy. I know for a fact HA is top 3. Scarborough and North York was/is full of them but many have left for GTA suburbs and have scattered. I have inside knowledge of donation volume people made during a past Somaliland election to visiting party officials (they pocketed it). It won't be as apparent to you as people are not as clan obsessed anymore and people have passed.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
You just don't want to get pinned on the degeneracy. I know for a fact HA is top 3. Scarborough and North York was/is full of them but many have left for GTA suburbs and have scattered. I have inside knowledge of donation volume people made during a past Somaliland election to visiting party officials (they pocketed it). It won't be as apparent to you as people are not as clan obsessed anymore and people have passed.

Well, maybe things have shifted actually. There's too many Kenyan fobs there now.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
it’s true there’s a lot of denegeates here. they’re proud somalis. You’ll catch them smoking and drinking after friday jummah in a khamis with their ajnabi girlfriend
Few years ago there was 5 niggws smoking weed in the he basement of my local musjid during a khubtah. Unfortunately I was in the basement too at the time and hadbti plead my case that I was only there for wudu 💀