I don't respect you, take ur hate somewhere else.@CangeeroBear Even though you're a Tunnasangali that heavily contributes to the fishing sector of Somaliland. I still have respect for you exposing these Punanis.
I don't respect you, take ur hate somewhere else.@CangeeroBear Even though you're a Tunnasangali that heavily contributes to the fishing sector of Somaliland. I still have respect for you exposing these Punanis.
So what you are saying is that the dependence on foreign investments due to puntlands lack of foresight has caused the region to be dependent on others.What you are now supporting is the entrenching of such reliance instead of actually try to transform the existing institutions.This line of thinking is contradictory And was precisely why I said foreign
Reliance is not in any Somalis investment.
Think about it , all your reasons for sucking UAE off was due to lack of planning and foresight.For exampleThis kills the patient.
But, if, maybe... Someone needs to take your textbook away.Yes you could attribute the same thought process to
Xamar but if we had a democratic centralised state
The nation could allocate resources efficiently and rebuilt itself faster.Puntland will continue to stagnate as no "leader" of puntland has a vision.You are thinking in the now not 20,40 or 50 years ahead.The result is that you don't see the regions autonomy will simply weaken Somalia as a whole.
Furthermore I'm not only against puntland , I'm against all federalised states as they promote a division within the nation, this has been proven throughout history to stagnate political and hence economic growth.
It's a perpetual cycle , decentralisation of Somalia has made the FSG lose power hence it can't attend to the needs of its citizens.This causes the inherently separatist nature of Somalis to look else where for "investment".The key to fix this is to slowly push towards centralisation of Somalia.But, if, maybe... Someone needs to take your textbook away.
Without buzzwords this time, why Puntland getting investments from UAE makes Gaas a traitor and to whom? Why is Xamar's reliance on foreign money acceptable and not undermining Somalia? Is Xamar able to fill the void left by the UAE?
Where would Puntland get 100s of millions of dollars? How would it be able to built roads and ports without direct foreign investment?It's a perpetual cycle , decentralisation of Somalia has made the FSG lose power hence it can't attend to the needs of its citizens.This causes the inherently separatist nature of Somalis to look else where for "investment".The key to fix this is to slowly push towards centralisation of Somalia.
Your argument that there needs to be another country to help fill puntlands coffers exposes your lack of vision.A puntland state would try to reduce such reliance on outside sources instead of increase it as Gaas is doing.
How is he a traitor? He hasn’t done anything wrong unlike the deal between somaliland and UAE which includes a military base Puntland deal is to expand the port if anyone has a problem with Puntland getting investment to expand its port then you’re clearly an enemy of The people of Puntland.
How does he have the sujuud on his forehead yet still is a traitor.
A Push towards centralisation would fix Somalia as a whole.By Xamar if you mean a fully democratically elected government then yes.Such a government would push towards fixing the needs of the people throughout the nation whilst managing human and otherwise resources.Where would Puntland get 100s of millions of dollars? How would it be able to built roads and ports without direct foreign investment?
So what I understand here is that centralization solves the issue and Xamar can fill the financial void?
Shut up you bantu booty clapper you bring shame to bosaso with this foolishness doqonThis trash is a traitor. Insha Allah, a real wadani person will win the election in 2019.
A Push towards centralisation would fix Somalia as a whole.By Xamar if you mean a fully democratically elected government then yes.Such a government would push towards fixing the needs of the people throughout the nation whilst managing human and otherwise resources.
Puntlands budget is not in the hundreds of millions and it has been shown a large amount of investment is hindered due to corruption etc.The region of puntland would build roads just like how most successful nations do through revamping its economy.Now we won't go into the details of how but it's been shown that a democratic state decreases corruption and thus increases productivity.Such a state supports innovation and thus leads to better and better businesses to open up.These businesses can be taxed and used to rebuild the region.
Puntland itself is a selective system and thus why u see the large amount of corruption within the system.Lack of a democratic state has led it to not reach its full potential, however interestingly enough puntland is one of the most centralised regions of Somalia.This has led to an increase in effectiveness which can be seen throughout UN statistics.You could attribute this to the clan makeup of the region as well as , yes, foreign investment.My main point is that foreign investment causes limited growth especially in small states.
Don't be blind by qabilism. I want what's best for Puntland and this man is not providing.Shut up you bantu booty clapper you bring shame to bosaso with this foolishness doqon
You do not seem to understand. The pressure placed on Somalia by the UAE will disproportionately hurt Puntland as it is entirely dependent upon Dubai. What you are asking Puntland to do is to shoulder this burden on behalf of all of Somalia. Unlike Mogadishu, we do not have the backing of Qatar and Turkey who will fill in the void left behind by the UAE. Puntland has no guarantees from Farmaajo or Kheyre on whether or not they will pay the troops that are on the UAE's payroll in Puntland. Somalia has 2 ports that export livestock, Berbera and Bosaso. Somaliland has made clear which side it is on. What if the UAE declares all animal exports from Bosaso infected with RVF just before Hajj in August? Will Qatar or Turkey import what the UAE would have imported? Will Qatar start up a Doha-Bosaso route once the UAE shuts down flights to Bosaso? Almost all business operating in Puntland have their actual legal hqs in Dubai, will Qatar allow hundreds of businesses to shift over to Doha?
You are a little kid who does not understand what is actually at stake. Slogans and flag waving have no meaning in the material world.
I like @Inquisitive_ entrance to this thread, Somali pride shared with you? Pride in the eyes of moryaan is perpetual civil war in which they thrive. How disgusting for this moryaan to think I would share pride with such people.
We came to the truth of the matter in what @CangeeroBear said, the destruction of Puntland and of course the moryaan agrees it's his whole purpose for life. Being able to strike deals on our own, venture and invest in our own region is the root cause of their hatred. To be called traitor or selling out by baseborn scum you share no interest with is disgusting to me. To whom do we owe loyalty to reer Puntland? Ourselves or moryaans.