Tribal elder advises the father of Luul to forgive her killer and give him another wife.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Usually I don’t trust what that twitter user posts but i watched the video and this man Suldaan Hooley advises the father of Luul Abdelazizz to forgive the killer and give his other daughter to the man who killed Luul.

I can’t believe this man was given a platform on some sort of Somali channel and is spouting this. You can fight me on this and much as you want, but Somali society is incredibly misogynistic. The lives of women aren’t valued and this man has such little value for women that he’ll advise that a greedy father forgive the man that burnt his daughter alive and in fact give him another daughter to potentially kill.

And before you argue with me and say it’s ’one man’ it’s been several and they’re been vocal.
Hes not a real tribal elder but a grifter and known as a joke across social media. He doesnt represent no one but himself.


It is Somali culture for men to band together and defend their most heinous male clan members. From child rapists to arsonists like this loser. I can pull up a thread, where a clan defended a child rapist, and claimed he 'married' his victim, and they argued that 'stolen girls/secret marriage always happens in our culture'.

The real law in Somalia, is for men to defend men no matter what, especially if that man is their clan member. What matters most, is the male population, because more men means more strength and more lives to sacrifice to protect the wells and grazing land.
Women are not innocent, here they are defending their tribal cousin who burned his wife. Admittedly tho, the usual suspects :jaynerd:

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
I use to glamorize moving back home until I got humbled by the rampant misogyny masked as deen and dhaqan there. You inherent worth is diminished to your "womanhood". Don't get me wrong, I love love being a woman but imagine your own people treating you second class and denying you your human rights which men easily get.

I know diaspora women who went to volunteer back home. I have stories. You can be more knowledgeable, wiser, and experienced in a certain field . They will resent you for that, try to humble you while also wanting to exploit your skills. You will be paid peanuts, compared to the lazy mouth breathing male coworker who is 3 times divorcee and a khat chewer. Do not work in the government or volunteer ngo's if you are an educated somali woman. You will be a passive enabler to these misogynist by filling their pockets with the opportunities you CREATED and they will use the money to create more dysfunction and ruin more women and girls lives.

Somalia will never prosper as long as the men continue these injustices against women and girls..

Comedy Central GIF by Another Period
This is why Somalia is in the state it is in. There is no justice.

What even shocked me more was to see women protesting and defending Sayd Ali due to being the same tribe/ related to him. Why would you defend someone who killed a woman in such a cruel way. Putting tribe over woman's rights is crazy.
Women are not innocent, here they are defending their tribal cousin who burned his wife. Admittedly tho, the usual suspects :jaynerd:

Obviously women will do what is parroted to them by the men at home, it's called patriarchal brainwashing. There is a difference between defending your miskeen clansman (in a civilised manner) and wielding guns to defend an arsonist, it's clear there is extreme behaviour here.
I use to glamorize moving back home until I got humbled by the rampant misogyny masked as deen and dhaqan there. You inherent worth is diminished to your "womanhood". Don't get me wrong, I love love being a woman but imagine your own people treating you second class and denying you your human rights which men easily get.

I know diaspora women who went to volunteer back home. I have stories. You can be more knowledgeable, wiser, and experienced in a certain field . They will resent you for that, try to humble you while also wanting to exploit your skills. You will be paid peanuts, compared to the lazy mouth breathing male coworker who is 3 times divorcee and a khat chewer. Do not work in the government or volunteer ngo's if you are an educated somali woman. You will be a passive enabler to these misogynist by filling their pockets with the opportunities you CREATED and they will use the money to create more dysfunction and ruin more women and girls lives.

Somalia will never prosper as long as the men continue these injustices against women and girls..

Comedy Central GIF by Another Period

I feel like misogyny in Somalia is intermittent bullshit, depending on what's going on. What you've explained for instance, sure you'd be fine walking around, but the minute you enter the professional world, you see their true faces. Of course not all, but even the self-declared 'good guys' are passive enablers.

There is also varied levels of misogyny depending on families and location and that's why you don't see more women speaking up. Back home, girls and women are busy thinking about survival, and patriarchal bullshit, is probably seen as trivial. On the bright side, the 'Dumarland' trend on TikTok, shows that girls/women are fed up, and also willing to unite based on gender across clan lines, even if it looks like it is in jest.

1. Political seats, misogyny - women get lucky depending on their own confidence and family backing. But there is heavy opposition.
2. Nuclear families- traditional job roles, not seen as misogyny by women, sadly, but there is a thing where girls/women have to do way more than the male counterparts in the family. Even when it's a boy that isn't even bringing in money to make up for the lack of chores he does.
3. Socially- I think not bad at all, girls/women just move around, but I need to check if they experience catcalling and insults.

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Obviously women will do what is parroted to them by the men at home, it's called patriarchal brainwashing. There is a difference between defending your miskeen clansman (in a civilised manner) and wielding guns to defend an arsonist, it's clear there is extreme behaviour here.
There should be accountability on both sides even though males are the origniators of Qabyaalad. Certain women at times fan the flames of tribalism and propogate it screaming tolaayaaaay aaaaah tooooolkaygiii meeeeh aaaaaaaah
There should be accountability on both sides even though males are the origniators of Qabyaalad. Certain women at times fan the flames of tribalism and propogate it screaming tolaayaaaay aaaaah tooooolkaygiii meeeeh aaaaaaaah

Of course women will scream 'Tolaay' when their families are attacked, guess what happens if their male relatives get killed? They will be the first ones to be raped, nowadays they're even killing girls and women.

The real issue here, is misogyny, so a girl can defend her clan all day long, but the day that a male relative's life is at risk, guess who will be chosen?


Women are not innocent, here they are defending their tribal cousin who burned his wife. Admittedly tho, the usual suspects :jaynerd:
She said ciyaal suuq iyo alkoliiste waa inow joogaan and the next cut is of her tapping the ak :mjlol: Do you see any other hawiye clan screaming on camera as much these people? The guy has to be executed swiftly

^Here they are in Xamar a few days ago.


Of course women will scream 'Tolaay' when their families are attacked, guess what happens if their male relatives get killed? They will be the first ones to be raped, nowadays they're even killing girls and women.

The real issue here, is misogyny, so a girl can defend her clan all day long, but the day that a male relative's life is at risk, guess who will be chosen?
Xeer baa jirta and we're Muslim people, not sure of all Somalis but the dhaqan im familiar with even if there is clan warfare, women and children are never touched. Think of any tribal war going on in Somalia right now, its only the men killing each other, waa dhaqan xumo in dumar la laayo. And i havent heard of mass rapes when a tribe has a victory over another tribe.Gang rapes happen, isolated rapes happen yes, but ive never heard of a mass rape of women upon a tribal victory. If you have enlighten me.
Xeer baa jirta and we're Muslim people, not sure of all Somalis but the dhaqan im familiar with even if there is a clan warfare women and children are never touch. Think of any tribal war going on in Somalia right now, its only the men killing each other, waa dhaqan xumo in dumar la laayo. And i havent heard of mass rapes when a tribe has a victory over another tribe.Gang rapes happen, isolated rapes happen yes, but ive never heard of a mass rape of women upon a tribal victory. If you have enlighten me.

Are you serious? Guess what USC was doing to Daarood women in the 1991? Mass rape of girls and women. They of course did the same to unarmed minorities like the CadCads etc.Again, when Marehan + Habar Gidir joined forces to invade Kismaayo, girls and women were also raped. Siad Barre's regime, employed the same tactics, red beret soldiers raped girls and women in Nugaal and Mudug. I can go on and on and this is all documented by the way, check human rights reports.

There have been numerous incidents of mass rape in Somali history.


Are you serious? Guess what USC was doing to Daarood women in the 1991? Mass rape of girls and women. They of course did the same to unarmed minorities like the CadCads etc.Again, when Marehan + Habar Gidir joined forces to invade Kismaayo, girls and women were also raped. Siad Barre's regime, employed the same tactics, red beret soldiers raped girls and women in Nugaal and Mudug. I can go on and on and this is all documented by the way, check human rights reports.

There have been numerous incidents of mass rape in Somali history.
Totally forgot about the civil war sheesh
Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent

Usually I don’t trust what that twitter user posts but i watched the video and this man Suldaan Hooley advises the father of Luul Abdelazizz to forgive the killer and give his other daughter to the man who killed Luul.

I can’t believe this man was given a platform on some sort of Somali channel and is spouting this. You can fight me on this and much as you want, but Somali society is incredibly misogynistic. The lives of women aren’t valued and this man has such little value for women that he’ll advise that a greedy father forgive the man that burnt his daughter alive and in fact give him another daughter to potentially kill.

And before you argue with me and say it’s ’one man’ it’s been several and they’re been vocal.
This guy
I dont believe this is Somali culture if it was this kinda rhetoric would followed us too the diaspora, all somalis are not equal in dhaqan and this is a clear cut example.

”It’s been several & vocal”. I dont disagree even on their tiktok lives they are all defending him, only one clan oppose their criminals being apprehended.
That clan is very troublesome even their women are supporting this criminal
I do think that Somalis need to sit together and discuss HG behaviour at some point. At some point when you are always the 'common denominator'. It means there is a huge sickness within the leadership of this clan/organisation. I don't think there is a clan in Somalia that has the same track record when it comes to crimes. Even unarmed minority girls didn't escape their clutches, till this day, they squat in stolen houses across South Somalia. And they have forced themselves into towns and cities they never inhabited prior to the civil war. Look at the demographics, and political and clan conflicts in Marka and Barawe for god's sake. It's 2024, and they're still at it.

Even when you discuss the civil war, within Hawiye, they tend to point the finger at HG when it comes to rape and stealing houses/land.


We purpose we send all tribal elders to care homes, why do folk take the opinions of people who can't switch from HDMI1 to HDMI2.
Somali misogyny is not discussed enough. Of course this varies depending on nuclear families and so forth.

I think we underestimate how many of them really act like women are lesser beings. The only saving grace Somali women have, is that they are forced to work and thus, have the ability to survive without a man. I think Somali diaspora women should band together and find ways to fund Somali girl education and small business loans. The more freedom Somali girls/women have, the less control these monsters have. Less chance of reproductive abuse, less chance of marrying a man for money etc.

But first, awareness must be raised. There are diasporan women, with amazing fathers, who have no idea how sick they can be back home.
That’s literally the saving grace and men use that so called freedom Somali women have due to the rampant neglect of women which means a Somali woman has to be somewhat resourceful and have freedoms outside of her home if not her and her children will literally starve.

The men use it as some sort of ‘gotcha’ moment to suggest that Somali society isn’t indeed misogynistic. Let’s be real, that privilege stems from the fact that in today’s world, many men have one foot in and one foot out. If they force women to have no income and no way to provide, the men won’t be able to easily move on and marry and impregnate their next victim whilst abandoning their first set of kids. This so called ‘freedom’ is only allowed due to the benefit it offers many Somali men and it’s the reason why being a dead beat isn’t stigmatized and why courts don’t come after Somali men.

Furthermore, this benefit allows men and misogynistic women to be misogynistic towards girls and utilize traditionalism of what women are meant to do whilst expecting their female children to provide for them like a son. They’ll force their daughters to do all the housework and wake up early whilst their sons lounge about since they’re ‘men’ and should work outside of the house. But down the line, they’re the first to expect their daughters to also work outside of the house and send money as well. In many cases their sons are useless and don’t provide enough monitory value despite using future work and provision as a reason why a son can live a life of leisure. Half of remittances is due to the finances of Somali women.

Early marriages of 12-14 is still normalized, women doing everything and overworked like a donkey is still normalized and even know the death of a woman has been normalized by tribe obsessed evil men who think the burning of a woman is of no consequence.

As for your suggestion, I totally agree. We do need to band together and try to focus on giving our girls back home the best opportunities so that they can avoid being used like donkeys.
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I use to glamorize moving back home until I got humbled by the rampant misogyny masked as deen and dhaqan there. You inherent worth is diminished to your "womanhood". Don't get me wrong, I love love being a woman but imagine your own people treating you second class and denying you your human rights which men easily get.

I know diaspora women who went to volunteer back home. I have stories. You can be more knowledgeable, wiser, and experienced in a certain field . They will resent you for that, try to humble you while also wanting to exploit your skills. You will be paid peanuts, compared to the lazy mouth breathing male coworker who is 3 times divorcee and a khat chewer. Do not work in the government or volunteer ngo's if you are an educated somali woman. You will be a passive enabler to these misogynist by filling their pockets with the opportunities you CREATED and they will use the money to create more dysfunction and ruin more women and girls lives.

Somalia will never prosper as long as the men continue these injustices against women and girls..

Comedy Central GIF by Another Period
There’s no hope in this country