Trump has won, FGS/HAG have lost.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
If that happens Al shabab gonna steam roll country. No FMS strong enough to withstand them
Sxb that will not happen. Not everyone in the country is down south. In north their kin and next of kin get executed. In xamar they get let in to the city through a friend of a friend.
Yeah promoting LBGTQ and Trans rights right? You were always the Jew’s favourite coon.

It's sad man. A stain on the somali name they are. When a gaal like Mudane Trump has more morals then their hero ilhan omar.

But it's going to be interesting times ahead. Looking forward on how Trump will deal with ilhan omar but it looks like this time she shut her mouth. I think she is scared


We may see the al shabaab takeover Mogadishu 😂 no more Bantu protection.
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016
Al shabab lying in wait they have to contend with AirPower from multiple countries and foreign troops and still can’t be defeated. They doing guerilla warfare but once west gets bored that will change and it will be different war . Even somalilanders will not be safe
They only have to deal with air strikes and drones which won't be removed. African troops don't actually fight Al-Shabab too
US withdrawal from Somalia is back on the menu boys. Proxy between UAE and Qatar/Turkey back on the menu boys. Weaker Mogadishu is back on the menu boys. The last one welcomed.
An actual withdrawal could apparently prove Desolating. I'm interested in how the danab unit will react to this. This might also advance the interest of other countries. all of which have expanded their military, diplomatic and commercial interests often at the expense of American interests.


Sxb that will not happen. Not everyone in the country is down south. In north their kin and next of kin get executed. In xamar they get let in to the city through a friend of a friend.
Majority of weapons and population in south. If west withdraws support and stops bombing campaigns. I would bet good money south falls and not long after so does north. They will do forced conscriptions and get volunteers as they go state to state taking over

Garaad Awal

Former African
imagination GIF

30 years later still meeting with Somalia diplomats to beg for aid. Still accepting money from fgs. No control of airspace. Even Dhahabshill bullied to remove somaliland
My govt was created & formed by my people organically.

Yours was an artificial government created in Washington. Your artificial govt will fall without the Westerners and you know that deep down