Turk claims that black gold has been struck off the Somali coast


Untrustworthy, but thought it might be interesting to share. Whoever gets the oil first will have somalia in their hands. Even with HSM we’ll have a universal basic income, decent governance, electricity for all of Somalia, and a national army which exceeds 170’000 according to his defence ministers vision. So it’s win win whether he leaves or stays.
wins: no more FMS, end of the Somali civil war, a strong Somalia, and most Somali citizens will be taken care of.

So even Somalia’s most controversial president isn’t as bad as the worst African leaders, imagine we had South Sudan’s president, Nigeria’s president, or Burkina faso’s former president.
View attachment 348000
But turkey will get half of the
Untrustworthy, but thought it might be interesting to share. Whoever gets the oil first will have somalia in their hands. Even with HSM we’ll have a universal basic income, decent governance, electricity for all of Somalia, and a national army which exceeds 170’000 according to his defence ministers vision. So it’s win win whether he leaves or stays.
wins: no more FMS, end of the Somali civil war, a strong Somalia, and most Somali citizens will be taken care of.

So even Somalia’s most controversial president isn’t as bad as the worst African leaders, imagine we had South Sudan’s president, Nigeria’s president, or Burkina faso’s former president.
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170k soldier? Damn this a lot


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Injecting oil money hastily into our economy would be catastrophic. Instead, we should consider adopting the Norwegian model, focusing on sustainable investments. Prioritize education, infrastructure, and strengthen our military. No child, man, or woman should ever face hunger again. Additionally, bolster security by recruiting more police and ensuring safety for all.


On a break


Looks like a hype channel, the Turkish equivalent of @Pastoralist

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
The Gulf Arabs do this with massive welfare programs. Bedouin cultures like ours are geared towards patronage culture. But since we are poor this can only manifest through corruption and welfare hunting.

I absolutely hate the idea of UBI for somalis because it will only feed dependency on qabyaalad, certain clans in power will translate to more handouts to the average farax. Oil money should introduce class inequality and hierarchy of individuals to force the masses out of ignorance. Inequality is good
oil lonely should introduce universal healthcare and education.

What brazil did was give UBI to families who send their children to school. Something like that should be implemented while also creating an environment to hustle and be productive members of society


Ride The Lightning
What brazil did was give UBI to families who send their children to school. Something like that should be implemented while also creating an environment to hustle and be productive members of society
all things considered brazil should be a top 5 economy at the very least yet it's well.... brazil. best not to follow brazil as an example. also, their program was implemented 20 years ago, so that's after centuries of a slave economy, industrialization, autocracy and neoliberal reforms. they were way ahead in terms of social development


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Declaring 'MASSIVE' natural gas reserves while 3D seismic surveying is still ongoing seems a bit premature. Maybe wait for the actual data analysis
Said the post is untrustworthy, didn’t declare nothing. Damn, nobody reads.🤦‍♂️

@Pastoralist is on here begging like his Oromo brethren in Hargeysa :faysalwtf:
Xarood AY orphan. Just remember living in hargeisa or being Oromo muslim is better than being kaffir by showing everybody by not adhering to Islam law within sahih al bukhari



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
we all know there will never be universal basic income, all we need is infrastructure building, healthcare sector, educations, there will never be money directly sent to everyday somalis but all i want is a strong army and security
Ok maybe not for those that can work, as even with remittance they’re lazy enough. Though HSM will make it possible for those with disabilities to receive it and a smaller amount for IDP’s. As long as he keeps putting hormuud in a position to grow, it can happen.
Said the post is untrustworthy, didn’t declare nothing. Damn, nobody reads.🤦‍♂️

Xarood AY orphan. Just remember living in hargeisa or being Oromo muslim is better than being kaffir by showing everybody by not adhering to Islam law within sahih al bukhari

Diinta ciyaarta kadhaaf doqonyahow


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Diinta ciyaarta kadhaaf doqonyahow
Cayar maha, waha leedhihid wa ku sharci dharo wadan sharia isku mamusha. Waha tahay wa Abaha wuhu yahay.

Dadka muslim ah sida al bakhuri ay tiri ayey uu dhaqman. Qofkasta ka hor jeesta hadithkan wa kaffir.
Cayar maha, waha leedhihid wa ku sharci dharo wadan sharia isku mamusha. Waha tahay wa Abaha wuhu yahay.

Dadka muslim ah sida al bakhuri ay tiri ayey uu dhaqman. Qofkasta ka hor jeesta hadithkan wa kaffir.
Fist learn the Somali language Oromo kid I don’t know what this xaar is you wrote here


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Fist learn the Somali language Oromo kid I don’t know what this xaar is you wrote here
Sxb you might aswell come out and say your full blown kaffir if your refusing to adhere to the teachings of a sahih hadith. Rip me up after you find out my abtirsi further up is Oromo. Right now it’s premature.
Sxb you might aswell come out and say your full blown kaffir if your refusing to adhere to the teachings of a sahih hadith. Rip me up after you find out my abtirsi further up is Oromo. Right now it’s premature.
Stop trying to hide behind the deen Mr Oromo.