Turkey issues arrest warrant for Somali president's son over fatal traffic crash

Its a endless roundabout with her eboow she a prime example of why in somali culture woman are told to stfu stay out of mens business and men told shame don't argue with women. Read her talking points lol
It seems like that, she has double standards and is not sincere in her criticism. I will take your advice.

I was raised by a smart and a cunning woman, I honestly believe Somali women are more intelligent than our male (most can't be described as men) populace. Say no to misogyny ina adeer.
It crazy to see blow this story up not for getting justice or feeling bad a man died and his family will never see him again but just to win points off HSM wallahi get yall shit together


As usual, misogyny, the last insult of an outwitted dameer.
Call it what you like lol mahmahda ma maqashay dumar waa caruur cagaweyn? I didn't make that up lol anyway let me not rain on your parade. Carry on.

It seems like that, she has double standards and is not sincere in her criticism. I will take your advice.

I was raised by a smart and a cunning woman, I honestly believe Somali women are more intelligent than our male (most can't be described as men) populace. Say no to misogyny ina adeer.
Nigga the lady that raised you doesn't engage in politics and fkd discussion with men, never has therefore yes she is an intelligent woman like 95% of somali women.
Call it what you like lol mahmahda ma maqashay dumar waa caruur cagaweyn? I didn't make that up lol anyway let me not rain on your parade. Carry on.

Nigga the lady that raised you doesn't engage in politics and fkd discussion with men, never has therefore yes she is an intelligent woman like 95% of somali women.


I have the right to engage in any discussion I want to engage in. Particularly, incredibly important matters such as POLITICS, that also affect WOMEN. Women, who btw, represent over 50% of the Somali population. What do you think politics even means? Do you think it means the "Male Reproductive System"? What the hell are you even talking about?

Do you even read what you write, before you click "post reply". Another clown that can join my ignore list. If you only want to talk to men, there are specialist websites for that, google "men for men" or something, orad dadkaaga raadso.





I have the right to engage in any discussion I want to engage in. Particularly, incredibly important matters such as POLITICS, that also affect WOMEN. Women, who btw, represent over 50% of the Somali population. Do you even read what you write, before you click "post reply".
Yes. 100%. Online.

Go to puntland/somalia and try spout the shit you do on here lol see the response you get. This is just reality love. I'm just letting you know cause you be sounding like a man on here tbh dont get carried away.
Call it what you like lol mahmahda ma maqashay dumar waa caruur cagaweyn? I didn't make that up lol anyway let me not rain on your parade. Carry on.
You might be mixing things up, and in turn mistaking culture popular in some regions in the South with that of other regions, therefore falling prey to degenerative abstraction syndrome.
You might be mixing things up, and in turn mistaking culture popular in some regions in the South with that of other regions, therefore falling prey to degenerative abstraction syndrome.

Never in my life, have Puntite men told me to be silent. In fact, in Puntland, women are highly-respected and high-ranking in the government and military. Of course, we still have issues with political seats, but even men fight over them as if it's a ticket to heaven itself.

I keep saying this, but misogyny is not the same across Somalia, some of these people treat their women like donkeys and are proud of it. And then they wonder why they are in such dire straits.
Never in my life, have Puntite men told me to be silent. In fact, in Puntland, women are highly-respected and high-ranking in the government and military. Of course, we still have issues with political seats, but even men fight over them as if it's a ticket to heaven itself.

I keep saying this, but misogyny is not the same across Somalia, some of these people treat their women like donkeys and are proud of it. And then they wonder why they are in such dire straits.
I actually remember seeing a clip of a Somali lady from Beladweyn visiting Bosaso, being driven around the city by one her female friends, and her being shocked she could drive, and no one would bat an eye. When she was asked to drive, she almost passed out. Our sister from Beladweyn said 'if a women drives a car in her town, she would be chased and beaten'. It speaks to what you said.

By the way, it is observable when one visits China and India, two neighbouring old cultures, where in the former women are as visible, employed, and valuable contributors to the local economy, and society in general, whereas in the latter, it is almost the opposite more so in Southern regions; it is however improving in some regions in Northern India. In other words, it is perhaps as widespread.


You might be mixing things up, and in turn mistaking culture popular in some regions in the South with that of other regions, therefore falling prey to degenerative abstraction syndrome.
Never in my life, have Puntite men told me to be silent. In fact, in Puntland, women are highly-respected and high-ranking in the government and military. Of course, we still have issues with political seats, but even men fight over them as if it's a ticket to heaven itself.

I keep saying this, but misogyny is not the same across Somalia, some of these people treat their women like donkeys and are proud of it. And then they wonder why they are in such dire straits.
A delusionial bunch of people walle. Somali iyo qaabkooda ii ma bareesiin lol Reer pl qoraxjoog iyo qurbajoog bo waa isnaqana ee idinka wax idinka weydiinmaayo. Portray whatever image you like on here
I actually remember seeing a clip of a Somali lady from Beladweyn visiting Bosaso, being driven around the city by one her female friends, and her being shocked she could drive, and no one would bat an eye. When she was asked to drive, she almost passed out. Our sister from Beladweyn said 'if a women drives a car in her town, she would be chased and beaten'. It speaks to what you said.

By the way, it is observable when one visits China and India, two neighbouring old cultures, where in the former women are as visible, employed, and valuable contributors to the local economy, and society in general, whereas in the latter, it is almost the opposite more so in Southern regions; it is however improving in some regions in Northern India. In other words, it is perhaps as widespread.

Yep, that's why I hate it when Somalis lie and act like we have a homogenous culture. Even within Puntland, there are variations, for instance, people are similar to Arabs in Bosaso, I hear, with certain conservative customs. However, even within Bosaso, nobody dares tell a woman to be silent or something is 'man business'.

This is how our women speak in front of politicians, like free and respected, human beings.

Waar yaanaan baarqab kuu abaahine ka carar!

I was back home this year, and said what I say on here, right to the faces of politicians and other notables. Not once did I sense anything weird. Men and women socialise freely, as colleagues, friends and acquintances in Puntland. I don't know where these backward people are from, but ilaahay iima geeyo.
I was back home this year, and said what I say on here, right to the faces of politicians and other notables. Not once did I sense anything weird. Men and women socialise freely, as colleagues, friends and acquintances in Puntland. I don't know where these backward people are from, but ilaahay iima geeyo.
I would agree. Even whilst in Xamar I was socialising and talking with the local ladies with no issues, albeit sensed they are slightly more reserved than those in SL & PL, where ladies are as social as men, some even more outgoing esp. in Hargeysa and Garowe. I like Las Anod ladies the best, and am scared of reer Burco.
Af jiini igu soo qor qoraalkaas nooh, inaa barto aan raba eboow
You got the pun, so I shall let you be.
I would agree. Even whilst in Xamar I was socialising and talking with the local ladies with no issues, albeit sensed they are slightly more reserved than those in SL & PL, where ladies are as social as men, some even more outgoing esp. in Hargeysa and Garowe.

You got the pun, so I shall let you be.

The purest Somali culture and language is up-North. The further South you go, it seems the language turns patois, as does the culture.
The purest Somali culture and language is up-North. The further South you go, it seems the language turns patois, as does the culture.
Actually ancestral Somali homeland is somewhere in the hawd, I guess you can consider that north too.

But you're right, the south is close to being hopeless soon. The place has been overran by non ethnic Somali nationals like bantu and cad cad. I would be shocked if the number of pure ethnic Somalis in the South, below Galkacayo, is more than 60%.
Actually ancestral Somali homeland is somewhere in the hawd, I guess you can consider that north too.

But you're right, the south is close to being hopeless soon. The place has been overran by non ethnic Somali nationals like bantu and cad cad. I would be shocked if the number of pure ethnic Somalis in the South, below Galkacayo, is more than 60%.

On the bright side, Bantus and CadCads have less inter-dagaal, less kibir and a stronger work-ethic. Survival of the fittest!


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