Turkey signs oil and gas exploration deal with Somalia

The reason the youth are unemployed is because of the enemies of islam in our country called khawarij. Investments by somali's alone will always be capped due to the security risk they pose until they are eradicated like the pests they are. Investments going up means employment opportunities will also rise.

This 30% for Turkey deal involves building somali naval capabilities and not just protection against the very real threats of illegal fishing, illegal dumping of toxic materials and illicit weapons trafficking taking place in our waters.
Turkiye can't do anything against their next door enemies pkk and assad and you think they will help somalia fight shabab? This is erdogan in a nutshell
hopefully they only take 30 % and hopefuly former abdi bile riding moryaan politicans dont steal the 70% and become filthy rich arab lite while the rest of us starve.
What about coast line explorations?
No they have the oil rights all they do is sell it for billions to oil companies who are able to extract them, as they can’t extract it, if it was me I’ll give them millions to compensate and then give it to turkeys to develop it cuz it been proven it has oil


Honestly I'm not surprised. Revenue is needed and this is Somalias opportunity to take advantage of the oil industry before it gets curbed. There needs to be some heavy regulation though, we don't want to fall into the same traps that other oil rich nations have like Venezuela. The aim should be to nationalize some of the oil and use the funds for state projects like building schools, hospitals and expanding the job market.
No they have the oil rights all they do is sell it for billions to oil companies who are able to extract them, as they can’t extract it, if it was me I’ll give them millions to compensate and then give it to turkeys to develop it cuz it been proven it has oil

So who are we giving the oil to, Turkey or Coast Line?
Coastline explores for potential oil fields and then sells it for billions to a super-major. The Turkish deal and the vague one with Coastline don’t conflict or contradict each other. Coastline could find an oil-zone and decide to sell it to Turkey if the latter is the most interested party to extract it.

Also, there are certain blocks that were declared force-majeure by the Super Majors before the war, and which can’t be auctioned off by the FGS if it wants to be considered an honest destination for business and FDI.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
dadka kenyan waa cadow. Why everytime somalia makes deals that seem to be favourable they say colonization? What about the chinese american british investment in kenya?
It will be around 5-7 years at best before the oil will go to market, so I wouldn't be very worried about the state of affairs we have in the country now. Plenty of time to make sure that environmental and other regulations are in place and that proceeds go to the people, not the politicians. Next two elections (as all elections) are consequential.

Erdogan get 30% revenue for protection against imaginary enemies while 85% of somali youth are unemployed 💀

You are absolutely retarded.

First of all Ethiopia has said that being landlocked is an "Existential crisis" & that they will do everything possible to attain a port. ]

They then sign a deal with my Northern states. Somalia then pulls out a trump card Ethiopia has never seen coming. A defence deal with Turkey aka a Top 10 Military powerhouse. Ethiopia now cannot do shit.

Now let me educate you. In the field of oil and gas exploration, their will be hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be available at excellent wages for Somalis. Furthermore 30% might sound like a lot until you realise how much we lose per year due to illegal fishing. Turkey is simply taking that instead and helping Somalia to be a world class navy. 30% is also only for 10 years, most deals span multiple decades.

So Somalia has an excellent win win deal.
This isn’t a bad deal Turkey doesn’t have oil except in the black and Mediterranean Sea drilling off land is more expensive than on land it’s why theirs pipelines from Russia, Azerbaijan, Iraq running through turkey for its and Europe’s use. Our main customers will be the west/China we could do what Iraq does oil for infrastructures and major projects.
You are absolutely retarded.

First of all Ethiopia has said that being landlocked is an "Existential crisis" & that they will do everything possible to attain a port. ]

They then sign a deal with my Northern states. Somalia then pulls out a trump card Ethiopia has never seen coming. A defence deal with Turkey aka a Top 10 Military powerhouse. Ethiopia now cannot do shit.

Now let me educate you. In the field of oil and gas exploration, their will be hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be available at excellent wages for Somalis. Furthermore 30% might sound like a lot until you realise how much we lose per year due to illegal fishing. Turkey is simply taking that instead and helping Somalia to be a world class navy. 30% is also only for 10 years, most deals span multiple decades.

So Somalia has an excellent win win deal.
Chill, i was just trolling and riling up govt apologist and they'll fall for it.Ain't nothing wrong with a lil trolling once in a while
Coastline explores for potential oil fields and then sells it for billions to a super-major. The Turkish deal and the vague one with Coastline don’t conflict or contradict each other. Coastline could find an oil-zone and decide to sell it to Turkey if the latter is the most interested party to extract it.

Also, there are certain blocks that were declared force-majeure by the Super Majors before the war, and which can’t be auctioned off by the FGS if it wants to be considered an honest destination for business and FDI.
Yea. Small oil companies sell the contract to a real oil company after the initial trial drilling.
70 percent of $100 billion (or $1 trillion or $10 trillion) is better than 100% of $0 billion or $0 trillion. These guys that are complaining had 30 years to come up with a creative way to extract Somalia’s resources involving only Somalis and Somali companies, but went down the most self-defeating path a Nation can take. 30 years would have been enough time to train skilled personnel in engineering, drilling and seismology, 30 years would have been enough time to establish multiple steel plants, a large navy and attract FDI, but they didn’t.

Pay them no mind, if they had their way no oil would flow from Somalia for another two centuries when most countries will be sending entire populations to their space colonies on other planets.
All true but we should still keep in mind that Turkey is still not a true ally and that they have done shady things in the past to us. The sooner they finish helping the sooner they can leave
