U.S’s highest national health authority alarmed by the tremendous number of Somali children w/ Autism

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is a catastrophe.

1 in every 16 children born in to a Somali hooyo in Minnesota is has autism.
Meanwhile the national average is 1 in 34.

What is more alarming is the fact that the Somali Autism is a devastating one where the child is rendered intellectually disabled

We’re talking abt a whole generation lost to autism.

The CDC has moved assets closer to Minnesota. They are studying it. I urge Somali families to give the scientists unlimited access to themselves. Allow them to live with them for a year.

i am convinced the culprit is in the house.

I saw this news every where including lipstick allay , people are speculating different theories lack of vitamin d, war but I think the issue is way deeper maybe it is the qat and I think high stress Somali women are under high stress because our society demands, And maybe vaccine are not suitable for Somalis genetics that's just my guess.
Stress? I don’t think so, my advice is don’t marry too close into your family, maybe, maybe try marrying out of your sub sub clan? Just a thought.

also autistic kids are on a spectrum and some of those kids might become very academically successful in the future inshallah.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Stress? I don’t think so, my advice is don’t marry too close into your family, maybe, maybe try marrying out of your sub sub clan? Just a thought.

also autistic kids are on a spectrum and some of those kids might become very academically successful in the future inshallah.

That argument "marry too close" doesn't make sense given those in the motherland clearly intermarry far closer and autism is a statistical insignificant case there.

We can speculate and ponder as much as possible, we won't know for sure, but it could be the combination of multitude of factors: lack of vitamin D, sensitivity to vaccines, lack of camel milk. These conditions then mixed with our genetic causes the outstandingly astronomical high rates of autism.
That argument "marry too close" doesn't make sense given those in the motherland clearly intermarry far closer and autism is a statistical insignificant case there.

We can speculate and ponder as much as possible, we won't know for sure, but it could be the combination of multitude of factors: lack of vitamin D, sensitivity to vaccines, lack of camel milk. These conditions then mixed with our genetic causes the outstandingly astronomical high rates of autism.
there’s no way of knowing the rate of autism amongst Somalis back home, there hasn’t been a significant study on the matter since forever. 1/16 kids is more than enough to lend credence or thought to my thesis that consanguinity might be a trigger for a predisposition to autism, if we tally up the Somalis who marry amongst their own subs and the Somalis that are a product of consanguinity, that adds probably up to over 1/4 to 1/3 of Somalis in the western world.

consanguinity could be a trigger. There’s even a paper on the matter.



Let him cook
I think it’s genetics. Because have multiple family members and people back home who I’m fairly certain autistic some even non verbal. I’ve also seen some very enlarged heads which I don’t know if it’s coordinated almost like mismatch of head size and body like midgets. Sometimes back home they would get so nervous about head sizes they would burn kids heads because they believed it would shrink head 🤦‍♂️

I don’t believe this vitamin d. we not only Africans living here. You have way darker people here from Africa who should even be more vitamin d deficient . Plus so many foods has vitamins here and you can even take it in pill form which I do to be safe


Let him cook
I think it’s genetics. Because have multiple family members and people back home who I’m fairly certain autistic some even non verbal. I’ve also seen some very enlarged heads which I don’t know if it’s coordinated almost like mismatch of head size and body like midgets. Sometimes back home they would get so nervous about head sizes they would burn kids heads because they believed it would shrink head 🤦‍♂️

I don’t believe this vitamin d. we not only Africans living here. You have way darker people here from Africa who should even be more vitamin d deficient . Plus so many foods has vitamins here and you can even take it in pill form which I do to be safe
One day they will find cause in genetic testing my prediction. I also wonder if rates lower for mixed Somalis like reer xamar


Let him cook
Found this interesting thread as well



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You're implying genetic susceptibility when autism rates were much lower in Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials compared to Gen Z and Alpha. Have genes changed that much, or have environmental exposures intensified?

We can't ignore the rise in medical interventions and exposure to environmental and agricultural toxins, which lead to nutrient deficiencies worsened by poor diets. Prenatal exposure to pollutants, endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, and changes in gut microbiota from dietary shifts may contribute to autism. Reducing breastfeeding, which might have protective effects, only adds to the problem. Nutrient deficiencies in folate, zinc, and essential fatty acids can significantly impact brain development during critical periods.

Additionally, some medications during pregnancy or infancy might play a role in neurodevelopmental changes. While immune dysregulation and inflammation, including from dental amalgams and vaccines, remain controversial, they’re part of the larger conversation.

Children with autism often struggle to process these toxic metals, and it’s no fault of their own. It's the toxic environment causing this. Modern society exposes us to factors previous generations didn’t face, likely contributing to the rise in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. We need to reduce these environmental exposures and reconsider certain medical interventions to see real change. Only then can we stop robbing human potential.


Let him cook
You're implying genetic susceptibility when autism rates were much lower in Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials compared to Gen Z and Alpha. Have genes changed that much, or have environmental exposures intensified?

We can't ignore the rise in medical interventions and exposure to environmental and agricultural toxins, which lead to nutrient deficiencies worsened by poor diets. Prenatal exposure to pollutants, endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, and changes in gut microbiota from dietary shifts may contribute to autism. Reducing breastfeeding, which might have protective effects, only adds to the problem. Nutrient deficiencies in folate, zinc, and essential fatty acids can significantly impact brain development during critical periods.

Additionally, some medications during pregnancy or infancy might play a role in neurodevelopmental changes. While immune dysregulation and inflammation, including from dental amalgams and vaccines, remain controversial, they’re part of the larger conversation.

Children with autism often struggle to process these toxic metals, and it’s no fault of their own. It's the toxic environment causing this. Modern society exposes us to factors previous generations didn’t face, likely contributing to the rise in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. We need to reduce these environmental exposures and reconsider certain medical interventions to see real change. Only then can we stop robbing human potential.
Possible but so hard to say prevalence levels back then. autism wasn’t defined until 1940s and testing is getting much better. Lots of people feel though cracks back in the day.

The thing that concerns me is Somali community is an outlier and susceptible more to whatever root cause is


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Possible but so hard to say prevalence levels back then. autism wasn’t defined until 1940s and testing is getting much better. Lots of people feel though cracks back in the day.

The thing that concerns me is Somali community is an outlier and susceptible more to whatever root cause is
High-functioning/high-needs autism is one thing, and severe autism is another. Although we might lack comprehensive historical data, it's evident that there has been a rise in severe cases, which can make the lives of couples and caregivers very challenging. The increase in environmental toxins and medical interventions over the years has likely exacerbated this issue, contributing to the worsening of autism seen in children today.

Research indicates that the prevalence of severe autism has risen significantly, with studies showing that children diagnosed in recent years are more likely to have co-occurring intellectual disabilities and severe communication challenges. The exposures these children face are damaging and often irreversible. While improved detection rates may explain some of the increase, the current prevalence far exceeds what we observed in earlier generations and is much worse.

My advice is to stop subjecting children to the heavy burden of environmental toxins and medical interventions. I can only surmise that the situation will worsen as people ignore the elephant in the room. As long as society remains under the influence of big agriculture, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries and avoids transparent discussions due to social censure against certain experts and whistle-blowers, this issue will persist unabated.
I think it’s genetics. Because have multiple family members and people back home who I’m fairly certain autistic some even non verbal. I’ve also seen some very enlarged heads which I don’t know if it’s coordinated almost like mismatch of head size and body like midgets. Sometimes back home they would get so nervous about head sizes they would burn kids heads because they believed it would shrink head 🤦‍♂️

I don’t believe this vitamin d. we not only Africans living here. You have way darker people here from Africa who should even be more vitamin d deficient . Plus so many foods has vitamins here and you can even take it in pill form which I do to be safe
Its not genetics man. No study in Somalis prove it and white Minnesotans have similar autism rates as Somalis.

This is a purely western diaspora phenomena. Not only do Somalis back home and across Africa and the Middle East don't suffer from significant autism rates, but the neither did first generation Somali immigrants did. These figures only started coming out in the late 2000s and 2010s which aligns with what @Sophisticate was saying about Gen Z and Alpha.

They are trying to find angles to deride Somalis with. Real Inbreeding causes weird genetic defects and problems that don't even occur in Somalis.

And Somalis don't usually marry their first cousins either, and usually marry a seperate family line and not someone related. Which has been the case historically

In cold weather states like Minnesota white children have similar rates of autism. How do you explain that if it's Somali genetics? Do White European Americans practice inbreeding?


