Ugaaso is an Ethiopian girl habashi account claims

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tfw no habesha gf
She is from Ogaden, so they aren't wrong. Somalis from Ogaden = Ethiopians. Ethiopian is a nationality, not a ethnicity. Everybody can be Ethiopian

Waiting for Canuck meltdown
Habashi also claims falsing Oromo are from Somalia which is fake since it is documented Oromo expansions from south during 16 century
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Everyone knows she's a hutu, who cares even if they claim her?
It is called cultural Appropriation
“Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols"
No body is getting my point here, and These Ethiopians are stealing our culture attire clothes, styles, and claiming it to themselves. Later They will be original and we will appear fake. It is called cultural appropriations
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♛♛ SSpot overlord ♛♛
Dir Daba which was a Somali city now is majority Oromo and Harar which was a Somali city is also now majority Oromo.

That always disturbs me
Dir Daba which was a Somali city now is majority Oromo and Harar which was a Somali city is also now majority Oromo.

That always disturbs me

You are the only one gets my idea , do you know Israel claims all Palestine cuisine clothes decor?
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