Ugaaso is an Ethiopian girl habashi account claims

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All habesha females should get free immediate citizenship :ahh::ahh:
Niggaz want somalia to remain only Somali dat, I'm trying to see 50 shades of futo:ahhhh:


Bisinka these Oromos are on the same level as hoteps when it comes to rewriting history :drakewtf:

They Hoteps of Africa though. Habesha used to enslave them and they're currently colonised by them so they try to write a better history for themselves i.e 'Original Somalis'or some shit.


Don't believe the shit they wrote recently, Oromo border Kilinka shanaad and that's as close as they should be. They have no place in Somalia at all, they're recent immigrants. Their land in Ethiopia is massive but it's under leases to foreign companies so the cities and towns became expensive to live in and they can't farm to survive any more. Their population went up by 20 million since our civil war and they have nowhere to go so they're funneling themselves into Somalia instead.
um some somali stories agree with there claim thoe :comeon:
the northwest and the southern somalia and north east kenya was lived by oromos :childplease:


Anyone see the video of the Oromo on Berbera beach? They were chilling and speaking af Somali while wearing Ethiopia shirts, claiming to have been born in Berbera with one claiming he's half Tumaal.
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