unislamic haircut

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
He's got every right to diss back cause you black gorillas are dissing Arabs so he's got every right to defend his people.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Suki-Reiko I agree with you that we are all equal in the sight of Allah. The best of us are the most righteous of us. Wallahi I've never met an Arab irl that matches your description. They are very important to us because It is through them that the Arabic language is preserved. They are not the 'lowest of the low', they are the lions of the sons of Adam. I don't have an inferiority complex to admit this. Out of all of the ethic groups under the sun, why do people hate Arabs specifically? I see it as a form of defence mechanism to protect one's ego and a way of hiding the inferiority complex one might have. How comes the Jews are not despised on this forum? Calling Arabs the lowest of the low will not actually make them that. You're just delusional.

Have you been to Madina? The people from their especially are IMHO the most humble and noblest of people, also Yemen.

There are good and bad in every ethnic group.

Edit: LMFAO @ when she told @Cognitivedissonance to stop being a weak person. So being arrogant to Arabs = a sign of strength miyaa? Wallahi the delusion is real. They are far superior in terms of race. @Suki-Reiko you are African ok.
:ftw9nwa: Read this again you Africans black gorillas.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I didn't call all Somalis black gorillas. I don't generalise unlike some people. That message was to @Tramo only.
You slipped up bro, I'm always down for the underdog but cot damn this shii you're spewing is indefensible, how are Arabs superior to Africans? Lol

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Realist stop trying to make arabs happen.

Somalis barely tolerated you dhegacas, now you're enemy número uno across the globe. maac sonkor, caleyn shaax !!!!

Have some humility. And stop claiming shit that you aren't. You're not reer xamar or another .5er, you're one of those midgo yemeni somali mixes. Be proud of the small amount of noble somali blood you are lucky to have.
@Realist stop trying to make arabs happen.

Somalis barely tolerated you dhegacas, now you're enemy número uno across the globe. maac sonkor, caleyn shaax !!!!

Have some humility. And stop claiming shit that you aren't. You're not reer xamar or another .5er, you're one of those midgo yemeni somali mixes. Be proud of the small amount of noble somali blood you are lucky to have.
I will record my dad speaking wait.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol they're actually Berbers I believe which is pretty cool. But insulting Arabs every single day... Wth is that all about?
There's many non Muslims on here who despise Arabs with a passion, show those black gorillas no remorse.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
>im persian
>i got more arab blood tho
>wallahi I, Ath-Thaalith, do not want to be arab even though they are the Lions of the Children of Adam™, the best of the mankind yacni akhi
>posting on www.somalispot.com

what's the arabic word for confused?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That's what I believe and I'm not Arab.
Who are you kidding you Arab rat mofo, we will wipe your people in marka, ship them to Iran or Arabia, we will make sure more hawiye rape your women in mass nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas.

So you still claiming that you're new? Loooool

Omg!!!! So you are IRANIAN!!!!!

:mindblown: Why did you record some guy speaking some gibberish and why don't you post your R1 thingy results instead. :lolbron:
Yes I'm new. I've seen voicespice from a thread.


There are many Shanshiyo who got their tests done. Icba researching it. Some of them posted it on other forums whilst some posted it on Instagram, Twitter, etc.

This is the only one I could find

I don't have to be Iranian to be an ethnic Persian. Persia was a massive place in the past and it included surrounding areas.

Stop trolling ok? It's not good for you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yes I'm new. I've seen voicespice from a thread.


There are many Shanshiyo who got their tests done. Icba researching it. Some of them posted it on other forums whilst some posted it on Instagram, Twitter, etc.

This is the only one I could find

I don't have to be Iranian to be an ethnic Persian. Persia was a massive place in the past and it included surrounding areas.

Stop trolling ok? It's not good for you.
My g if anything, you look like a mongrel mulatto, probably a descendent of Genghis Khan.
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