unislamic haircut

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Some of the royal families existed before the colonial times
They actually did not. In the pre-colonial period, the Ottoman caliphate ruled that region but they always placed an Arab from the family of the Prophet (SAW) in charge. They've always put a Hashemite as the 'Sharif' of Haramayn.
They actually did not. In the pre-colonial period, the Ottoman caliphate ruled that region but they always placed an Arab from the family of the Prophet (SAW) in charge. They've always put a Hashemite as the 'Sharif' of Haramayn.
What about Oman and house of saud the first and the second that fought the otomanis only the third was assisted by the colonizers
What about Oman and house of saud the first and the second that fought the otomanis only the third was assisted by the colonizers
Sxb Oman was there for over a thousand years. Close to the era of the Sahaba (RA). It was taken charge of by a man from the tribe of Azd. I'll tell you again, people fought the first Saud, Muhammad. He used his wealth to further his agenda and recruit henchmen. As soon as he got the support of the British, no one dared to oppose him a while after that. There was initially a power struggle between the first Saudi monarch and the final Sharif Al-Haramayn. Everyone knows Arabs are the most tribalistic of people man. I can tell you don't know much about them, so I'll leave it at that.

Quraysh is still the biggest tribe in Mekkah.

Ansaris are the biggest in Madinah.

They haven't vanished bro. They are the descendants of the Arabs from pre-Islamic Arabia.
Haa waa ku kasi waryaa. Yaa basal cunne eh? Maxaa is dhifaaciwen? Arabta muslimiin aa yihiin ma ii kasti abayo? Gaalada maba la caayo. Marwalbo qaf oo Muslim eh anaas ahaatho waay. ilaakin hadee saan carabta uu nactheen, banaaka aa niga maraaa. Wixii rabtiina samaaya somaliyaasha oo runrun is ku kasayno carabta waa ixtaraamaan. Wiligee saan maa arkin. Inta lee ku arkaa.

Ani af Somali sii fiican ma kasaayoo abaayo?

carabta basal aas cunaan, ma ogidoo? Adi horta waxaas tahay mala kasaayo, mar carab aas sheegani mar maxaas dhihi soomaali aas ahee. Beentaas haa ii sheegin, carabta soomaali ma jeclo, wax ka necayb badan ma arkin, wixi midib madow wee naceyb yihiin, laakiins oyaga dhexdood xataa kuwa madmadoow waa la yasaa. Waa dad jiran. Carabta muslim wee sheegtaan kumaas dhaqmaan muslim afka lee ka yihiin, tan kale kuligood muslim maas ahan, gaalo wee ku jiraan. carab waa baani aadam lee malaaig haas ka dhigin. Wexees na ka fiicanyihiin malaha, adaa buuq iyo qeylo la imaatay, carab hada durbaanka uu tumeeysid, anagaas durbaan waa tumaneeyna, Ki durbaankiisa xoogsan ha reeyo. qofkasto waa la ceeyaa inta, soomaalida dhexdooda is ceeyaan, ma basal cunee aas uu naxariisaneeyna?

af-soomaaliga ma xumo. Wa ku fahmi.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
If you say your Iranian (which I find bizarre) do you realise that you're peeps hate Arabs than anything else on this planet? Have you met Iranians? They insult and distance themselves from Arabs.

Somalis are relatively miskiin, I think u should take your Arab defending to irani forum. Lmao
carabta basal aas cunaan, ma ogidoo? Adi horta waxaas tahay mala kasaayo, mar carab aas sheegani mar maxaas dhihi soomaali aas ahee. Beentaas haa ii sheegin, carabta soomaali ma jeclo, wax ka necayb badan ma arkin, wixi midib madow wee naceyb yihiin, laakiins oyaga dhexdood xataa kuwa madmadoow waa la yasaa. Waa dad jiran. Carabta muslim wee sheegtaan kumaas dhaqmaan muslim afka lee ka yihiin, tan kale kuligood muslim maas ahan, gaalo wee ku jiraan. carab waa baani aadam lee malaaig haas ka dhigin. Wexees na ka fiicanyihiin malaha, adaa buuq iyo qeylo la imaatay, carab hada durbaanka uu tumeeysid, anagaas durbaan waa tumaneeyna, Ki durbaankiisa xoogsan ha reeyo. qofkasto waa la ceeyaa inta, soomaalida dhexdooda is ceeyaan, ma basal cunee aas uu naxariisaneeyna?

af-soomaaliga ma xumo. Wa ku fahmi.
Looooooool oml. Qosol aa iga keenti walaahi. Yarre wiligey wax kale ma sheeganin. Reer Shanshiyo oo Xamarweyne dagnaajireen aan ahay. Unuka asalkaano Faris waaye wax kali ma sheegno. ilaakin makii dadka ii weydiyaan, somali lee dahaa. Dhiig Somali badhan waa khawaa. ilaakin meeshaan walaalnimo ma la kasaayo. Dhiig ahaan, idinka aa nii dhawahi. Walaakiina aan ahay, ilakin Somalinimo waa ii dhiitheeyseen.
Runtiina waaye asalkaay Somali ma aha lakin wax badhan aa meesha dhagneen. Awootoyaashaay Somali aa yihiin qaar. Qaar Darood Qaar Hawiye.

Warkaa waa fahmi
If you say your Iranian (which I find bizarre) do you realise that you're peeps hate Arabs than anything else on this planet? Have you met Iranians? They insult and distance themselves from Arabs.

Somalis are relatively miskiin, I think u should take your Arab defending to irani forum. Lmao
Runtaa waaye asalkaayno Faris aan ahne aayga neh Carabta waa nacbenyahiin. ilaakin dadka dhamaantood anaa caayo ma jacli. Qaar wax xunn hadee sameeyaan waa la caynaa lakin kuligoodaa? Maa ii kasinoo abaayo?


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I clearly said that message was only directed to you. What a fucking dimwit you are mate.
its not about who u directed it to, do u really think calling someone an ugly black gorilla is not racist simply because ur only directing it at one person :chrisfreshhah:

horta real shit, are u autistic?
its not about who u directed it to, do u really think calling someone an ugly black gorilla is not racist simply because ur only directing it at one person :chrisfreshhah:

horta real shit, are u autistic?
Are you still hurt by that comment? Just cos I said that, doesn't make me a racist. Most members on here have been racist to another ethnic group.
I retract that comment though, now you're just ugly gorilla. Happy nigga?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Are you still hurt by that comment? Just cos I said that, doesn't make me a racist. Most members on here have been racist to another ethnic group.
I retract that comment though, now you're just ugly gorilla. Happy nigga?
Racism has no place in Islam now vamoose.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
@Tramo you're screaming racist like AA.
Isdaji waarya this's so unsomali

he said something like "wallahi you cant quote me saying anything racist" to somebody else, and so i did. aint nobody screaming anything sxb, sheekada horta la soco before u try to come thru


closer to god we africans


I guess because his hair wasn't equal in all parts but I see a lot of people with that hair cut, nothing peculiar.
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