unislamic haircut

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lmfao. Wallahi I'm starting to believe you have an inferiority complex. Saying one race is superior (albeit jokingly) does not make one a kafir. You out of all people are saying I'm far removed from Islam lmfao. You takfiri khaariji. It's a khaariji belief that anyone who commits a sin is a kafir. You're even worse than a khaariji you dickhead. Making takfir on someone for a sin they did not commit smh. You really are suffering from cognitive dissonance pal. Remember, you rejoiced at female believers being raped? You're a clown wallahi. The idea that Arabs are superior was the belief of many of the Ulama, did you know that? It's not my belief though. You're a jahili sxb. You going to make takfir on those Ulama as well? Smh. This nigga is an ignorant, dim witted loser.
Let me guess, you don't even know the basics of tahaarah? Fucking wasteman. You're the scum of mankind.
I said racists & racism has no place in Islam. If that makes me a khawrij in your eyes so be it.

Not all cadcad women were raped, there were some like @Game parent who married a hawiye, so you're wrong to say no cadcad women are married to Somalis, I think you owe your cousin an apology.
I said racists & racism has no place in Islam. If that makes me a khawrij in your eyes so be it.

Not all cadcad women were raped, there were some like @Game parent who married a hawiye, so you're wrong to say no cadcad women are married to Somalis, I think you owe your cousin an apology.
Awkward moment when the father of @Game is actually the cadcad in the relationship. :ftw9nwa:

I'm sorry but a racist is not part of the ummah & is far removed from Islam.

You're implying that I'm a racist which I'm not and I didn't say anything to indicate such thing. Your cheap shots are not working. I've highlighted your khaariji beliefs for you. Al Khawarij hum kullaab un naar.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Awkward moment when the father of @Game is actually the cadcad in the relationship. :ftw9nwa:

You're implying that I'm a racist which I'm not and I didn't say anything to indicate such thing. Your cheap shots are not working. I've highlighted your khaariji beliefs for you. Al Khawarij hum kullaab un naar.
Bruh you're a Persian/Arab/mongrel :ftw9nwa: what are you doing on a Somali forum elevating your people. Translate that into English cause I'm fluent only in my mothers tongue & English.
Bruh you're a Persian/Arab/mongrel :ftw9nwa: what are you doing on a Somali forum elevating your people. Translate that into English cause I'm fluent only in my mothers tongue & English.
You're right sxb. #teammongrel. I'm not elevating anyone. @ me when you have some factual information my nigga. You might lose weight in the process. :ftw9nwa:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Pre-Islamic Arabs who used to bury their newborn daughters alive are the superior race? Get your Zanj sand historical revisionism out of here. :camby:
Wa ku kasi, laakiins yaas ku dhahay ka celi? adi ma lawyerkooda aas tahay? maas dhihino somaali aa ahay, soomaalida basal cunee maas difacaan, Ma ii kasti?
Haa waa ku kasi waryaa. Yaa basal cunne eh? Maxaa is dhifaaciwen? Arabta muslimiin aa yihiin ma ii kasti abayo? Gaalada maba la caayo. Marwalbo qaf oo Muslim eh anaas ahaatho waay. ilaakin hadee saan carabta uu nactheen, banaaka aa niga maraaa. Wixii rabtiina samaaya somaliyaasha oo runrun is ku kasayno carabta waa ixtaraamaan. Wiligee saan maa arkin. Inta lee ku arkaa.

Ani af Somali sii fiican ma kasaayoo abaayo?
You clearly don't know the two groups you're talking about
Please stop man. I'm actually being truthful here wallahi. Even look at the royal family, the king of KSA doesn't want anyone to succeed him except his son. They are beyond qabiliste bro. Somalis are nothing compared to them. I've heard of 2nd cousin Yemenis killing each other over this.
Please stop man. I'm actually being truthful here wallahi. Even look at the royal family, the king of KSA doesn't want anyone to succeed him except his son. They are beyond qabiliste bro. Somalis are nothing compared to them. I've heard of 2nd cousin Yemenis killing each other over this.
How come there can be royal familes in Arab countries? While Somalis will never allow that
How come there can be royal familes in Arab countries? While Somalis will never allow that
Everyone fought the royal family in the beginning. The royal family were actually put in power by the British. Anyone who opposed the royal family, they'd public torture them to discourage anyone else from opposing them. So the Arabs eventually accepted the royal family in that position as generations went on.
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