US announces the opening of its first permanent diplomatic presence in Somalia since 1991

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They already work on our land without giving a massive pay cut as you call it i have seen it by my own eyes, but it dosent bother me at all cause here in life if you wanna get paid you have to be bold
What resources do they mine?
They already work on our land without giving a massive pay cut as you call it i have seen it by my own eyes, but it dosent bother me at all cause here in life if you wanna get paid you have to be bold
When I say "work on the land", I you know I mean mining right? Where's the evidence of Western companies extracting minerals in mass?
I imagine you'll milk this as an accomplishment from mr axmaarjo. i can see it already.

How is this not an accomplishment? Top US diplomats as well as the most senior General on the African continent have praised the Farmaajo Government for its transparency and progress. This is the most competent leadership since Siad Barre and it's not even close. You'll see many new announcements during the conclusion of the tripartite meeting that'll be held in Mogadishu. May Farmaajo's reign be glorious and long wa billahi towfiq.
How is this not an accomplishment? Top US diplomats as well as the most senior General on the African continent have praised the Farmaajo Government for its transparency and progress. This is the most competent leadership since Siad Barre and it's not even close. You'll see many new announcements during the conclusion of the tripartite meeting that'll be held in Mogadishu. May Farmaajo's reign be glorious and long wa billahi towfiq.
Lool. Hsm was better than farmaajo and msb was a failure himself.

Booon boys making themselves feel better as usual.

Whatever helps you sleep better.
I imagine you'll milk this as an accomplishment from mr axmaarjo. i can see it already.
Blackie's family live in Nairobi :pachah1:

Yes I am. I will bully you into abandoning sspot. How criminal of me.

Lool. Hsm was better than farmaajo and msb was a failure himself.

Booon boys making themselves feel better as usual.

Whatever helps you sleep better.
As a doqonki Ogaden I'm surprised you say MSB's name without adding Radiya Allahu Canhu
Lool. Hsm was better than farmaajo and msb was a failure himself.

Booon boys making themselves feel better as usual.

Whatever helps you sleep better.

Lool an oromo hybrid saying hsm was better than Farmaajo isn't surprising, as an outsider you'd want the least competent leadership in Somalia possible. The only thing I wish MSB did differently was not venture into helping Somali galbeed other than that he was a strategic genius. How else do you hold together a nation full of stubborn/ignorant people. So far Farmaajo has been nothing short of masterful in how he dislodged the maamul leaders, in addition to bridging the differences in the horn and strengthening bilateral relations with Ethiopia and Eritrea.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Lool. Hsm was better than farmaajo and msb was a failure himself.

Booon boys making themselves feel better as usual.

Whatever helps you sleep better.

Warya my pet it's not surprising to see you an doqon booon praising culusow over your master Farmaajo. And MSB was the greatest political genius that used to rule you langaab booons.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Lool an oromo hybrid saying hsm was better than Farmaajo isn't surprising, as an outsider you'd want the least competent leadership in Somalia possible. The only thing I wish MSB did differently was not venture into helping Somali galbeed other than that he was a strategic genius. How else do you hold together a nation full of stubborn/ignorant people. So far Farmaajo has been nothing short of masterful in how he dislodged the maamul leaders, in addition to bridging the differences in the horn and strengthening bilateral relations with Ethiopia and Eritrea.
I wouldn’t take @Ferrari too seriously he’s very confused he claims ONLF and loves Cagjar but on the other hand he supports Abdi Iley out of qabyaalad even though Ina Illey massacred so many OG and ONLF he hates Farmaajo and says he’s Abiy stooge but doesn’t say anything about Cagjar he loves and supports Axmaq Madoobe even though Cagjar and Abiy are opposed to him because of his connections to TPLF and Liyuu he honestly doesn’t know what he wants he has no political allegiances just OGnimo how can take someone like him seriously :heh:


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
I imagine you'll milk this as an accomplishment from mr axmaarjo. i can see it already.
If this was Somaliland it would a different story right, you people want to shiet on Somalia every time you get:what1:


Guul Ama Geeri
When I say "work on the land", I you know I mean mining right? Where's the evidence of Western companies extracting minerals in mass?
Evidence? Every time i visit the land i see gringos private contractors protecting People in the far mountains what do you Think they are doing there enjoying the sun ? Hahaha
I wouldn’t take @Ferrari too seriously he’s very confused he claims ONLF and loves Cagjar but on the other hand he supports Abdi Iley out of qabyaalad even though Ina Illey massacred so many OG and ONLF he hates Farmaajo and says he’s Abiy stooge but doesn’t say anything about Cagjar he loves and supports Axmaq Madoobe even though Cagjar and Abiy are opposed to him because of his connections to TPLF and Liyuu he honestly doesn’t know what he wants he has no political allegiances just OGnimo how can take someone like him seriously :heh:
I've never once said I was pro ilay. I've always been bro onlf. I have uncles and brothers with the same mom and dad as me who've served ONLF for more than 30 years. My family couldn't even enter the region until recently.

as for madoobe, I have to support him because you want to replace him with one of your own. You aren't bringing anyone better, between your shit and my shit, I will take mine. It's just natural, don't cry.

cagjar is the same sub clan as me and I am already no fan of his. He's just like farmaajo, maskiin ass nigga. I spit on weak niggas.

you should stop making up lies awoogaa la gub!

You are just mad ogaaden baa meel walba kaa taagan. There's no place for you to flee, and even with the presidency in your hands, you still can't visit kismaayo. I'd be mad if I were you to. Don't be mad tho, use your gus, make a lot of babies and become laandheere like we did.:camby:
Evidence? Every time i visit the land i see gringos private contractors protecting People in the far mountains what do you Think they are doing there enjoying the sun ? Hahaha
Do you see any cranes? Complex mining tools, huge pick-up trucks in large excavation sites with mountains of dirt? That's what you need for mining. not shovels. I'm not saying you're wrong, but most likely they were observing the site. You can't hide large-scale mining. They still need to be watched though.
Warya my pet it's not surprising to see you an doqon booon praising culusow over your master Farmaajo. And MSB was the greatest political genius that used to rule you langaab booons.
where's barre hiiraale?

he hasn't been seen since he got chased out of kismaayo lmao.

it must suck for the old oday to see the same man who took his eye out to be ruling kismaayo like that. waryaa war isduug maad ku odhataan odayga dee kolay qabrig inta oga hadhaaba iska yaree.
Lool an oromo hybrid saying hsm was better than Farmaajo isn't surprising, as an outsider you'd want the least competent leadership in Somalia possible. The only thing I wish MSB did differently was not venture into helping Somali galbeed other than that he was a strategic genius. How else do you hold together a nation full of stubborn/ignorant people. So far Farmaajo has been nothing short of masterful in how he dislodged the maamul leaders, in addition to bridging the differences in the horn and strengthening bilateral relations with Ethiopia and Eritrea.
MSB waged a war against Ethiopia to free his country. He was ogadenian, born and bread there. He was merely freeing his lands, he ain't done us no dam favors. he din du us favors.:trumpsmirk:

he hijacked a democratic somalia against he advice of many, and turned into a dictatorship, and again against all advice, refused to step aside for others to rule, therefore being responsible for the civil war.

Somalis can rightly blame odayga for everything that's wrong with somalia today.

as for farmaajo, he's a like a gus that doesn't work, he ain't no threat but you can make him out to be the shit tho. he's getting cucked in real life.:mjlol:

I am enjoying as the midget oromo walks all over him, embarrassing you hunter gather booons.:mjlaugh:
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