Vanilla Extract: Haram or Halal?

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You just read that.

Harvesting vanilla is the best kept secret of any Farmer who comes from a low labour costing country. Vanilla is the second most expensive spice next to you saffron. And refining it as a Muslim can be controversial.

As the global Muslim appetite for sweetness grows, meeting halal standards is becoming tricky and potentially profitable.

Why Vanilla and why Somalia?

Vanilla beans require intensive labour costs and executing harvesting through low labour markets can be your gateway to financial freedom in the African commodity landscape. Owning a farm now as an African is becoming more and more like becoming a personal Alibaba posting.

Here's the run down on determining Vanilla quality through this link:

Now check out this link which is an Oldie but a Goldie regarding the sentiments of the spice from the Muslim Consumer:

So, between Madagascar and Indonesia; Jubbaland currently holds cheap farming acreage to produce these beans.

Producing a mere 500tons with a strategic coop can help address the growing concerns of MENA nation vanilla consumption.

This comment was crazy:

"To all those saying they’re glad they live in the Middle East or the UAE because they are sure everything they eat is halal, don’t be so sure. I’ve seen strepsils sold in the kids’ sweets aisle in KSA – which have a very high alcohol content in them. You just have to flip it over and look at the ingredients. What the Arabian countries do, more likely than making their “own” non-alcoholic versions of imports, is have committees of “scholars” who are happy to be paid to say that certain things are halal when there are in fact not. In the Middle East this is not limited to just confectionary, but also extends to questionable and sometimes outright haraam use of riba in the financial sector and various other areas of public life.


Suldaanka Gobyare
So if you export raw vanilla bean to an extractor in the USA. Would your earning be haram since you are selling a raw commodity that will have Alcohol added to it by your customer?
In my opinion no. It's up to them how to they want to process those beans.


Suldaanka Gobyare
What if you extract it yourself? But with Turn-Up water
I've no idea what Turn-Up water is, but from what've read and you shared is that you need alcohol to extract those beans. I don't think it would work with water alone or quality would be crap.
I've no idea what Turn-Up water is, but from what've read and you shared is that you need alcohol to extract those beans. I don't think it would work with water alone or quality would be crap.

Turn-Up water is a hydosol using in the hood.

You can substitute it with Propylene glycol or glycerine but it would lose its organic and premium labelling.
Interesting. Many people do not know about this. There is also vanilla in powder form, does this also contain alcohol?

It's probably sythethic or chemical made.

Pure extract requires Alcohol in order to get the best liquid.

If you ever had anything with premium vanilla than you consumed alcohol unwillingly.
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