Vanilla Extract: Haram or Halal?

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Nin fiican firfircoon ayaad halkaa ka wad ina adee national duty ayaad haysaa hawl Qaran.

I've researched many agriculture profitability crops, i studied agriculture degree in Uk.
there are many other more profitable crops that requires less intensive labor, and also offers stable prices through out the year.

fish/aquaculture are also profitable,

example currently suuqa xamarwayneh some fish species are going for $7 per kilo imagine if you bring your commercial side of business experience and a add a value and export it.

Many Uganda farmers have abandon the vanilla farming due to depressed prices,
vanilla like any other agriculture goods, go through cobweb cycle/model, one bad season or bad harvest, the following year, due to vanilla bad harvest the farmers will raise their production of relative to other crops, therefore, when they go to market the supply will be high, resulting in low prices.


Madagascan Vanilla Trade Controlled By Chinese Businesses-
who abuses the local people

If you studied Agro and want to contribute to the infant industry people like you are needed by farmers.

The problem is that it's easy to use your pen as plow when you are thousands of miles away from Somalia.

Take the leap and jump in. This the greatest time to be involved in Somali Agro


:damedamn: You telling me this contains alcohol??

I carefully scrutinised the ingredients and it mentions no alcohol. This can't be true... I can't live without vanilla :damn::damn:
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