Vanilla Extract: Haram or Halal?

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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I drink vanilla water every morning. I get -21 Centigrade spring water, put in some vanilla, sugar and boom! I have a drink to cool me down. Wallahi its going to be hard to go cold turkey.
I drink vanilla water every morning. I get -21 Centigrade spring water, put in some vanilla, sugar and boom! I have a drink to cool me down. Wallahi its going to be hard to go cold turkey.

Your most likely not consuming authentic extracts.

But, if you are than you spiked your own drink. LooL

I think I remember you said you don't drink or do drugs.lool Stay away vanilla at this point


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Your most likely not consuming authentic extracts.

But, if you are than you spiked your own drink. LooL

I think I remember you said you don't drink or do drugs.lool Stay away vanilla at this point

Its okay I realised it was extract. My mum already knew about it sxb. I dodged a bullet laakin I've had real vanilla before.

Also what about vanilla ice-cream? Are we safe?


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
You might as well have a Corona in your fridge

Inna ilayhi raajicuun.

Bro I started getting into vanilla to avoid my caffeine addiction sxb. Also if those Madagascar investors are ever going into Puntland, I can help with land, licensing etc. I'll also be happy to invest if I can save up. How much is the investment into one of those farms? We need that sort of stuff in Somalia.
Would you be able to grow vanilla in Somalia then? Or is the soil not right? Hmmm i feel like it would consume a lot of water :hmm:


Community Manager
Staff Member
Anyone who's Somali should Farm vanilla beans.

I met a group from Madagascar and they offered me seeds. Growing this commodity is labour intensive; and Somalia is a low labour costs market.
So where will you farm them? I want to plant lemon trees.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I usually buy organic vanilla bean or sometimes nonalcoholic vanilla extract from my local Co Op.


Alcohol is always in your system. It occurs in nature, dumb asses. Even some fruits have a low percentage of alcohol.

Intoxication is prohibited (purposely drinking alcohol to get a buzz), not its minor usage in food flavoring.
Alcohol is always in your system. It occurs in nature, dumb asses. Even some fruits have a low percentage of alcohol.

Intoxication is prohibited (purposely drinking alcohol to get a buzz), not its minor usage in food flavoring.

Have you ever agreed with any post or are you just a knowitall like 99% of Xoolos out there?

Vanilla extractors use bourbon in Madagascar. Some use the equivalent of moonshine. There's also a major Vanilla extractor that has a bourbon distillery within thier site.

Natural alchohol isn't what this thread is about. It's about commercial processing through alcohol. There's a growing niche for non-alchohol based vanilla extract in the MENA markets.

It occurs in Nature kullaaha! Yaaahooo


Have you ever agreed with any post or are you just a knowitall like 99% of Xoolos out there?

While the Western world is advancing rapidly, dumb ass Muslims are busy debating total nonissues like this.


Very bearish on the Islamic world.
While the Western world is advancing rapidly, dumb ass Muslims are busy debating total nonissues like this.


Very bearish on the Islamic world.

I thought you would be a tiny bit smarter that in knowing the history of Islamic science and mathematics.

Somewhere down the line the Arabs became Xoolos. Nobody knows exactly when this lunacy started but for 800 years Islamic societies have contributed to many important milestones.

I agree with every image in there, but you need to go back the Moors of Spain.


Your 5 minutes of fame in the 10th century are a joke compared to all the scientific progress by the West and East Asia of last two centuries.
Your 5 minutes of fame in the 10th century are a joke compared to all the scientific progress by the West and East Asia of last two centuries.

So you are one of those people who believes Westfalia got all her knowledge on her own.

Islam has only seen 1400 years in the plant. Quit comparing it to other civilizations. You can take away the contributions Islam gave to the sciences.
Nin fiican firfircoon ayaad halkaa ka wad ina adee national duty ayaad haysaa hawl Qaran.

I've researched many agriculture profitability crops, i studied agriculture degree in Uk.
there are many other more profitable crops that requires less intensive labor, and also offers stable prices through out the year.

fish/aquaculture are also profitable,

example currently suuqa xamarwayneh some fish species are going for $7 per kilo imagine if you bring your commercial side of business experience and a add a value and export it.

Many Uganda farmers have abandon the vanilla farming due to depressed prices,
vanilla like any other agriculture goods, go through cobweb cycle/model, one bad season or bad harvest, the following year, due to vanilla bad harvest the farmers will raise their production of relative to other crops, therefore, when they go to market the supply will be high, resulting in low prices.


Madagascan Vanilla Trade Controlled By Chinese Businesses-
who abuses the local people
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