bro these are the extreme sects of sufism , mostly turk / russian/balkan sufis , they are in no way similar to the normal sufis of senegal turkey and somalia also u wont find extremist mass murdering sufis lol. I can also show u how cancerous salafism isSufis are Cancer and Saudi Arabia didn't destroy sahaba graves so stop spreading a false message.
and don't forget the story of people of Noah when they worshiped the five men of ( ود وسواع ويغوث ويعوق ونسرا) and this is the same path of Sufism.
. Youre blinded by wahabism and it is no suprise you guys are very violent in nature as your sect is youngand doesnt have thewisdom of age so it will most likely fall apart as oil money dissapears, youre just a kid bro raised by wahabism brought in the 90's dont act like you know sufism.