Wahabbis destroying Islamic sites Subhanallah

Sufis are Cancer and Saudi Arabia didn't destroy sahaba graves so stop spreading a false message.

and don't forget the story of people of Noah when they worshiped the five men of ( ود وسواع ويغوث ويعوق ونسرا) and this is the same path of Sufism.

bro these are the extreme sects of sufism , mostly turk / russian/balkan sufis , they are in no way similar to the normal sufis of senegal turkey and somalia also u wont find extremist mass murdering sufis lol. I can also show u how cancerous salafism is
. Youre blinded by wahabism and it is no suprise you guys are very violent in nature as your sect is youngand doesnt have thewisdom of age so it will most likely fall apart as oil money dissapears, youre just a kid bro raised by wahabism brought in the 90's dont act like you know sufism.
Salafis are on right path but some of them want to solve the problem (sufism) fast without teaching.

as salafi i see that we should teach the people the right path of the sunnah and fight idea with idea so these people who follow sufism destroy these false masjids by there own hands.

the prophet (saw) in mecca didnt attack the idols but start building his power base from zero until he reach the power to destroy these idols.
S o L v e P r O b L e m F AAAAAAst kulahaaa kkkkk sxb u rely on a sufi country for aid Turkey , some of the most stable prosperous countries in the world that are muslims are dominated by sufis /non sunni shia .. kulahaa " Solve problem " salafis brought u an end to your somali cultural practices and the rigid lifestyle in which they live .. which i assume u probabaly dont live since ure a dumb kid who probabaly rarely prays and watches like any other salafi . You guys insult us in our mosques degrade us call us all sort of names yet when u are outnumbetred in a region or place u cower like pussies and yet we still allow u to build mosques and say what u have to say.... even though we are kind to you you come behind us and strab us in the back. You tear families aprt indoctrnating their children turning them against their parents .. brother see the light dont be drawn to salafism i promise u the kufar love salafis and hate sufis always know this.

also why do you keep saying sufis are on the wrong path ?? You are speaking for 100's of millions of people, u started following wahabism thanks to your local macalin dugsi who started following it in the 90's before then every somali even the times of the sayid we were mostly sufi . All we do is honor the prophet literally thats the only difference we also pray for AUN sufi scholars we dont go around killing people like when wahabis get overly emotional. You guys who consider urself wahabis are truly not wahabis u are munafiq "moderates" who larp under wahabism u secretly support isis/al qaeda yet tell the world that you dont... you secretly love arab culture more than ur own yet on forums u go around saying u hate arabs .. walahi u "normal" wahabis are the biggest munafiqs, either join ur extremist brothers or stop claiming wahabism as wahabism calls for death of kufar and rigid discipline regardless of the situation.
I don't follow arab culture i follow islam, i don't decide what is haram and halal the quran and sunnah does.

So rejecting Istighatha to the dead and following the salaf came only after 1991 ?

bro look at this dude how many times have i heard i follow islam , islam does not tell u to go around threatening being violent rude and killing people yet u wahabis do that constantly

Also honoring dead is something most muslims do we pray for them so Allah may spare them .... how is that haram or is it haram according to salafis only.

Also if u can do this why dont somalis in non somali countries go around doing this??? why dont arabs also do this?? it clearly means that when u have a people under the wahabi thumb and totally outnumber them u like to bully them to cultural extermination ... how is that the righteous path?? Id rather follow a movement that existed even when the somali race was new rather than one that took adavantage of our civil war to creep in like a pest.
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I asked a simple question, why are you getting emotional? Let's be honest there's nothing to destroy in Somalia:manny:
It seems you're very ignorant and only listen to negative western media. It's best ignoramuses like you, who also have a dangerous fanatical islamist mindset are kept out
I dare any of u wahabi kids to go to senegal / turkey and break down their mosques saying its bidah i dare u cowards ... we exist in somalia and we are armed and ready to die for our beliefs if u want us gone take the gun , we took the gun and we defended ourselves we exist in every somali region and we will die fighting not cowering
I dare any of u wahabi kids to go to senegal / turkey and break down their mosques saying its bidah i dare u cowards ... we exist in somalia and we are armed and ready to die for our beliefs if u want us gone take the gun , we took the gun and we defended ourselves we exist in every somali region and we will die fighting not cowering
Maxaad la ooyeeysa :mjlol:
oil money from daddy saudi runs out -- your foreign funders are gone and once educated somalis come back which infact most hate wahabis the sect will be sidelined . Just remember this
Saudis stopped after 9/11:hahaidiot:there's no melez Zenawi or tigre this time who is gonna help you
Saudis stopped after 9/11:hahaidiot:there's no melez Zenawi or tigre this time who is gonna help you
they already educated and trained enough poor nomad boys that we have for every 100 somalis 1 shiekh and 5 macalins, your teachers took advantage of a weak sufi nation and pounced like pests and infected the somali people we have strongholds so we wont die, im assuming u and ur people automatically think death to sufis but i know u "moderates" dont want that , however ur local sheikh is willing to wipe out sufis , so think where ur humanity lies. Also countries like turkey have protected sufis in the past so with how they are invested in somalia will u try and challenge them? Also all it takes is a sufi political party to take over the country and when we do without foreign support u guys will crumble fast.
bro look at this dude how many times have i heard i follow islam , islam does not tell u to go around threatening being violent rude and killing people yet u wahabis do that constantly

Also honoring dead is something most muslims do we pray for them so Allah may spare them .... how is that haram or is it haram according to salafis only.

Also if u can do this why dont somalis in non somali countries go around doing this??? why dont arabs also do this?? it clearly means that when u have a people under the wahabi thumb and totally outnumber them u like to bully them to cultural extermination ... how is that the righteous path?? Id rather follow a movement that existed even when the somali race was new rather than one that took adavantage of our civil war to creep in like a pest.

You're too emotional like most ahlul bidah

Theres no proof for mawlid or istighatha to the dead

Are we suppose to follow actual evidence from the diin or something a man in a green turban said ?

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) told us that: “Every innovation is going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire.” Narrated by Muslim (867) and an-Nasaa’i (1578)

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then, there will come people after them whose testimony precedes their oaths and their oaths precede their testimony.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6065, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2533

The generations the prophet mentioned never celebrated mawlid or try seek help from the dead..

So who do we follow ?
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Those are Madhkhalis not Wahabis, But yeah Madkhalis are cucks
some niggas don't deserve internet wtf is this?:ileycry:
Sufis are Cancer and Saudi Arabia didn't destroy sahaba graves so stop spreading a false message.

and don't forget the story of people of Noah when they worshiped the five men of ( ود وسواع ويغوث ويعوق ونسرا) and this is the same path of Sufism.

this lowkey lit
horta isnt grave worshipping haram, i dont agree with aspects of sufism but salafism isnt the way to go. from what ive seen its extreme and we cant deny that it's making somali culture are mimick of arab culture. not to mention it is what has caused an increase in extremist ideologies in somalia. we somalis shouldnt take our islam from anybody and should just follow the quran and the sunnah not what the extremists arabs have tried to impose on us nor grave worshipping


Somali Arab
they already educated and trained enough poor nomad boys that we have for every 100 somalis 1 shiekh and 5 macalins, your teachers took advantage of a weak sufi nation and pounced like pests and infected the somali people we have strongholds so we wont die, im assuming u and ur people automatically think death to sufis but i know u "moderates" dont want that , however ur local sheikh is willing to wipe out sufis , so think where ur humanity lies. Also countries like turkey have protected sufis in the past so with how they are invested in somalia will u try and challenge them? Also all it takes is a sufi political party to take over the country and when we do without foreign support u guys will crumble fast.
The Somali laymen Have always been salafi
You're too emotional like most ahlul bidah

Theres no proof for mawlid or istighatha to the dead

Are we suppose to follow actual evidence from the diin or something a man in a green turban said ?

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) told us that: “Every innovation is going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire.” Narrated by Muslim (867) and an-Nasaa’i (1578)

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then, there will come people after them whose testimony precedes their oaths and their oaths precede their testimony.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6065, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2533

The generations the prophet mentioned never celebrated mawlid or try seek help from the dead..

So who do we follow ?
U call us ahlul bidah yet u guys destroy islamic holy sites in makkah and madinah..... u guys bring dishonor to islam and ur less "moderate" sects go around beheading people left right and center..
one thing is for sure wahabism is not the right way no point in continous arguing and posting of hadith. We honor the prphet because he deservs to be honored , none of us or spceifically our creed worship him , u will never find a violent sufi but violent wahabis are as numerous as the ants. Also the generation of the prophet SAW mentioned were not wahabi , they were before the various interpretations of islam so we cant claim them a aspecific sect but they did honor the prophet just like we do today. Wahabism is new and came from betraying the sufi caliphate so why should i folow ur creed? Why do you guys claim u are the righteous path? I have said many times we celebrate mawlid to honor the prophet saw not worship him how many times must i keep saying this. Also if u truly believe in wahabism why do you have a drawing isnt it haram ? Since u are taking the literal interpretation .. u cannot be wahabi yet practice western values , a tru wahabbi sadly is no different to a bedouin in 1800's.
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