Wahabbis destroying Islamic sites Subhanallah

Imam Hanbal AUN

Imam Ahmad (r) said, advising his son, "O my son, you have to sit with the People of Sufism, because they are like a fountain of knowledge and they keep the Remembrance of Allah in their hearts. They are the ascetics and they have the most spiritual power." This is explained in the book Tanwir al-Qulub, p. 405, by Shaikh Amin al-Kurdi.

Ibn Khaldun said, "The way of the Sufis is the way of the Salaf, the Scholars among the Sahaba, Tabiceen, and Tabic at-Tabiceen. Its origin is to worship Allah and to leave the ornaments of this world and its pleasures." [Muqaddimat ibn Khaldan, p. 328]
Salafis are on right path but some of them want to solve the problem (sufism) fast without teaching.

as salafi i see that we should teach the people the right path of the sunnah and fight idea with idea so these people who follow sufism destroy these false masjids by there own hands.

the prophet (saw) in mecca didnt attack the idols but start building his power base from zero until he reach the power to destroy these idols.
There’s nothing wrong with Sufism (Tassawuf) if done correctly. Sufism has it’s roots from the Quran, the Sunnah and the Salaf. Many great scholars in the past praised Sufism and were actually Sufis themselves. If you mean to say some Sufis are misguided then that’s another argument but to demonize Sufism as a whole is simply wrong. After all, most Somalis and Muslims worldwide were practicing a form of Sufism (Tassawuf) until Saudi’s with their petrodollars funded this movement they call “Salafism.”

Great Muslims in the past were followers of Sufism such as Salahuddin Al-Ayubi, Ibn al-Qayyim and even Ibn Taymiyyah himself was a Sufi. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab’s teacher was a Naqshbandi Sufi.
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I am NOT a federal agent
Imam Hanbal AUN

Imam Ahmad (r) said, advising his son, "O my son, you have to sit with the People of Sufism, because they are like a fountain of knowledge and they keep the Remembrance of Allah in their hearts. They are the ascetics and they have the most spiritual power." This is explained in the book Tanwir al-Qulub, p. 405, by Shaikh Amin al-Kurdi.

Ibn Khaldun said, "The way of the Sufis is the way of the Salaf, the Scholars among the Sahaba, Tabiceen, and Tabic at-Tabiceen. Its origin is to worship Allah and to leave the ornaments of this world and its pleasures." [Muqaddimat ibn Khaldan, p. 328]
Please provide ONE evidence from Quran or Sunnah showing that sufi practices are halal


So rejecting Istighatha to the dead and following the salaf came only after 1991 ?
i believe that certain aspects of mudug sufism/‌heretic sufism are bastardized from shia practices. exaggarating wadaado mawlid making dua to the dead or wadaado etc.
U call us ahlul bidah yet u guys destroy islamic holy sites in makkah and madinah..... u guys bring dishonor to islam and ur less "moderate" sects go around beheading people left right and center..
one thing is for sure wahabism is not the right way no point in continous arguing and posting of hadith. We honor the prphet because he deservs to be honored , none of us or spceifically our creed worship him , u will never find a violent sufi but violent wahabis are as numerous as the ants. Also the generation of the prophet SAW mentioned were not wahabi , they were before the various interpretations of islam so we cant claim them a aspecific sect but they did honor the prophet just like we do today. Wahabism is new and came from betraying the sufi caliphate so why should i folow ur creed? Why do you guys claim u are the righteous path? I have said many times we celebrate mawlid to honor the prophet saw not worship him how many times must i keep saying this. Also if u truly believe in wahabism why do you have a drawing isnt it haram ? Since u are taking the literal interpretation .. u cannot be wahabi yet practice western values , a tru wahabbi sadly is no different to a bedouin in 1800's.

No point writing paragraphs that don't make sense.

salaf al-saalih are the generation mentioned in that hadith, they never celebrated mawlid so why do you celebrate it ? its an innovation with no basis same with praying to the dead people for help.

You think bidah acts are helping you but they aren't no matter if you have good intentions bidah is bidah.

If those who were closest to the prophet never done it why do you ? the prophet himself said do not exaggerate in praising me ? so why do you do the opposite ?

Do you guys have more knowledge than the salaf ?

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Sufis are Cancer and Saudi Arabia didn't destroy sahaba graves so stop spreading a false message.

and don't forget the story of people of Noah when they worshiped the five men of ( ود وسواع ويغوث ويعوق ونسرا) and this is the same path of Sufism.

What's the problem they're just dancing?

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Its very important to teach people against the dangers of shirks but this is not the way. Attacking people with weapons and destroying properties. No different from kebab.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
Sufi is true purest islam not ur wahhabist kebab style salafism
Well I don't care if 99% of muslims are sufis.

I don't judge by numbers but by the core idea and beliefs.

I have no problem with zikir and dua(as long it's not outside the Quran and sunnah).

Where did Sufi Zikir came from? Not from Quran and sunnah
Where did Sufi dance came from? Not from Quran and sunnah
Where did Sufi grave worshiping came from? Not from Quran and sunnah.

Oh and before you reply take cup of tea and stop getting emotional like 8 years old kid.😏😏😏
No point writing paragraphs that don't make sense.

salaf al-saalih are the generation mentioned in that hadith, they never celebrated mawlid so why do you celebrate it ? its an innovation with no basis same with praying to the dead people for help.

You think bidah acts are helping you but they aren't no matter if you have good intentions bidah is bidah.

If those who were closest to the prophet never done it why do you ? the prophet himself said do not exaggerate in praising me ? so why do you do the opposite ?

Do you guys have more knowledge than the salaf ?
Every sunni muslim follows the ways of the prophet and his companions , however other than ur sect we dont follow abdul wahab that is the only difference. To you its bidah , to me there is nothing wrong with it according to the teachings i was brought up in since it really makes no sense how its wrong all we do is dikr to Allah and his prophet some of our more fanatical memeber visit graves to pray for them, yet none go around embarasing the ummah like u guys do...

Either way this arguiment is pointless but ill leave u with the truth that islam today since the infection of abdul wahab in the 1700's/1800's began in arabia has been mirrored with many fallasises but one is for sure wahabism is a big threat to us as sunni muslims as even if the people are good and "moderate" like you i hope. The sect has a problem of easily going to extreme and causing death and suffering , rarely do you find sufi countries leave islam except for the white loving turks , ull rarely find any other sufi people willfuly leave the faith yet wahabi kids are leaveing in droves? Why is this? Simply because u bring up your children in unbearably rigid ways to the point a simple misdirection from kufar leads them astray that is all ill leave u with .


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
Every sunni muslim follows the ways of the prophet and his companions , however other than ur sect we dont follow abdul wahab that is the only difference. To you its bidah , to me there is nothing wrong with it according to the teachings i was brought up in since it really makes no sense how its wrong all we do is dikr to Allah and his prophet some of our more fanatical memeber visit graves to pray for them, yet none go around embarasing the ummah like u guys do...

Either way this arguiment is pointless but ill leave u with the truth that islam today since the infection of abdul wahab in the 1700's/1800's began in arabia has been mirrored with many fallasises but one is for sure wahabism is a big threat to us as sunni muslims as even if the people are good and "moderate" like you i hope. The sect has a problem of easily going to extreme and causing death and suffering , rarely do you find sufi countries leave islam except for the white loving turks , ull rarely find any other sufi people willfuly leave the faith yet wahabi kids are leaveing in droves? Why is this? Simply because u bring up your children in unbearably rigid ways to the point a simple misdirection from kufar leads them astray that is all ill leave u with .

if you think your belief is right where is the source?

from the Kitab and sunnah or from your pocket.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
الَ الله تَعَالَى: فَمَاذَا بَعْدَ الْحَقِّ إِلاَّ الضَّلالُ [يونس:32]، وَقالَ تَعَالَى: مَا فَرَّطْنَا فِي الْكِتَابِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ [الأنعام:38]، وَقالَ تَعَالَى: فَإِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ [النساء:59] أيِ: الكتاب والسنة، وَقالَ تَعَالَى: وَأَنَّ هَذَا صِرَاطِي مُسْتَقِيماً فَاتَّبِعُوهُ وَلا تَتَّبِعُوا السُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمْ عَنْ سَبِيلِهِ [الأنعام:153]، وَقالَ تَعَالَى: قُلْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ

عن عائشةَ رَضِي اللَّه عنها قَالَتْ: قَالَ رسولُ اللَّه ﷺ: مَنْ أَحْدثَ في أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ فهُو رَدٌّ متفقٌ عَلَيهِ.
وفي روايةٍ لمسلمٍ: مَنْ عَمِلَ عمَلًا لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَا فَهُو ردٌّ.

ديث رسول الله ﷺ : من سن سنة حسنة؛ فله أجرها، وأجر من عمل بها، ومن سن سنةً سيئة؛ فله وزرها ووزر من عمل بها

رسول الله ﷺ : كل بدعةٍ ضلالة، وكل ضلالةٍ في النار


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