No, you are being incoherent.
Mogadishu can be filled with the worst people in history that are frothing at the mouth to invade SL but if they are being restrained by international donors, that is still an opportunity cost ceiling.
They understand that the need for international community support and money is higher than their need to invade Somaliland.
The question is what is the opportunity cost ceiling for Somaliland in holding onto your Eastern regions?
Let me know when you have an answer…
If the FGS has a higher opportunity cost at this moment, then what of it?
There are no guarentees it will remain that way. The moment they have secured the south, the opportunity cost drops to zero and the IC would look the other way while they fight SL.
I think you are trying to turn their current predicament into some kind of moral edge, which is totally dishonest but you are the minister of propaganda after all.