War in Sool

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Another huuno commander got smoked today

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habrihiina waa isku kaaya mid

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
The good garaads just reponded to FGS, making a political play. They didn't even mention idoorland. You will continue getting smoked in a pack and sent to hell :drakekidding:

"The shelled the water well and the hospital" kkkkkkk

What I know for sure they're running out of supplies we need to continue the siege. Wallahi you guys need to put ur pride on the side. Parading around few dead soldiers doesn't mean thing when you are being killed in much more alarmimg rate
"The shelled the water well and the hospital" kkkkkkk

What I know for sure they're running out of supplies we need to continue the siege. Wallahi you guys need to put ur pride on the side. Parading around few dead soldiers doesn't mean thing when you are being killed in much more alarmimg rate
Your soldiers died way more than us, this will continue until we reach Oog. Don't worry, the day is still going. Give it some time lol

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Your soldiers died way more than us, this will continue until we reach Oog. Don't worry, the day is still going. Give it some time lol
C'mon my nigga I hate seeing you in such denial. Eventually you will come to ur sense and at least save face by hiding.
C'mon my nigga I hate seeing you in such denial. Eventually you will come to ur sense and at least face by hiding.
You got smoked today very bad, dead bodies are all over the place. Every saldiig SL had was lost and now Goojcade, the last SL stronghold is being flushed out.

I actually don't want idoors to come to their sense because we want to keep stepping on these malnourished kids from Hargeisa and Burco. :mjkkk:
You got smoked today very bad, dead bodies are all over the place. Every saldiig SL had was lost and now Goojcade, the last SL stronghold is being flushed out.

I actually don't want idoors to come to their sense because we want to keep stepping on these malnourished kids from Hargeisa and Burco. :mjkkk:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
SNM humiliated again! Iidoor maydkiina tirobeel weeyaan kaalay soo soco :mjlaugh:


