War in Sool

After a shocking defeat against SSC @Vito Rizutto was in hiding for 5 days biting his nails while working his brain really on a come back solution :mjlol: :mjlol:
Today they came out with last ditch effort propaganda to build morale and they thought to use MJ. Some random papers, 1 vehicle (belongs to them), license plate (easy to get).

No tiknikos, no dead, no heavy weapons, mulitiple vehicles like we show them.

Weak stuff all around.
Today they came out with last ditch effort propaganda to build morale and they thought to use MJ. Some random papers, 1 vehicle (belongs to them), license plate (easy to get).

No tiknikos, no dead, no heavy weapons, mulitiple vehicles like we show them.

Weak stuff all around.
Desperate times call for desperate measures..

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

Tacsi for man from garowe
@TimaJilic reer Jamaac waal did good today wallahi. Salute to faysaal botaan :wow1:
You're tagging the nigga who's calling for your tols heads and thinks the war will be won by his clan alone whilst you cheerlead for them on the sidelines :mjlol:
That reporter is HA, xabad waligii arag, meesha waxa ka dagaalmayaa walaahi waa HJ kaliya. Naagahaa waanu wasaynaa marka dagaalka soo afjarno.

Iminka meel walba HJ na difaacaysa lasoo taagan yihiin.
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Two battalions of one of the divisions under Col Botaan (HJ) and Col Fanax (HJ) are in use, each battalion numbering 300-500 men.

Yesterday a Cumar Maxamuud Majeerteen man called Jimcaale from Garowe came with 27 teknikos including 4 Zsu's, his forces were obliterated, so far 30+ POWs, lots of dead.

14 tiknikos captured and 4 Zsu, the remaining militia of garowe fled.

My god what a karbash :wow:
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PL pow

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:wow1: you man celebrated to early and watch tomo when we go on another offensive and no longer be sitting ducks
That random guy isn't Korneyl Duwane
:drakekidding:and Jimcaale is Ciise Maxamuud not Cumar Maxamuud. No comment about the other gibberish and the cheap propaganda you shared.

Capo Dhoore

Today they came out with last ditch effort propaganda to build morale and they thought to use MJ. Some random papers, 1 vehicle (belongs to them), license plate (easy to get).

No tiknikos, no dead, no heavy weapons, mulitiple vehicles like we show them.

Weak stuff all around.
They claimed they captured a bunch of armed vehicles/weapons and men today , why isn't there a single video or photo showing it? Lol I can't believe they actually posted this


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
That random guy isn't Korneyl Duwane
:drakekidding:and Jimcaale is Ciise Maxamuud not Cumar Maxamuud. No comment about the other gibberish and the cheap propaganda you shared.
Colonel jimcaale jama takar laandhere reer samakab issaq cisse mohamud tonight his in tuqaraq after snm run away from thier dead baqti and weapon&ammunition cisse dhux meeshu ka jiro tol ba ka jiro


