War in Sool

If Palestinians migrated it would be safer for them and easier for them to move and grow stronger
If some Dhulbahante moved to Awdal I would definitely invest there with you, also Awdal is in front of the world they would be less be violent than in the Somali hinterlands

I was using Palestinians as an example, you have "Free Palestine" in your bio yetyou advocate for them to move? You aren't fooling anyone bro. Why else would you suggest this? It benefits your Somalidiid agenda and encroachment on land that doesn't belong to you. Lying is haram, state your subclan


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I was using Palestinians as an example, you have "Free Palestine" but you advocate for them to move? You aren't fooling anyone bro. Why else would you suggest this? It benefits your Somalidiid agenda and encroachment on land that doesn't belong to you. Lying is haram, state your subclan
Another Iidoor with false propaganda, how can you demand another clan to move. This is against the Quran which condemns driving people out of their homes


What breed of iidoor are you? No one is rebelling, that area was never apart of their imaginary "government". The Dhulbahante are defending their land from invaders. By your logic Palestinians should just migrate to Jordan or Syria instead of defending their homes
😆 I don’t think he is . I believe he is Leelkase


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
of the Sahaba that migrated twice from Mecca to Abyssinia to Medina one was Uthman ‏ ‏رضي الله وعنه who became one of the prophets biggest financers in Medinah, his other success in Medinah couldn’t be numerated , and was the foundation for the longest lasting Islamic empire

Abdurhamn Ibn Awf became the wealthiest sahabi despite coming to Medinah penniless, one would assume his knowledge from migrating and intermingling with people was a source of his blessing


Also rebelling against a government even its oppressive isn’t good it’s very messy and generally causes chaos best option is to migrate

You never see a Prophet take arms against a government

Musa ‏عليه السلام migrated and created his own state, same with the Prophet Mohamed ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم
Somaliland is rebelling against fgs. They should move to 🇬🇧 or Kenya another proud British colony


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
of the Sahaba that migrated twice from Mecca to Abyssinia to Medina one was Uthman ‏ ‏رضي الله وعنه who became one of the prophets biggest financers in Medinah, his other success in Medinah couldn’t be numerated , and was the foundation for the longest lasting Islamic empire

Abdurhamn Ibn Awf became the wealthiest sahabi despite coming to Medinah penniless, one would assume his knowledge from migrating and intermingling with people was a source of his blessing
Are you seriously comparimg hijra aka religious migration ordained by Allah SWT to a naked attack on another clan’s town?


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Islam is a religion of wisdom, to me every drop of Dhulbahante blood is valuable and SL could be supported by Djibouti Ethiopia Eritrea Israel etc

Knowing Somalia, fighting that last weeks in Somalia doesn’t end even in months, it’s better to move and focus on growth and strengthen ourselves


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Islam is a religion of wisdom, to me every drop of Dhulbahante blood is valuable and SL could be supported by Djibouti Ethiopia Eritrea Israel etc

Knowing Somalia, fighting that last weeks in Somalia doesn’t end even in months, it’s better to move and focus on growth and strengthen ourselves
something people don’t realize is weapons are getting cheap and weapon manufacturing is going up

we’re next to one of the biggest weapon manufacturers Iran and the two biggest smugglers Djibouti and Yemeni , this is very dangerous

furthermore a lot of used weapons from the Ukraine war are in the hands of smugglers they’re trying to get rid off


Islam is a religion of wisdom, to me every drop of Dhulbahante blood is valuable and SL could be supported by Djibouti Ethiopia Eritrea Israel etc

Knowing Somalia, fighting that last weeks in Somalia doesn’t end even in months, it’s better to move and focus on growth and strengthen ourselves

Abu Huraira reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if a man intends to seize my wealth?” The Prophet said, “Do not give up your wealth.” The man said, “What if he fights me?” The Prophet said, “Then fight him.” The man said, “What if he kills me?” The Prophet said, “You will be a martyr.” The man said, “What if I kill him?” The Prophet said, “He will be in the Hellfire.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 140


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Abu Huraira reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if a man intends to seize my wealth?” The Prophet said, “Do not give up your wealth.” The man said, “What if he fights me?” The Prophet said, “Then fight him.” The man said, “What if he kills me?” The Prophet said, “You will be a martyr.” The man said, “What if I kill him?” The Prophet said, “He will be in the Hellfire.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 140
Bro the context for this is a man on man altercation, that is bravery

the prophetic precedent for more complex situations differ
You’re welcome in Puntland , me and my family are organizing banquets and living spaces for migrants in Galkacyo and Goldobog inshallah but I’d say your best bet for the future would be Awdal, it’s very strategic place economically and the people there are very friendly, neighborly, and good linage

Maybe you can develop the Zayla port inshallah
If some Dhulbahante moved to Awdal I would definitely invest there with you, also Awdal is in front of the world they would be less be violent than in the Somali hinterlands
Why would they abandon their homeland which their ancestors spilt and shed blood for and go to foreign lands like Awdal? To run from Isaaq? Bixi and his ilk who waged war on Dhulbahante border Awdal and that's where his strongest supporters are.

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Irir samaale is a internet meme. I don't like xaq daro and fighting people in their own home. Inshallah dhulo win @World :yousmart:

I also like the current 7 shape somalia has now. looks cool and i don't want it to change kkk
Xalay your kinsmen got humiliated on Twitter spaces by the same idoors they’ve been twerking for the past few weeks kkk
Bothers please migrant completely or they will cut you down , it’s noble to migrant in the face of migration

Dhulbahante if you migrate to Puntland, you migmight need to humble yourself for a little while but I see in the future you becoming the kings of Somalia as all the real knowledge and expertise are delegated to you and the military is entrusted and hopefully you will be a more honest trustworthy broker with your historical experience as leaders and present w prosecution
There should be no migration. Zero displacement of the public. I dont agree with what causes this conflict but no somali should stand for displacement of a single somali from anywhere in somalia whether garowe, L.A, hargesia or hamar. All somalis should be united on this front. How people are going to solve conflicts i dont know though.


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