I have no words. Let me just stay silent and pray for the people of LaasCaanood whose killers are being fed and released.
Abaayo I am the SSC protest in London. Ku aaway? Our secret code should me Raaqus which is Suqaar spelled backwards.
I have no words. Let me just stay silent and pray for the people of LaasCaanood whose killers are being fed and released.
Khair InshaAllah, dont worry abaayo..Wow.
I have no words. Let me just stay silent and pray for the people of LaasCaanood whose killers are being fed and released. Isaaq is using the same achilles heel it has used since it captured LaasCaanood, it's called "abtinimo". They can do what they want and all they have to say is the magic 'abti' word, and all is forgiven.
Who will be responsible to pay for the damage done to LaasCaanood? They are giving up POWs and will have little to no leverage whatsoever. As for the killers they released, they will come back and kill again.
Lool..Abaayo I am the SSC protest in London. Ku aaway? Our secret code should me Raaqus which is Suqaar spelled backwards.
Walaahi you Daaroodz are delusionalWow.
I have no words. Let me just stay silent and pray for the people of LaasCaanood whose killers are being fed and released.
Walaahi you Daaroodz are delusionalyou guys even went far by mocking and taking photos with the died bodies subhaan and you are now talking about handing over POWs
we all know, that you guys could have recorded them of course 100 times and showing off that you captured POWs. Let alone releasing them
Walahi billaahi you guys even killed the wounded one, nafta dhaafiseen midhkii dhaawac ahaa. Reer faan ilaahay ka xishooda been baa ku nooshihiin.
Our army captured more than 100 POWs, Mandheera prison ayay liinta ku cabayaan.
The single biggest issue I have with this ceasefire is that it wastes precious time. Every second matters, the longer this ceasefire continues the bigger chance this will turn into a long-term war. Ssc's goal should be to avoid that at all costs since it's their land which is the battlefield.
We know muuse is stalling for time by now. And he's preparing to make this war take as long as possible. A war of attrition so to speak. Right now he's training thousands that he conscripted from all over sl, he expects this war to be ongoing when their training is finished couple months time.
Then we ofc see the heavy weaponry, ammunition and logistic support being given to sl by iog. Iog to avoid international eyes needs to send military aid bit by bit. He can't send everything at once since it will be too noticeable. That takes time, but by the end the plan is a much greater force, and more weapons/ammunition stationed smack in the middle of ssc territory unmoved.
Now, another point worth noting is the "scorch earth" policy by SL. we know they have arrested nomads and stolen their livestock and we know they have destroyed water plants, and other infrastructure. With the war continuing, we will see more of these acts. Water wells will most likely be the next target. They want to make life unbearable for the people of ssc. And the goal is to force capitulation at the end.
So the goal should be quick capture of goojacade. An enemy in a defensive position in your land is the worst position in a prolonged war. And a goojacadewith reinforced walls, reinforced troops and reinforced weapons and ammunition will be much much harder to beat than the current goojacsde. It will cost both civilian and military lives.
Yeah, that's another important point. When the war finishes, there's no bargaining chip by ssc. Why should sl release any pows they captured? What about the civilians they arrested illegally for being against them since they controlled the city? There are many civilians in sl prison for no reason.Biixi doesn't even need to train thousands, he will simply return the ones that were released by the Garaads.
What they should do, instead of releasing these killers, is keep them imprisoned, take their mugshots, fingerprints and note down where they were captured and which weapons they were using.
Abaayo I am the SSC protest in London. Ku aaway? Our secret code should me Raaqus which is Suqaar spelled backwards.
It was only two wounded soldiers that couldn't be treated in Laascaanood.A week ago Habar jeclo POWs were handed over to Buurmadoow after he called the Garaads in LA and told them abtiyaal inamada so gudbiya. POWs are exchanged when conflicts come to an end.
They think they own Laascaanood or what?![]()
im not active on twitter and have enough self respect to not larp as a darood. let's not derail this thread pleaseYo @Prince of HS thats your Somali spot pfp. Either it's a conicednce or your larping as Daarod OR your a Daarod larping as Abgaal.
Step and explain.
He does but only to somalia since he doesnt consider somalia his country cuz he is from somaliland. Look at the lascanood incident for example if that was happening in somalia u can bet grigori making 30 tweets a day talking about somalia on how such a failed state it is but when that happens in somaliland the nigga is nowhere to be foundThis is the SNM hall of Arguments AKA Parliament of SL
@Grigori Rasputin you report on this kinda stuff right?
The French Catholic Mission (FCM), under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), opened a famous orphanage in Daymoole village, British Somaliland, in 1881. This orphanage, which was located near Berbera, is best remembered for contributing to the anger of the Somali Muslim scholar and freedom fighter, Sayid Muhammed Abdulle Hassan (7 April 1856 - 21 December 1920), who waged a relentless jihad against the British colonizers and their sympathizers. Hussein A. Bulhan writes that the Sayid's wrath intensified when he met Somali boys converted to Christianity by missionaries who came and collaborated with the colonial administration.