War in Sool

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
No reports of Samaroon casualties for well over a month, hardly any Samaroon. They're long gone. Besides even if there were Dir in the army, that doesn't mean you're fighting Dir. Cambaashe is still fighting for SL with some loyal Dhulbahante, so does that count as Dhulbahante fighting eachother? Same logic.
Actually 60 samaroon died and they still in the battle field, niyahow y'all need to stop saying these ridiculous "my tribe left" u think sl has no unity amongst their army no soldiers just leave with out big news break going on in burco hargaysa and iidoor screaming samaroon betrayed them, samaroon believe in SL and will died even if they don't they still don't have any choice
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Better yet. Fiqishiini are fighting on Dhulbahante's side. Does that mean Hawiye are fighting against Isaaq?

Bottom line is there's barely any Samaroon troops in Laaska otherwise we would've heard reports of their deaths (tacsi) on our spaces on social media. Stop this Dir are fighting against you nonsense. @Garaadka

The very few that are there are there on their own accord. Beesha Guud are against their involvement there
More Geri are fighting than fiqishni, Geri are more than fiqishni in the battlefield and they arrived in cayn region recently, don't speak on thing u don't know, already 60 died from samaroon they are part of the army as they believe in sl, u seem to be extremely uneducated in the situation going in sool, pls stick to what u good at talking about joining oromia, it's let derail this thread, agree to disagree
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Non existent Dir army keeping the SSC militia awake at night next they gonna day Irir samaale has joined in
Sxb are u denying that sl doesn't recruit any army from awdal :icon lol: u basically saying sl doesn't exist with this, u funny kid, I already captured u jabuuti boys and the vehicles they sent, the only people begging irir samaale 24/7 Is u
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Sl and their basaas, countless of spies captured in buhoodle

Puntland is full of these spies, but I haven't heard of them being arrested yet. Let me guess, it's the 'we are the best host olympics'. There is a difference between being a host and being a dhaandhaan. I saw a clip a while back of an Isaaq woman in Bosaso making threats, yes, in Bosaso.


Better yet. Fiqishiini are fighting on Dhulbahante's side. Does that mean Hawiye are fighting against Isaaq?

Bottom line is there's barely any Samaroon troops in Laaska otherwise we would've heard reports of their deaths (tacsi) on our spaces on social media. Stop this Dir are fighting against you nonsense. @Garaadka

The very few that are there are there on their own accord. Beesha Guud are against their involvement there

People like to create narratives that don't exist for political purposes. It's the same when the Jarso and Geri have a conflict and they say its Oromo vs Somali. It's the same thing. I haven't heard of any Samaroon casualties since the early days of the conflict. They've long gone.
Shameless terrorist state of Somaliland called the murder of the Dhulbahante boy, who was a Somaliland police officer, "aano qabiil" and "dil caadi ah". Basically, the guys who killed him, lost their criminal father in the Sool battles and they took it out on him.

If you can't see the video, head to DarwiishTv on facebook.

This is how the video looks:

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 18.59.51.png
Actually 60 samaroon died and they still in the battle field, niyahow y'all need to stop saying these ridiculous "my tribe left" u think sl has no unity amongst their army no soldiers just leave with out big news break going on in burco hargaysa and iidoor screaming samaroon betrayed them, samaroon believe in SL and will died even if they don't they still don't have any choice
Reer Awdal are apolitical in SL's secession ambitions.

They're not clannist fanatics like Hargeysa and Burco that recently had protests supporting the war and insulting Dhulbahante.


Actually 60 samaroon died and they still in the battle field, niyahow y'all need to stop saying these ridiculous "my tribe left" u think sl has no unity amongst their army no soldiers just leave with out big news break going on in burco hargaysa and iidoor screaming samaroon betrayed them, samaroon believe in SL and will died even if they don't they still don't have any choice

Me and @Duucale1 are in many Samaroon spaces and are very well connected with what's going on back home. Both me and him haven't received any reports of this imaginary 60 Samaroon dead, forget 60 I haven'theard even 1 for over a month now, where are their families because Awdal is quiet. There was one prisoner who said he was Samaroon but many were suspicious that he said that only to escape.

So you are misinformed, you aren't fighting Dir. We are against this criminal war against the Dhulbahante. We wish you the very best, just lay off the propaganda a little.
More Geri are fighting than fiqishni, Geri are more than fiqishni in the battlefield and they arrived in cayn region recently, don't speak on thing u don't know, already 60 died from samaroon they are part of the army as they believe in sl, u seem to be extremely uneducated in the situation going in sool, pls stick to what u good at talking about joining oromia, it's let derail this thread, agree to disagree
My point went over your airhead.

Nonetheless, why is it you have knowledge of these "60" deaths but we don't? Don't speak on things you don't know kulaha, what are you the Qabil inspector or something lol

A big lie you've stated: "Samaroon are as well represented in the war as hj which have the most army there" You think we outnumber Garxajis, Habar Awal, Arap & Ayuub? And if we were as big as HJ there why does it go unnoticed by the community?

Lmao. Stop this agenda. You clearly have an axe to grind with Dir, especially Ciise and Samaroon. I can tell by your condescending tone.


Cmon @Abdisamad just read what she is writing aint no way u agree with her, u Talking about being emotional but even so this is a whole Another level of cuqdidnimo she is whole grown women who can take her own actions responsibility dont be easy on what she is spewing

i used AY as an example it wasnt an attack like i cleary stated both being silly arguments for those who use it

Why would i disagree with her when its not even debate since we talking about people losing their homes and lives, u cant just disagree since its basic human right

u Talking here in about โ€friendly mannersโ€

Where is the friendliess about her speech her wicked to say nonetheless

If u go back to old pages or even as user u would have known that im number 1 mucaarad for that expaniost self state called somaliland

I was with u from isolating them in economic sense to hilting their devolopemnt and blocking their roads to do even NeXT cities as a way to trade

till u started spewing that boogeyman bs and labelling or treating the isaaq as a crazy lunatics we should not marry and divorce

Fear Allah.

and you @Abdisamad last but not least ik u both hail from same Clan but still there is some border that shall never be crossed u know that damn Well caadi iska dhig mannen
I know some users here wonโ€™t like it but the reality is Iiddoor and Dhulbahante like fucking each other and that wonโ€™t stop with this war. Theyโ€™ve mixed so much theyโ€™re practically the same genetically by this point


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Muse judaan is begging garad jamac ismail
"Muusow wicitaanka iga daa, oo ciidankaaga inta hadhay kala bax Deegaanada SSC."
Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil
Sxb are u denying that sl doesn't recruit any army from awdal :icon lol: u basically saying sl doesn't exist with this, u funny kid, I already captured u jabuuti boys and the vehicles they sent, the only people begging irir samaale 24/7 Is u

I see times are getting desperate when destitute dhulbhante soldiers making these attempts to frame Djibouti and Gerri sending one technical is not something to boast about


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
There is an MJ woman, who has a business in Hargeisa. For months, she has seen the conflict but she didn't run away. Now they've beaten her up and she's locked in a house and she's making calls, when it's too late. Who is going to break her out? This isn't the movie called "taken"!
I'm sorry, but what else can we say to these people? How many examples do you need? Your people are being killed and you are still sitting in Isaaq lands?
Even animals, run away when they sense that danger is afoot. I don't know sida dadkaan loola hadlo and what to say to them. I'll tell you who is misleading these people, it's the "isaaq are good people" crowd, they will call these people and tell them to stay, tell them that nobody will harm them. The dhiig is on your hands, hambalyo.
Maybe Irirsm is true because this is not Darood dhaqan.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
My point went over your airhead.

Nonetheless, why is it you have knowledge of these "60" deaths but we don't? Don't speak on things you don't know kulaha, what are you the Qabil inspector or something lol

A big lie you've stated: "Samaroon are as well represented in the war as hj which have the most army there" You think we outnumber Garxajis, Habar Awal, Arap & Ayuub? And if we were as big as HJ there why does it go unnoticed by the community?

Lmao. Stop this agenda. You clearly have an axe to grind with Dir, especially Ciise and Samaroon. I can tell by your condescending tone.
It's all over Facebook, the death count by per sub clan, sxb me of all people have anything against north eastern Dir is funny bc u don't even border me, I dislike jabuuti but I don't dislike ciise waraabe I feel for them every time afar attacked them, am the last person who would have anything against Dir even if u are in my land but I'll clean those up soon enough, sxb samaaroon being in war as sl army is not propaganda but fact as reer awdal also represented in the army

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
I see times are getting desperate when destitute dhulbhante soldiers making these attempts to frame Djibouti and Gerri sending one technical is not something to boast about
How can reer laascaanood have the time to make army patches when they're at war, stop the projection we not the ones changing old crappy cars and putting on them pl licence
Michael Jordan Lol GIF
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
My point went over your airhead.

Nonetheless, why is it you have knowledge of these "60" deaths but we don't? Don't speak on things you don't know kulaha, what are you the Qabil inspector or something lol

A big lie you've stated: "Samaroon are as well represented in the war as hj which have the most army there" You think we outnumber Garxajis, Habar Awal, Arap & Ayuub? And if we were as big as HJ there why does it go unnoticed by the community?

Lmao. Stop this agenda. You clearly have an axe to grind with Dir, especially Ciise and Samaroon. I can tell by your condescending tone.
i have nothing for folk that don't bother me but i have something for u boys in my land, The fact that reer awdal are in the army and we'll represented in sool and more are upcoming from burco,hargaysa,borama,wajaale etc is not lie as they recently passed yagoori bridge, the jabuutian vehicles and men are already known by the ssc fighters and their captives are in our city,
am not the one living in lie here and being delusional
I know some users here wonโ€™t like it but the reality is Iiddoor and Dhulbahante like fucking each other and that wonโ€™t stop with this war. Theyโ€™ve mixed so much theyโ€™re practically the same genetically by this point
Nah the war will make it less common.

For example Dhulbahante subclans in Buuhoodle and surrounding villages don't marry Isaaq anymore due to conflicts with HJ and SL.

