War in Sool

Garaad Jamac Garaad Ismacil gives an update of where things stands, the events that has occurred and how to move forward. Seems like the fightings will continue until SL forces either willingly or unwillingly gets removed from these areas.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Taliye Cabdi Madoobe confirms SSC forces are in full control of Laascaanood and that the terrorist SNM rogue militias were defeated

Taliye Cabdi Madoobe in Laascanood it’s over for the SNM terrorists βœŠπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄


Another huuno commander and close confidant of Musa Shani from the Habar Awal tribe bites the dust. This old fart is from Gabiley but met his demise in Sool. Enjoy hell bozo.

All MJ from Basoso to Gaalkacyo fighting alongside Farastinis are smoked.

This one is Cumar Maxamuud from Gaalkacyo he was killed today in Laascaanood.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Another huuno commander and close confidant of Musa Shani from the Habar Awal tribe bites the dust. This old fart is from Gabiley but met his demise in Sool. Enjoy hell bozo.

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Baal egga what this imbecile khat addict is saying. "u shahiday" "mar dambe xishoonmayno"

This is about a dude who travelled all the way from his region to kill other folks in thier own city because his British masters drew some lines on a map.

