War in Sool


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
They were Reer miyi there They were attacked there. There are also other women and men who were wounded. They were taken to burco, but this family was all killed.
This is what happens in wars, my friend
Inshallah there are no more civilian casualties. The average Isaaq mother or child shouldn’t be punished for the crimes of SL army. The captured commanders and higher ups organising the attacks should be the ones to pay for those crimes with their lives
Inshallah there are no more civilian casualties. The average Isaaq mother or child shouldn’t be punished for the crimes of SL army. The captured commanders and higher ups organising the attacks should be the ones to pay for those crimes with their lives

Prison exchange for footsoldiers and Nuremberg style trials for higher ups hopefully.

Also somaliland should be made to pay damages for civilian deaths and destruction of properties.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
To be fair, his forces did take part in today's offensive but he was removed from the command structure and replaced by Qalyare. He was an hindrance to SSC by pulling out his troops from the frontline twice to clash with the PL government in Garowe.

We had command issues, wrong men at the wrong places

Qalyare is a man of conviction and was prepared to die for the cause



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

This should be added to SSPOTs face smiley, can digitally savvy qalas crop his face

@Admin can we add this to the face Smileys
What happened is totally consistent with what I said. The Isaaq soldiers should be in Buuhoodle/Xuddun. Leave Laas Caanood alone to general Canbaashe. Niic Taanni Nuux Taanni went there to help his cousin distract Isaaq from elections and in the process Laas Caanood crisis punished the relatively neutral/prodemocracy Jaama Siyaad so they turned against Soomaliland. I said it all along Isaaq troops should be on Buuhuudle/Xuddun perimeters.

Remind Ugaadhyahan the battle of Qoodhe-Taag that forced them to run to run from GX/Sanaag and run to the Jaamac Siyaad city of Laas Caanood followed by Dhulbahante signing the SNM papers dissolving the union with the South.

Isolate the semi xabashistan occupied thornbush village of Buuhoodle of Axmed Garaad and make their antidemocracy warlord Cabdi Madooble irrelevant in the Jaamac Siyaad town of LC. As long as Axmed Garaad and

Ugaadhyahan are busy fighting democracy in their home villages that would have left LC to general Canbaashe and Bahararsame. Bahararsame hate Migiurtinia/PL more than they hate democracy under Somaliland i.e. Canbaashe was well positioned to defend democracy in LC but Biixi wanted a political destraction against Isaaq opposition.

I'd like to hear thoughts from this group below
@Gadhwayne- I want to hear his new fantasies, I hope he doesn't take his pills.

@TimaJilic- This guxjeclo got every prediction he made so far wrong, I'm also sure he has male family members that got packed. It's not looking good for his kind and he knows that. :mjkkk:

@Bernie Madoff He disappeared from time, also stop giving much predictions after he witnessed dead bodies.

@bidenkulaha- Add this hutu with them, his cheerleading while quite shameless, it was comedy relief seeing all the ass kissing he did.

I hope we hear from them.


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