War in Sool


We must give genuine credit to Dhulbahante and forget Isaaq madness on PL this and that. If Dhulbahante didn't unite, this conflict would end up like it did previously. The only changing factor was Dhulbahante unity
Ric Flair Hype GIF by Atlanta United
If the terrorist state of Somaliland attacks again, use their relentless propaganda of "xuduudaha Ingriiska" against them and establish Khaatumo in Isaaq lands. Madaxa ka garaaca for a few decades, since they refused to stop.

There is no contest over Isaaq occcupation/conquest of former Dhulbahante deegans. Biixi traitor who left eastern Badhan to terrorists/Migiurtinia also let Axmed Garaad militias from Buuhoodle village enter the Jaamac Siyaad town of Laas Caanood then he brought Isaaq soldiers to take the blame for the war instead of letting Jaamac Siyaad see their town/general under attack by reer Buuhoodle/Xuddun thus turning JS against Somaliland since they blamed Isaaq presence for the destruction whereas if it was general Canbaashe alone against warlord Madoobe they would blame the destruction on Axmed Garaad, Ugaadhyahan, and Bahararsame ganging up on JS
Col Kirtan the commander of Galkayo airport front and gaaska mudug iyo cayn a hero of kalshaale and hero of dagaalka Bardagool the chief of dacas in qashin qubka baraxlay.will hoog in margaaga.


There is no contest over Isaaq occcupation/conquest of former Dhulbahante deegans. Biixi traitor who left eastern Badhan to terrorists/Migiurtinia also let Axmed Garaad militias from Buuhoodle village enter the Jaamac Siyaad town of Laas Caanood then he brought Isaaq soldiers to take the blame for the war instead of letting Jaamac Siyaad see their town/general under attack by reer Buuhoodle/Xuddun thus turning JS against Somaliland since they blamed Isaaq presence for the destruction whereas if it was general Canbaashe alone against warlord Madoobe they would blame the destruction on Axmed Garaad, Ugaadhyahan, and Bahararsame ganging up on JS
100% delusional πŸ˜‚
There is no contest over Isaaq occcupation/conquest of former Dhulbahante deegans. Biixi traitor who left eastern Badhan to terrorists/Migiurtinia also let Axmed Garaad militias from Buuhoodle village enter the Jaamac Siyaad town of Laas Caanood then he brought Isaaq soldiers to take the blame for the war instead of letting Jaamac Siyaad see their town/general under attack by reer Buuhoodle/Xuddun thus turning JS against Somaliland since they blamed Isaaq presence for the destruction whereas if it was general Canbaashe alone against warlord Madoobe they would blame the destruction on Axmed Garaad, Ugaadhyahan, and Bahararsame ganging up on JS
Cabdi Madoobe is a warlord and your snm boys like biixi are mujahids right?

There is no contest over Isaaq occcupation/conquest of former Dhulbahante deegans. Biixi traitor who left eastern Badhan to terrorists/Migiurtinia also let Axmed Garaad militias from Buuhoodle village enter the Jaamac Siyaad town of Laas Caanood then he brought Isaaq soldiers to take the blame for the war instead of letting Jaamac Siyaad see their town/general under attack by reer Buuhoodle/Xuddun thus turning JS against Somaliland since they blamed Isaaq presence for the destruction whereas if it was general Canbaashe alone against warlord Madoobe they would blame the destruction on Axmed Garaad, Ugaadhyahan, and Bahararsame ganging up on JS
Which Ahmed Garaad Militias from Buuhoodle are you talking about??

Hayaag or?
The terrorist state of SNM is using child soldiers. One of them was captured in the conflict and a very smart one, ran away from them recently. Look here:

How will they even justify this, one of the worse yet. A 14 year old child, found in a coma in the wilderness, by nomads, who have taken upon themselves to feeding him for days, to recover, almost starved to death. He is now being looked after in a home in Las Anod till handed over to his family.

