"Qaranku waa kee" he says whilst laughing at a delusional HJ reporter's face. Brutal.

"Qaranku waa kee" he says whilst laughing at a delusional HJ reporter's face. Brutal.
nothing good for the soul than somalilander's tearsI’ll never get tired of these before and after. From puffing his chest in clubhouse to crying on Twitter spaces, I love this shit
He speaks with a Mudug accent is that beacuse he’s from hawdka or is his mother reer Mudug
Justice is needed for 8 month they attacked buildings, civilian death, and even soldiers who died. Let's not make their memory be forgotten. Make these thugs pay not go free.
His mom is CM.He speaks with a Mudug accent is that beacuse he’s from hawdka or is his mother reer Mudug
What happened to Muusow Ciidanka fasax?
3d majority darood state gov in the F republic. Things are getting very interesting.His mom is CM.
Which 3?3d majority darood state gov in the F republic. Things are getting very interesting.
His mother is Habar Jeclo kkkHe speaks with a Mudug accent is that beacuse he’s from hawdka or is his mother reer Mudug
That will never happen as there's no credible justice system in Somalia as the warlords of the civil war are walking freely with no justice for the victims who have lost their loved ones in that era or period and I know the Garaads aren't willing to put their people in another conflict if they set up a mocking trial for POWs.
Justice is needed for 8 month they attacked buildings, civilian death, and even soldiers who died. Let's not make their memory be forgotten. Make these thugs pay not go free.
There will be one and there will be justice, hooyada waxaas usheegThat will never happen as there's no credible justice system in Somalia as the warlords of the civil war are walking freely with no justice for the victims who have lost their loved ones in that era or period and I know the Garaads aren't willing to put their people in another conflict if they set up a mocking trial for POWs.
I'm not a lowlife to mention other people's mothers or parents like you and the justice you're talking about to be frank with you is non existent as the two groups or parties in the conflict were willing to go headed to head and that's how war is but if you guys go on with the mock trial it seems you don't want peace but the continuation of the conflict that will turn into ugly one with clan phase an unending conflict where the innocent ppl will pay the heavy price and the end that will leave a bad name or legacy on Somali name.There will be one and there will be justice, hooyada waxaas usheeg
The extreme perpertrators will face most extreme punishment, dont give a shit about injustice in Southern Somalia, up to them to solve that
So you saying those guys who shot missiles at Civilian locations, and killing innocent women and Children should be let go, delusionalI'm not a lowlife to mention other people's mothers or parents like you and the justice you're talking about to be frank with you is non existent as the two groups or parties in the conflict were willing to go headed to head and that's how war is but if you guys go on with the mock trial it seems you don't want peace but the continuation of the conflict that will turn into ugly one with clan phase an unending conflict where the innocent ppl will pay the heavy price and the end that will leave a bad name or legacy on Somali name.
I'm not a lowlife to mention other people's mothers or parents like you and the justice you're talking about to be frank with you is non existent as the two groups or parties in the conflict were willing to go headed to head and that's how war is but if you guys go on with the mock trial it seems you don't want peace but the continuation of the conflict that will turn into ugly one with clan phase an unending conflict where the innocent ppl will pay the heavy price and the end that will leave a bad name or legacy on Somali name.
You should first provide your evidence of children and women being discriminatory killed by SL forces as we didn't see it on the TVs just some destructed buildings. In Tigray war which was launched by Ethiopian govt with Eritrean help against TPLF and laid siege on Tigray region we saw videos and pictures of women children and elderly in hospitals and clinics as result of the shelling and bombings but in Laascanood we have seen no such thing just hearing from SSC-Khaatumo officials and supporters saying it and please don't take it as I'm defending govt which certainly isn't as I always had the opinion that reer Sool should be left alone to decide their fate and the borders mean nothing as many are now realising it and thank Allah for opening ppls eyes to see the fantasy of such borders and now the reality of what exists on the ground and we shouldn't lie to ourselves.So you saying those guys who shot missiles at Civilian locations, and killing innocent women and Children should be let go, delusional
They will be made an example for the future and will face punishment, both in this life and the hereafter
Sxb iska daa khiyaaliga there will be no trial as Ina Bootan will soon be released with others on POWs exchange after peace has been achieved kkkIna Bootaan will be tried and executed by Maxkamada Darajada 1aad Ciidanka Qalabka Sida ee Gobolka Sool ee Mamul Goboleedka SSC-Khaatumo. Tiirka ayaa la taagi doona.