War in Sool

Capo Dhoore

Somalilands propaganda team has really fallen off. We're gonna need some better content because this is pathetic @Vito Rizutto @TimaJilic :kendrickcry:

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This war isn’t a qoolo vs qoolo war but it’s unionist Somalis vs secessionist Somalidiids. If reer SSC can turn the table and switch sultans of isaaqs to unionists that would be a wonderful thing!
This war isn’t a qoolo vs qoolo war but it’s unionist Somalis vs secessionist Somalidiids. If reer SSC can turn the table and switch sultans of isaaqs to unionists that would be a wonderful thing!
See, that would require intelligent leadership in the Fed. institutions, but in Xasan (dawdar camil), and Madoobe (qawsaar maluki), there is nigh to nought chance of that happening. Ina Xashi, an honest, if too trusting gent, could potentially assume that role, but he is handicapped by toerags round him whispering infinitesimal 'naxli' in his ears.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
it's important to note that SL forces started shelling civilians almost immediately after starting their attack
If ina camabashe deserted somaliland malitia in dhulbahante land is finished wuxu ah ha awooda kaliya somaliland ee ku jogtey dagmada lascaanod 🫡🫡🫡


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
They can buy the weapons under DJibouti name. Ismail Omar Gueleh is very much part of this conflict.
What would ismail omar gelle gain from this he couldn’t even help his own tol ciise warabe when they had border dispute with afar… afar militia were killing and displacing cisse civilian including women and children from their own land… fatty ismail omar gelle was busy eating halwa


“Waan lagu digtaa ruux hadduu, kuu darnaan jiraye
Bal dayaay! Wadaadkii wakaa, sii dabayshadayee”

May Allah have mercy on the dead. It really is a shame the lives on young men have been lost fighting the war of a man filled with kibir and irrational hate. Why are boys from Hargeisa and Burco dying in Laas Caanood? Why are they shelling innocent civilians? Waa gardarro cad. Guul to mujaahidiinta Dhulbahante
Political leaders in PL support SSC Declaration, and call on the Fed. gov't to support, and honour the wishes of the SSC people. Also call on people of PL, and elsewhere in Somalia to stand by the people of SSC.

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This site has become calaacal.com for a certain community. Just an FYI, posting on Somalispot will not librate Las And, you can cry all you want.
Relax and Enjoy the show.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
This site has become calaacal.com for a certain community. Just an FYI, posting on Somalispot will not librate Las And, you can cry all you want.
Relax and Enjoy the show.
We are relaxing. Do you want us to pull up the dead bodies of your soldiers?
This site has become calaacal.com for a certain community. Just an FYI, posting on Somalispot will not librate Las And, you can cry all you want.
Relax and Enjoy the show.
It's already liberated, you cannot defeated a united dhulbahante. I suggest you stop claiming other peoples land and stick to your triangle.


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