War in Sool

This is commander C/fataax Keysdiid Beydan, one of the commanders of the SSC forces, speaking a place near Goojacade - Somaliland's main military base in Sool region.

Another commander C/qani Sulub has a message for Nuux Taani, the Chief of Somaliland's armed forces. 👇

This is commander C/fataax Keysdiid Beydan, one of the commanders of the SSC forces, speaking a place near Goojacade - Somaliland's main military base in Sool region.

Another commander C/qani Sulub has a message for Nuux Taani, the Chief of Somaliland's armed forces. 👇

That’s the nephew of Bashiir Beydan, commander of Togdheer region during Kacaan and the a legend of Buhoodle.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Sheikh Shariif lauds the decision of Beelaha Garxajis for withdrawing from Laascaanood genocide and commends them for their efforts too peace. Beesha Garxajis has left a good name :rejoice:

What's SNM end goal surely they are finished in sool now. They have also lost their sob story of being targeted by the kacaan government. They have also lost the narrative that south is violent.

SNM project is finished. Once they are kicked out of laasacaanood I think isaaq will start a conflict within.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Garxajis always tried to prove themselves to the Habar Awal, that they too were noble Somalilanders and believed in the project. However their rejection of this attack by Bixi will sure set them back over 100 years of human rights achievements.
Tbh these odays seem confused as hell, theyre claiming gx committee but speaking on behalf of another qabiil.

Gx community wanted urgent elections and united and peaceful somaliland but this so called communique doesn't address anyone of these instead they are speaking nonsense and advancing anyone else's cause as they were UN security council, this should be the joke of the century
GX clan knew musa jeegaan his true form as killer, Afweyna version 2.

Its bad their online kids in sspot doesnt share their clan view even doesnt care what jeegaan did in hargisa iyo burco.
We know muuse isn't the right leader somaliland wanted but opposing muuse doesnt mean gx to be antisland and thats what you failed to understand
Garxajis always tried to prove themselves to the Habar Awal, that they too were noble Somalilanders and believed in the project. However their rejection of this attack by Bixi will sure set them back over 100 years of human rights achievements.
I could see your isku dir antics but the fact is that it was gx who fought and sacrificed most for sland liberty and still now are the ones keeping antisomaliand coalition at pay, Puntland cant install their flag anywhere on the west of yubbe or laasqoray due to gx warriors and sland armies are fighting confidently inside LA and getting uninterrupted supply cuz due to sacad yoonis subclan of HY living deep inside sool region

So Laandheere got nothing to prove man, the fact that all non-garxajis isaacs united into one voting camp against a divided gx tells more about the situation and enough to dismiss your fake narrative:westbrookswag:


Bantu Liberation Movement
I could see your isku dir antics but the fact is that it was gx who fought and sacrificed most for sland liberty and still now are the ones keeping antisomaliand coalition at pay, Puntland cant install their flag anywhere on the west of yubbe or laasqoray due to gx warriors and sland armies are fighting confidently inside LA and getting uninterrupted supply cuz due to sacad yoonis subclan of HY living deep inside sool region

So Laandheere got nothing to prove man, the fact that all non-garxajis isaacs united into one voting camp against a divided gx tells more about the situation and enough to dismiss your fake narrative:westbrookswag:
It must feel really foolish to fight for something and then never reap the rewards.


It must feel really foolish to fight for something and then never reap the rewards.
They are the fools of the Iiddoor. They are the laandheere of iiddoor, die the most for Iiddoor causes, yet they are treated like second class citizens by the Jeegaan. Their kids are shot in Hargeisa in broad daylight and they can’t do anything about it


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Reer Borama Khat businessmen refuse to pay tax too SL and say that their money wont be used to fund war on Reer Laascaanod this is huge

Garaad Mukhtaar says that PL hasnt given
the SSC council a dime no gurmad. Wtf is wrong with Deni? @FBIsomalia ? Ceeb.

Reer PL were always backbited to be the biggest cowards in Somalia and this whole conflict is just solidifying this, they really need to do something soon if they want to save face otherwise this will go down in history and many poems will be written!


Bantu Liberation Movement
Reer PL were always backbited to be the biggest cowards in Somalia and this whole conflict is just solidifying this, they really need to do something soon if they want to save face otherwise this will go down in history and many poems will be written!
We won't sacrifice lives for people that have been standing side by side with Isaaq for 16 years. More of us died in Tukaraq than you did. So be brave, we will be cheering for you. You can do it.

Season 2 Reaction GIF by The Office
Reer PL were always backbited to be the biggest cowards in Somalia and this whole conflict is just solidifying this, they really need to do something soon if they want to save face otherwise this will go down in history and many poems will be written!
50+ of beesha dhexe Puntland died during the Tukaraq war while reer Sool hardly lifted a finger. Here is this Dhulbahante PL minister acknowledging this. 2018 left a bitter taste in our mouth.

They peddle fake news to their ppl intentionally, even a Majerteen bystander @Abdisamad believed them. Telling them there fighting in LA while their hiding in Goojacade.
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