Muslim skeptic has always revolved around criticizing secular liberalism, Daniel has never claimed to be a shaykh and the channel isn't meant to learn about the fundamentals of Islam. I don't understand how this thread harms Daniels credibilityI've watched a dozen or so Daniel Haqiqatjou videos and his videos are almost entirely all centred around calling out scholars or the moral depravity of the West.
Daniel Haqiqatjou is certainly an interesting character but I find that older scholars have more substance as opposed to theatrics.
The recent Halloween stuff demonstrated this. You thought that Twitter akh always talking about Quran and Sunnah was a strong defender of deen? But oh no! Now he is saying Halloween celebration is just "wearing costumes" and unobjectionable.
Madkhalis are enraged with Daniel for calling out Halloween celebrations in Saudi but have nothing to say about:Who from the Salafis is saying that? I don't know of any Salafi going around saying Halloween is halal.
Madkhalis are enraged with Daniel for calling out Halloween celebrations in Saudi but have nothing to say about:
Why can't you answer the question? What Salafis are going around saying Halloween is halal?
But @Omar del Sur is here to warn you against Daniel Haqiqatjou for calling this out. Basically, you are here to defend this.
Salafiyyah was around way before MBS and will be around after. This person is attacking the correct minhaj. The people celebrating Halloween are not Salafis. Just because someone lives in Saudi doesn't mean they are a Salafi. This person is attacking the correct minhaj.
And that is part of the fundamental ridiculousness of what he is pushing. He talks all this against liberalism but he wants to deal with rulers in the kind of way promoted by liberal democracy.
No traditional monarchy is okay with people going around and inciting against the government. It is not the way of traditional societies. This idea that you have a right to do that is something that came from liberalism.
But beyond that- the fundamental ridiculousness is that he is supposedly taking on liberalism while fighting Salafiyyah and removing the Salafi view of how to deal with the ruler in place of the liberal Western view.
But the reality is... the way to protect against Westernization/liberalization is Salafiyyah. The reason those people were celebrating Halloween is not Salafiyyah but because of them not following Salafiyyah. If they were following Salafiyyah, none of them would have been celebrating it.
Madkhalis dont need to say it their actions speak loud enough. I have never seen you make a thread warning against these things but are suddenly warning against Daniel Haqiqatjou when he calls the Slave King MBS out for his liberalization project. That is why you made this thread at this time.