Warning Against Daniel Haqiqatjou

Omar del Sur

According to the American CIA report the explicit mention how they should support madkalis against political Islam which is against their national interest.
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this is an article on how to fight "jihadis". if we're talking about combatting armed jihadi groups like the Al-Shabaabs and Al Qaedas of the world, yes- it would make sense to support Sheikh Rabee Madkhali- he refutes the ideology of those types.

I don't trust the US government but... groups of armed khawaarij running around are a danger to everyone.

I'm not against whatever the US does just because it's the US. If they want to combat drug trafficking or khawarij groups or donate some money to orphans with cancer, I'm not out to denounce it just because the US does it.

The US has legitimately done some criminal stuff. I'm against the US doing actual criminal stuff, I'm not against whatever the US does just because it's the US doing it.

Omar del Sur

also the idea that Sheikh Rabee Madkhali is pro-US or represents US interests is... I don't think it's accurate. if this document is accurate and I think it is- Sheikh Madkhali supported the Taliban against the US and US-aligned forces in Afghanistan.

Muslim skeptic has always revolved around criticizing secular liberalism, Daniel has never claimed to be a shaykh and the channel isn't meant to learn about the fundamentals of Islam. I don't understand how this thread harms Daniels credibility
He isn’t knowledgeable and argues for a living and above all is disrespectful. I’m sorry, imagine calling out people who have 5 times the knowledge you have.

I found it hilarious when he tried to call out Islamic speakers/scholars for saying women have a right to add a polygamy clause. By the way, this is a view that has been part of Islamic figh since the medieval times and scholars have old have discussed this, so who is he to critique or call people out?

Omar del Sur

These niggas hyped Daniel when he critissed Qatar but the moment he critissed Saudi. They were trigged all over sudden :mindblown:

actually if you watch his video on Al Jazeera, he went out of his way to say respectful things to Qatar. he did criticize Al Jazeera but he didn't criticize Qatar itself.
He isn’t knowledgeable and argues for a living and above all is disrespectful. I’m sorry, imagine calling out people who have 5 times the knowledge you have.

I found it hilarious when he tried to call out Islamic speakers/scholars for saying women have a right to add a polygamy clause. By the way, this is a view that has been part of Islamic figh since the medieval times and scholars have old have discussed this, so who is he to critique or call people out?
Where did he say this
this is an article on how to fight "jihadis". if we're talking about combatting armed jihadi groups like the Al-Shabaabs and Al Qaedas of the world, yes- it would make sense to support Sheikh Rabee Madkhali- he refutes the ideology of those types.

I don't trust the US government but... groups of armed khawaarij running around are a danger to everyone.

I'm not against whatever the US does just because it's the US. If they want to combat drug trafficking or khawarij groups or donate some money to orphans with cancer, I'm not out to denounce it just because the US does it.

The US has legitimately done some criminal stuff. I'm against the US doing actual criminal stuff, I'm not against whatever the US does just because it's the US doing it.
The article talks about fighting political islam

Omar del Sur

The article talks about fighting political islam

Where does it say political Islam? I see "jihadis" and "counterterrorism". Sheikh Rabee Madkhali wrote a whole book against terrorism. I encourage you to try reading one of his books. I recommend Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah.

Btw, speaking of "political Islam," the most famous political Islam group is the Muslim Brotherhood and the article advocates supporting them.


