Warning Against Daniel Haqiqatjou

You purposely selecting a controversial video to paint a wrong narrative.

Muhammed hijab and daniel haqiqatjou have hours long of lectures/debate dissecting liberalism,feminism,secularism .


He does not care about Dawah or Daee's that is why he is slandering them. He is merely here to try and defend the zionist gulf slave-kings.

Omar del Sur

You purposely selecting a controversial video to paint a wrong narrative.

Muhammed hijab and daniel haqiqatjou have hours long of lectures/debate dissecting liberalism,feminism,secularism .

I purposefully picked a video where Hijab does a podcast with a tranny? umm... yeah... in discussions when you argue a point you pick something that gives evidence to your point... if I'm discussing something and I cite from the Quran I have to pick a verse randomly or it's purposeful selection and that's wrong?

if someone commits murder and they get sentenced they can say "this is purposeful selection... I also did some nice things on other days"....

Muhammad Hijab is way more liberal than any of the Salafi scholars. No Salafi scholar is going to do a podcast with a tranny like that.

Oh- "but Muhammad Hijab spoke against liberalism!". So what?!

Fox News talks against liberalism and they have a tranny Caitlyn Jenner doing commentary on there. (But it's ok according to them cuz it's a "conservative tranny".)


if you're supposedly taking on liberalism and you're doing a podcast with a tranny you've already lost. ten years from a similar discussion might be taking place and someone might be saying "shut up you Madkhali! of course he owns the libs! he only endorsed homosexuality in the context of two married men you dumb Madkhali!"

Omar del Sur


"anti-Madkhali" logic: don't follow the scholars, follow people on social media and YouTube personalities like this Muhammad Hijab displaying satanic symbolism

also "anti-Madkhalis": "Madkhalis are a deviant and new cult". in reality you have zero scholars. we have Islamic scholarship from the classical times to today and you have YouTube celebrities like this guy with the devil horns.

in reality, you "Anti-Madkhalis" have a double standard- if you were consistent you would have to say Imam Hanbal was a Madkhali because he didn't speak out against the ruler who had him tortured for refusing to say the Quran was created. if you were consistent, you would have to call Imam Hanbal a "Madkhali bootlicker".
I purposefully picked a video where Hijab does a podcast with a tranny? umm... yeah... in discussions when you argue a point you pick something that gives evidence to your point... if I'm discussing something and I cite from the Quran I have to pick a verse randomly or it's purposeful selection and that's wrong?

if someone commits murder and they get sentenced they can say "this is purposeful selection... I also did some nice things on other days"....

Muhammad Hijab is way more liberal than any of the Salafi scholars. No Salafi scholar is going to do a podcast with a tranny like that.

Oh- "but Muhammad Hijab spoke against liberalism!". So what?!

Fox News talks against liberalism and they have a tranny Caitlyn Jenner doing commentary on there. (But it's ok according to them cuz it's a "conservative tranny".)

View attachment 242573

if you're supposedly taking on liberalism and you're doing a podcast with a tranny you've already lost. ten years from a similar discussion might be taking place and someone might be saying "shut up you Madkhali! of course he owns the libs! he only endorsed homosexuality in the context of two married men you dumb Madkhali!"
Your logic is flawed & you are all over the place .

No one said they were scholars . DH talked about the forced secularization & liberalization of many Muslim countries before & nobody said anything until he mentioned Saudi & you super salafis trying to cancel him & call him khawarij lol.
"This is what this whole thing is all about. The ruler wants to liberalize. So what do they do? Attack the two biggest voices against liberalism. Mohammad Hijab and Daniel Haqiqatjou."

This is hilarious. Muhammad Hijab?

this is "owning the libs"? this is crushing liberalism? doing a podcast with a tranny?

You will never see the Salafi scholars do something like this. (And if the anti-Salafi crowd were being honest, they would just say "Salafis" instead of "Madkhalis". Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Uthaymeen, Sheikh Ibn Baz, they've all supported Sheikh Rabee Madkhali.)
People comply when there is a gun pointing at them


Madkhalis are enraged with Daniel for calling out Halloween celebrations in Saudi but have nothing to say about:

Saudi men seem gay they bee grinding on each other
Brain Games Marsaimartin GIF by National Geographic Channel
I refuse to believe you are a Somali @AMusee tell me your qabil, sub qabil, sub sub qabil. Tell me your whole laf iyo abtirsi. Tell me which region and town your family are from. No way you are Somali. I know people with your mindset are prevalent in our society, this is why we today are dealing with Al Shabaab/Khawarij. Who have no issue blowing themselves up in densely populated areas. They care not that they kill, injure women, children, old people. They care not that thousands of people will be affected because they lost the breadwinner. The amount of beggars in Somalia is crazy. You dont have to go out to see them. They will knock on your door each morning asking for food and money. The amount of children who roam the streets in Somalia with no shoes. Its sad and horrible. I refuse to believe you are somali, otherwise you would be able to be convinced that these people you are promoting are a danger and the exact kind of people who blow themselves up and kill our children, women and people. While their family live in peace in Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza. Bunch of horrible people may Allah punish them in this world and the hereafter.
I refuse to believe you are a Somali @AMusee tell me your qabil, sub qabil, sub sub qabil. Tell me your whole laf iyo abtirsi. Tell me which region and town your family are from. No way you are Somali. I know people with your mindset are prevalent in our society, this is why we today are dealing with Al Shabaab/Khawarij. Who have no issue blowing themselves up in densely populated areas. They care not that they kill, injure women, children, old people. They care not that thousands of people will be affected because they lost the breadwinner. The amount of beggars in Somalia is crazy. You dont have to go out to see them. They will knock on your door each morning asking for food and money. The amount of children who roam the streets in Somalia with no shoes. Its sad and horrible. I refuse to believe you are somali, otherwise you would be able to be convinced that these people you are promoting are a danger and the exact kind of people who blow themselves up and kill our children, women and people. While their family live in peace in Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza. Bunch of horrible people may Allah punish them in this world and the hereafter.

What a deluded attempt to tie calling out corruption of the slave-kings to another foreign funded group alshabaab Just like how Daniel criticized Halloween celebrations and the Madkhalis labelled him Khawarij.

Madkhalis, AS, liberals, all have the same funders and goals.

What a deluded attempt to tie calling out corruption of the slave-kings to another foreign funded group alshabaab Just like how Daniel criticized Halloween celebrations and the Madkhalis labelled him Khawarij.

Madkhalis, AS, liberals, all have the same funders and goals.

What you do not understand is that AS, Muslim Brotherhood, Sururis and all the terrorist sympathizing fake scholars in Saudi Prisons all have the same ideological origin that is from the books of Sayyid Qutb, Hassan Al Banna.
I was surprised yesterday to see that Br. Saajid has refuted me and taken down all his videos about me on his channel. Why didn't he advise me in private?!!!

Lol joking aside, it is disappointing to see so much confusion on this issue from him. I think it is mostly bad influence from bootlickers and ignorant cultists, some of whom literally think I deserve to be killed for criticizing "the ruler" by saying governments shouldn't sponsor Halloween festivals.

But this is a good opportunity to clarify many important issues that are directly related to modernism and the liberalization of the Ummah.

So, I will be working on something that will hopefully be beneficial inshaAllah and substantive. In the meantime, watch the below video from Sh Lotfi, who very gently and expertly shows how Saajid is mistaken on some key issues.

- DH



These Saudis are so out of touch with what Muslims are experiencing in the west they think opening clubs, concerts and allowing halloween and other pagan festivals is somehow going to change the perception these gaalos have on Islam.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Saudi is a state ruled by humans who are not infallible. Saudi doesnt represent Islam. If Saudis make something permissible its still haram in Islam. Mawlid is bidah and so is Halloween.
Who r u giving a lecture to? Iโ€™m clearly speaking about it not being against the law you dumbass:pachah1:

Omar del Sur

Who r u giving a lecture to? Iโ€™m clearly speaking about it not being against the law you dumbass:pachah1:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
The Prophet (๏ทบ) said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.
1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.
2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.
4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner."


Bootlickers calling for the US government to "take care of me" and "stop me." This is the literal definition of my blood being halal.

All for what? Just speaking out against gov-sponsored Halloween celebrations. That's all it takes with these guys.

Imagine calling kuffar to eliminate Muslims for objecting to a pagan festival. #madkhali

The bootlickers have said, "No, Daniel, it is not our place to make your blood halal, i.e., to call for you to be killed. The ruler has to decide."

They are simply deflecting because they know they can't answer the question honestly.

If "the ruler," i.e., the regimes they lick the boots of, decides I am a khariji and puts me in prison or kills me, these bootlickers will approve of that and will say I was a khariji who deserved it.

How do I know? Because that is what these same people are saying about the righteous ulama that have been imprisoned or assassinated by the tyrants.

lol that is the best he could come up with

Just last week, this bootlicker was loudly declaring me a khariji. But now, he says it is not up to him to declare me as such. These are people who have no principles other than doing and saying whatever is needed to deceive the believers.

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According to Wajdi, it's a "mistake" for anyone to criticize a genocidal ruler slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslim men, women, and children.

Whatever you say brah!

This is how these bootlickers discredit Islam in the eyes of the masses. They preach enjoining good and forbidding evil and being strict on Quran and Sunnah and not fearing the blame of the blamer when they deal with normal people. But if it is someone powerful doing evil things, be meek as a mouse! Stay quiet!

Everyone recognizes this for what it is: hypocrisy. It completely contradicts the Quran and Sunnah which over and over teach the opposite ethic: To speak the truth no matter who it is against.

Btw, Wajdi, if it is just a "mistake," why is your whole cult freaking out, posting dozens of tweets and videos, disassociating from me, labelling me deviant, khariji, calling for the authorities to "take care of me," etc.? Isn't that an overreaction for a "mistake"?

- DH
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According to the American CIA report the explicit mention how they should support madkalis against political Islam which is against their national interest.


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