Was Imam Ahmed Gurey a member of the Shadhili Sufi Order


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
During one of battles prior to the Futuh al Habasha, namely the one Aqam, the battle cry of the Muslims was "Yahu" . Intially I was very confused by it because my only knowledge of the "Yahu" in Somali was as a simple interjection similar to things such "haahey" and it made no sense to me why the Imam would use such a seemingly meaningless and random phrase as a war cry. It was also strange that a meaningless exclamation would be so important that the author of the Futuh would highlight in the way he did and emphasise how it demoralized the Xabashi kuffar (edited)


A couple months back a Harari hotep on this forum going by the username of @oogabooga in typical hotep fashion attempted to use this phrase and give it a harari spin like he did to many other Somali words and terms (e.g. he once tried saying the clan name mareexaan came from the Harari word Maraqa). Since I already debunked many of his other garbage theories I already had a large deal skepticism towards his etymology for the term Yahu but still it made more sense than the Somali etymology so I was at a loss


This remained a nagging doubt in the back of my head until today were everything came into place today when I read Abu Al-Hassan Ali ibn Abdullah Al Shadhili's (the founder of the Shadhili Sufi order) famous prayer, Hizb Al Nassr or the Litany of Victory which he and his students used to recite before going into battle with the crusaders one of the lines is the exact same as the battle cry of the Adalites during the Battle of Aqam

Sultan Sa'ad ad din of Ifat also had the famous Shadhili sheikh Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Omar Da’sin al-Qurashi in his court and married him to his own sister. Im not sure if the Shadhili order existed in Adal/Ifat before then but we can be sure it had a presence for atleast 100 years before the birth of Ahmed Gurey. (edited)


I believe that either all or most of the Adalite nobility (Emirs, Garaads, and Malaqs) were members of this Sufi Order after being introduced to it in the reign of Sultan Sa'ad Ad Din by the Sheikh Abu Al Hassan Ali ibn Umar