Was Written Somali and Governance Beginning of the End

we already have harari like groups in somalia and thats the benadiri, a reer xamar or reer barawe monarch could function the same as their outside of the big clans
or literallly copy jordan one to one and choose a foreign arab hashemite prince as emir who would have religious legitimacy from his ancestry. Many islamic kingdoms of old used to do this
solution id simple then. we must install Arabized Somalis into power just like the Adal sultanate!!!
I never claimed we're arabs its just if it makes somalia less of a dysfunctional shithole I would support some foreign king even if he is korean as long as their muslim
You niggas really need to stop with this ‘as long as he is Muslim’ stuff. Somalia is 99% Muslim and we don’t even support each other.

nigga really said a korean muslim king in Somalia
K-Pop Lol GIF by Viki
You niggas really need to stop with this ‘as long as he is Muslim’ stuff. Somalia is 99% Muslim and we don’t even support each other.

nigga really said a korean muslim king in Somalia
K-Pop Lol GIF by Viki
its just a thought experiment but the whole point is that a foreigner without a clan could maintain neutralility all clans instead of a somali king who will inevitably lead to his clan dominating the country. Unironically I do think somalis would accept a great foreign dictatorial ruler more than one who is the same but a somali from a different clan.

But he has to be a muslim as obviously no gaal woul ever in any situation be accepted as the ruler
The issue of xoolonimo in somalia is systemic, the only rational explanation is that it's a curse from Allah.

It doesn't just affect the uneducated camel herder, but also the PhD holders, the bus drivers, the professionals, the community leaders all the way down to the dugsi teachers.

The shortsightedness, lack of impulse control, love for corruption and xoolonimo is a shared value, the only rational conclusion you can come to is that it's a curse, nothing else.


During colonional times. You had to speak and be proficient in western language like English or Italian for government jobs. Meaning you couldn’t be blabbering elder who only got position because of clan or nepotism you actually had to put in work

That is because the colonialist trained and raised a group of indigenous people with their ideology to work in their place. Some people realized this (usually Muslims) and realized it was meant to cripple us and others still values and try to emulate it (most non-Muslim African countries for example).


The issue is that the system is foreign un-Islamic and designed to be dysfunctional.

It is designed to put the worst in charge and disempower the best of us.

That is what happened to the Muslim world. If today the system was changed and a better more Islamic system that united the country was put in place they would invade it and destroy it.

It is not anything inherently wrong with Somalis who are good people and it is not tribalism. A lot of that is also pushed from the outside by foreign backers. It is that the worst are put up as leadership by design, and the most decent of them could not change much as the whole things is made to be a quagmire.

I remember listening to a lecture about this verse and the speaker was saying it is the same with the reverse. When another power conquers you they make the noblest the lowest and elevate the lowest people to serve them dutifully.

She said: "Verily kings, when they enter a town (country), they despoil it and make the most honourable amongst its people the lowest. And thus they do.

Surah An-Naml 34

Anyway @Idilinaa has made some really informative posts on this.

Opposite of depressing. To me this proves how awsome Somalis are , could you imagine this being any other country , let alone a country in Africa , if this proxy war and targeted concentrated sustained destabilizing efforts from outside happened to 1 single country . Heck not even Iraq and Syria has this been happening, and held out through human manufactured catastrophes.

After we defeated an Ethopian army twice our size to liberate Ogaden , which took 4 nations to intervene to stop it.(Cuba, Soviet, Yemen, Libya), Somalia defeated the Ethiopian invasion of 1982-83, twarted several ethiopian backed coup attempts while progressing the country in the 70s/80s , defeated an American invasion, reclaimed our land from warlords/insurgents backed by US and Ethiopia (ICU), defeated a US backed Ethopian invasion.

Even after international actors conspired with warlord/insurgent traitors to dump toxic waste and exploit our maritime resources, to muscle out local fishermen they fought them off.

During the scramble for Africa unlike this fake fiction of landlocked Ethiopia defeating colonialists. Somali sultanates and polities defended 3000 km of coastline stretching the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, as well as around a million km of land against centralized colonial empires with a combined imperial population above 400 million (British, Italians, and French) and all the resources and human capital that came with it. And held out until the 1920s when most African and Asian nations were colonized
This all while repeatedly defeating large european backed Ethiopian armies making several incursions. And all of this without being industrialized like Japan or others.

It's because we were blessed with bountiful strategic geography, resources, and the fact that we try to stay resilient, unapologetically true to who we are as Somalis and Muslims.

They despise that. They wish nothing more to see Somali be diminished and taken advantage of. So all we need to do is stay vigillant , especially to honour those before us.

It never was a civil war to begin with. It was foreign proxy agents aka warlords that emerged out that of foreign insurgency groups that invaded Somalia and started brutalizing, looting the local populous and fighting eachother at the same time. All while being entirely being sustained by Ethiopian and US backing.

Civil war refers to a war between citizens of the same country, not a fight between foreign proxies. So it's more accurate to describe it as a proxy war.

But yeah you are right the war itself against these foreign backed criminals ended in 2006, after the ICU rooted out and defeated them.

At least with Libya, Syria and Iraq people people often acknowledge how foreign intervention played the biggest role. With Somalia they present it as endemic and as a civil war between clans, when it never was. It was just a series of foreign inverventions/invasions, foreign backing of groups, occupations and meddling to sustain a protracted conflict.

Tell me how is Piracy and Terrorism endemic to Somalia when it never exist much before 2007 and exploded right after the united states backed Ethiopian invasion. How is clan conflict even a thing when all these insurgencies were not headed by traditional local clan leaders, but organized and funded from abroad?

How is sustained conflict a general Somali thing when the 2 northern regions of Somalia that did not witness successive foreign interventions and meddling just stabilized itself in a few years after? And in the south the kneejerk reaction was to set up Islamic courts right after the war broke out in order to stabilize and bring order.

The only political leader i have seen that has a full grasp of the reality of Somalia is Eritrea's president

Sometimes in rare cases you have foreign political analysts that seem to understand the real situation

Somalis need to see and interpret things outside the prism of clanhood. You will come to find very little is motivated by clan. There is lot of personal individual motives, social -economic , strategic , religious motives. Sometimes even ideological motives that is not related to kinship. It's also a lot of foreign inteferences and influencing at play.

Somalis don't unanimously support people or pledge loyalty because they are from the same clan as them in the political sense. There is a field study and them looking through archives that looked into Ogaden that found this out: @Aseer needs to read this.

It's funny even these ajanabi researchers have caught on begun to see passed this ''clan-talk'' as nonsense assertions and thats what they are assertions and false narratives that are employed that is attributing collective behaviour and political loyalties that are not actually real.

The SNM did not represent Isaaq, SDDF did not represent Majerteen, USC did not represent Hawiye , SPM didn't represent merahan. It's all nonsense clan talk imbued into them.

And even ICU which was a coalition didn't only represent hawiye, it got support across different communities for various reasons unrelated to clan and primarily because they spoke to peoples collective interests.

The warlords and Abdullahi Yusuf didn't get genuine support they just forced people using foreign weapons & funds and brutalized them and kept them hostage. Their clan didn't actually support them or even elect them, it was foreigners that did.

I have also seen Haji Ingriis employ this ''clan-talk'' throughout his garbage book , accuse the 1960s Aden & Sharmarke regime of being ''majerteen monarchy'' that there was some sort of clan agenda by the Majerteen to take over but rather it was inviduals with wealth , educational, administrative/civic experience that came to dominate the democratic process as Professor Said Samatar explained and certain few among them had a lot merchant capital to fund election campaigns and connections/experience. But he didn't get that analysis and only saw their clan. He also didn't see that others including the ones i mentioned at times lacked that capital they took bribes and funds from outside or from the treasury that was meant to go to development. Even CIA interferred and funded them, which some speculate they might have been behind the assasination of Sharmarke as Egal was proven to be an asset.

There are others things like the Siad Barre accusation with clan favoratism or hate for certain clan, which lacks evidence. Infact the more i look into it the more he just appears to be someone who loved his people and country, especially all his speeches, tapes of his privates conversations and his writings just reflect that. They also turned him giving concessions and helping out various Somali communities as either boosting a clan or playing clans off eachother. Him helping and rewarding people is painted as some nefarious clan act.
The clan favoritism and hate makes no sense when you consider how they banned clan discrimination and so you also have people complain about that like that murtad Ayan Hirsi complain about it , this is how ''clan-talk'' works assertions imbued into narratives.

It's sad and tragic that Somalis from certain communities were victimized but it is not because of their clan its because of those foreign backed insurgents/warlords and rogue soldiers.

Somali regardless of clan are innocent victims in a conspiracy by foreigners and self serving traitors. They should see it for what it is.
Before the introduction of the Somali language as the language of Administration and education. The government , administration and the educational system in Somalia during the 1960s was written in English and Italian.

And yet it was plagued with corruption, nepotism, elitism, inefficiency and people openly engaged in ''clan-talk'' even on the radio. Even on newspapers and periodicals.

Heck the opposition that stalled implementing of a Somali script was rooted in clan opposition, enough so that they labelled in Osmaniya , the Majerteen script and other times there was resistance to an adoption from a religious basis

During the 1970s and 80s when they adopted a Somali script and made it the language of education and bureaucracy it was the opposite there was no open political discourse around clan, even mentioning it was banned. Clan discrimination was banned and people weren't hired on clan basis.

And what the adoption of Af- Somali as the medium of writing did was make more Somalis connected and identify with each other through their common language and culture heritage. It was central to building a common national identity. It also made education and civic participation more accessible to the wider Somali majority who was alienated by the Italian and English dominated bureaucracy and educational system.

The biggest thing it did was make government administration more efficient and aimed at uniting Somalis because it isolated them form one another as it created an administrative language barrier within the administration.

Administrative Efficiency And Administrative Language In Somali





Thanks to this they were able to make many new administrative reforms and weed out dishonest managers and employees from the state apparatus.

''eliminating the plethora of parasites who had entered the offices through channel of tribal clientelism''


But yeah i encourage you to read the whole report, what changes to place following the introduction of somali as a governing language.
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Before the introduction of the Somali language as the language of Administration and education. The government , administration and the educational system in Somalia during the 1960s was written in English and Italian and sometimes Arabic.

And yet it was the most corrupt, nepotistic regime and people openly engaged in ''clan-talk'' even on the radio. Even on newspapers and periodicals.

Heck the opposition that stalled implementing of a Somali script was rooted in clan opposition, enough so that they labelled in Osmaniya , the Majerteen script and other times there was resistance to an adoption from a religious basis

During the 1970s and 80s when they adopted a Somali script and made it the language of education and bureaucracy it was the opposite there was no open political discourse around clan, even mentioning it was banned. Clan discrimination was banned and people weren't hired on clan basis.

And what the adoption of Af- Somali as the medium of writing did was make more Somalis connected and identify with each other through their common language and culture heritage. It was central to building a common national identity. It also made education and civic participation more accessible to the wider Somali who was alienated by the Italian and English dominated bureaucracy and educational system.

The biggest thing it did was make government administration more efficient and aimed at uniting Somalis because it isolated them form one another because it created an administrative language barrier within the administration.

Administrative Efficiency And Administrative Language In Somali
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Thanks to they were able to make many new administrative reforms and weed out dishonest managers and employees from the state apparatus.

''eliminating the plethora of parasites who had entered the offices through channel of tribal clientelism''

View attachment 348690

But yeah i encourage you to read the whole report.

You can also compare this to the Somali parliament of the 70/80s with the current day Somali Parliament

Somali parliament during the 1980s/70s. Diligent, efficient, civil see the files and books at their desks printed out in Af-Soomaali.

Somali parliament today
That is because the colonialist trained and raised a group of indigenous people with their ideology to work in their place. Some people realized this (usually Muslims) and realized it was meant to cripple us and others still values and try to emulate it (most non-Muslim African countries for example).

They love to deride and slander Somalis based on a government and power sharing system that is imposed from outside by foreign governments, other stakeholders and whom everyone sees as illegitimate.

If you look at the authentic forms of governance that Somalis formed domestically independent of outsiders and their backing. It has none of those bad qualities that they keep assigning to us and our culture.

That's why i always emphasize the ICU and Kacaan government a lot. Those were real Somali governments formed through organic responses. As well as draw upon examples of governing efficiency in our sultanates and city states.

The run down that i showed above, shows how the adoption of the Somali language was not a hindrance during the Kacaan regime. I suspect you will find a similar conclusion with the Islamic Courts Union if they do a study on it, i have seen their symbols, posters, court documents and books they made written in Somali , that didn't hinder their impartial rulings.
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They love to deride and slander Somalis based on a government and power sharing system that is imposed from outside by foreign governments, other stakeholders and whom everyone sees as illegitimate.

If you look at the authentic forms of governance that Somalis formed domestically independent of outsiders and their backing. It has none of those bad qualities that they keep assigning to us and our culture.

That's why i always emphasize the ICU and Kacaan government a lot. Those were real Somali governments formed through organic responses. As well as draw upon examples of governing efficiency in our sultanates and city states.

The run down that i showed above, shows how the adoption of the Somali language was not a hindrance during the Kacaan regime. I suspect you will find a similar conclusion with the Islamic Courts Union if they do a study on it, i have seen their symbols, posters, court documents and books they made written in Somali , that didn't hinder their impartial rulings.
How did the kacaan system work and how do you think the ICU government would have worked out