Was Written Somali and Governance Beginning of the End

The issue is that the system is foreign un-Islamic and designed to be dysfunctional.

It is designed to put the worst in charge and disempower the best of us.

That is what happened to the Muslim world. If today the system was changed and a better more Islamic system that united the country was put in place they would invade it and destroy it.

It is not anything inherently wrong with Somalis who are good people and it is not tribalism. A lot of that is also pushed from the outside by foreign backers. It is that the worst are put up as leadership by design, and the most decent of them could not change much as the whole things is made to be a quagmire.

I remember listening to a lecture about this verse and the speaker was saying it is the same with the reverse. When another power conquers you they make the noblest the lowest and elevate the lowest people to serve them dutifully.

She said: "Verily kings, when they enter a town (country), they despoil it and make the most honourable amongst its people the lowest. And thus they do.

Surah An-Naml 34

Anyway @Idilinaa has made some really informative posts on this.
It takes just 2% of upright people that are united to control an entire nation, irrespective of foreign interference, if you have more than 2% you practically become unstoppable.

If you lived in Somalia as I have for more than a year, those hopes you have would have faded fast, the entire society is rotten from the core, I didn't know it was that bad until I lived with them.

But you don't even need to live there to know this, the ones in the diaspora are not much better despite countless opportunities, yet from all the foreign groups we are the worst in every metric.

Forget 2%, we don't even have 0.001% upright ones that are united, they key her is "united" in purpose, goals etc.

Tariq suwdain talks about this in his leadership course for Muslims about the 2% rule which is universal, they bring about the changes.

We can blame the colonialist until the cows come home, but at the end of the day, the buck stops with us, there are countries that went through much worse than us, have far more foreign interference than us with unfavourable demographics and they are nothing like us.

We are a bad people in general that had successive bad generations, we have to accept this first and build the hearts and mind from the ground up, so the next generation isn't like the old.

I am hopeful for our generation, it a do or die, if we fail, it's over for us, we will go the way of the aborigines and get wiped out or absorbed.
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Somalia needs a lifetime Head of State, but while still having elections. Africans can't handle Presidentialism.

A monarchy like Jordan would be good, and rotate the PM all the time. Basically everytime something goes wrong the shacab can blame the PM and cabinet while still having some respect for the head of state
A monarchy would have been great in theory had a royal dynasty been in place during the founding of Somalia. A great alternative would be a religious council devised of ulema selected from each clan. A supreme leader would be appointed every 15-25 years from this council as the head of state. Their term should be long enough for stability purposes. The president would be the head of the government with an elected legislative body and judicial appointed by the council of ulema to provide a check and balance on the executive.

Iran with a 4.5 twist, lol.
A monarchy would have been great in theory had a royal dynasty been in place during the founding of Somalia. A great alternative would be a religious council devised of ulema selected from each clan. A supreme leader would be appointed every 15-25 years from this council as the head of state. Their term should be long enough for stability purposes. The president would be the head of the government with an elected legislative body and judicial appointed by the council of ulema to provide a check and balance on the executive.

Iran with a 4.5 twist, lol.
If we did a swap and moved the entire Iranian population to Somalia and all of the Somalis to Iran.

The Iranians would turn somalia into an oasis in a decade or two, the best country in Africa, since there won't be any sanctions imposed on them.

However we would starve to death within the first year in Iran before we even have the chance to destroy the country, because we are used to importing 90% of our food and the brutal sanctions imposed on Iran would facilitate our extermination.

For any system to work you first need the right people, than you can design a killer system that takes you to a next level.

We lack the people, so it doesn't matter how great the system is, we will run it into the ground and corrupt it like we already do in the diaspora with the various systems in place, we still find ways to scam it, from benefit to child day care scams we run.

You can substitute Iran for any other developed country and the results will be the same, we will run that country into the ground and corrupts it's system to oblivion, while they will turn Somalia into oasis.

Nothing is more important than the quality of the people you have and you only need 2% that are united, not 10 or 50.

The Caliph Umar greatest desire in this world when he ruled was to have a earth filled with the likes of Abu Obaidah, the quality is in the people, not systems or processes.

Allah said in the Qur'an to the prophet, that had he spent everything in the earth to try to bring the hearts of the Arabs together, he would not have been able to, but Allah brought those hearts together.

So no amount of oil wealth or resources will solve the problem of bad people that are rotten from the core.