Was Zeila originally afar?

Garaad diinle

 
LOL @ your pseudo intellectual larp lol don’t grab at straws buddy you asked me to point where in my source it says he’s the king of Zeila and I pointed to it. Now you’re asking for an even clearer indication of his rule don’t kill me bro. If you actually read the other 2 pages you’d realize the source is continuous in suggesting his rule in the city, the last screenshot I provided was just the most explicit mention of his rule out of anywhere else in the source lol. Another indication, since you were asking.

Here it clearly states;
“want to go to the port of Zeila, it is.
is. closer to where you are pre-« slitting. We are people of .. good faith, & we believe in God & in his « prophet; for our profession of faith is such: I testify that there is no « other God but God, and that| Mahomet is his prophet; God gives him his blessing, & the height of a great number of blessings of peace, pleasant, & " K blessings until day of Judgment, And praise to God Lord of the " two lives. You have the fury of "God, and the fury of SULTAN MEHEMED, son of SULTAN DEINY; & the falut faith in you, the mifericord.. of God & his blessings."

Why would they mention the fury of Sultan Muhammad Dini when talking about the city of Zeila if he wasn’t the ruler of the city? Why would they use the title of sultan in reference to him when talking about the city if he wasn’t ruler of the city? Come on bro you’re making it too easy aha
Are you being serious right now? Don't you realize what you just wrote? Do you enjoy fabricating narrative from text you don't understand? Fury??? So let me get this straight you see fury and zaylac and voila you make a connection and feel elated and accomplished over this? The funny thing is the text doesn't say anything about fury you completely mistranslated the text.

You know what let's just start over and examine your claims. First of you pointed out this part and claimed that it states the afar sultan is also the sultan of zaylac.

Tell me is celefte equal to zaylac? Is celefte even a name? The text doesn't even say celefte but celeste which means the celestial. You know what, i may as well write the actual translation so you might understand the text better.

Here is the translation of the text.

" God gives his blessing to him after whom there will be no more prophet, and to his family his friends, & peace. the writing of this letter is from our master sultan mohemed son of sultan deiny whom god most high preserves. so be it.

We let you know, o ship's captain, that you have full security and guarantee in this port of taghioura, to make water and wood because we are obliged to provide it to you, & we will give you a raban to introduce you to the city where you will wish to descend. If you want to go to the port of zeila, it is closer to where you are now.

We are people of good faith, and we believe in god and in his prophet because our profession of faith is such, I testify that there is no other god but god, and that mohammad is his prophet, god him gives his blessing, and the height of many faults of peace, pleasant, and blessed until the day of judgment. and praise to god lord of two lives. You have the safety of god, the safety of sultan mehemed son of the sultan deiny, and salvation be upon you, the mercy of god and his blessings. Next to it is the king's seal which contains these words. the one who confides in the celestial/heavenly/worldly king, the sultan mehemed son of deiny."

Now tell me friend where in this text does it say that the afar sultan ruled anywhere other than his little village?


Cushite Arab
Saylac was originally controlled by the Omar Al Saylici sub clan of the Banu Aqeel who eventually migrated back to Saudi Arabia and Yemen, before that it was like controlled by ancient Yemenite Arabs

Now the reason as to why this is the case is because the Dir tribe (and I am not saying this from a place of fkd but actual historical fact) is only 8000-900 years old, now if they controlled Saylac or Hawiye did which is 950 years old only how did they control it before that? Literally no Somali tribe in proximity to the area is older than 900 years old so it was probably Himyaris

Or perhaps it was Xawadle who have T haplogroup TMRCA 1500 years and they all branch under Madaxweyne


Everything unuka leh
In the same source you sent the author seems to separate between the "people of Zeyla" and "the inhabitants of the country of Zeyla". The inhabitants of the former are rafida(i.e. Shia) while the people of the latter are Shafi'i.
It's not separating
It said the city of the zeila belongs to the barbars who are dark-skinned blah blah...
Then he talks about Zeila calling the inhabitants dark skinned
It's not separating, ibn battuta don't need to repeat himself everytime

How can you be so sure it is referring to Somalis?
Because I'm yet to come across a source referring to non-somalis or somali inhabited lands as barbar
If it was general word like Al habashi they would use if in a larger scale
Never did they do that

It's ironic for you to ask for explicit sources when your own understanding and views are built on ambiguity.
You need to prove that it was used on non-somali inhabited lands
If not how come it's a general term?
It's all spectacles I'm open for new opinions with evidences

Both Ibn Majid and Suleyman al Mahri described Mogadishu as the start of the land of Zanj and clearly separated it from Barr Zumāl(not Berber) which surprised me because these authors knew Somalis very well and were the first Arabs to call the Somali country by its name And have described a relatively unknown Somali cities in the north like Ceel Sheekh Caluula etc.
Can you send it please?
To this day Afars are called Danakil. Have you ever seen someone calling Somalis Berber?
Historically yes I've seen people calling somalis berbers but you're right it's not the same As The danakil is for afars
My point still stands tho
In my opinion, Berber was a general term and Danaki and others were more local.
Barbar only meant somali bro
If you can't prove otherwise let's just end it here
No bro. But I don't have evidence of Somalis inhabiting the town before the 19th century either. What I was saying was that Ibn Battuta's description of Zeyla could perfectly fit the Afars as well as the Somalis.
The Afar do not claim to be Berbers
They are claiming the name of alsuwmal only


Cushite Arab
The Afar themselves have huge portions of them who are originally Somali, during the time of Adal everywhere south of the northern parts were Somali, plus they claim to be Yemenis who migrated in the 10th century and that's only the northern ones so this is nonsensical
Are you being serious right now? Don't you realize what you just wrote? Do you enjoy fabricating narrative from text you don't understand? Fury??? So let me get this straight you see fury and zaylac and voila you make a connection and feel elated and accomplished over this? The funny thing is the text doesn't say anything about fury you completely mistranslated the text.

You know what let's just start over and examine your claims. First of you pointed out this part and claimed that it states the afar sultan is also the sultan of zaylac.

Tell me is celefte equal to zaylac? Is celefte even a name? The text doesn't even say celefte but celeste which means the celestial. You know what, i may as well write the actual translation so you might understand the text better.

Here is the translation of the text.

Now tell me friend where in this text does it say that the afar sultan ruled anywhere other than his little village?
I’m going to assume you’re a child and slow it down for you a little bit, try to keep up. The entire source is an indication of his rule when read in its entirety🤣 the letter itself references messages from the sultan Muhammad Dini on the affairs of Adel “from the well guarded port of tadjourah” it says at the very top of the first page (see below). If he was Somali you would not for a second doubt his rule but your own personal bias clouds your judgement. Muhammad Dini ruled Zeila cope you can’t rewrite history buddy


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Garaad diinle

 
I’m going to assume you’re a child and slow it down for you a little bit, try to keep up. The entire source is an indication of his rule when read in its entirety🤣 the letter itself references messages from the sultan Muhammad Dini on the affairs of Adel “from the well guarded port of tadjourah” it says at the very top of the first page (see below). If he was Somali you would not for a second doubt his rule but your own personal bias clouds your judgement. Muhammad Dini ruled Zeila cope you can’t rewrite history buddy
I think you're an afar who's pretending to be somali or perhaps your half afar. How can someone be so ignorant as to not be able to comprehend a simple text? How about you address the point's i've raised first kid?

Your first claim about celefte and what it actually means. Second where does it say fury? Even your initial translation that you posted earlier doesn't mention anything about fury or the city being ruled by an afar.

We let you know that you have security and guarantee entirely in this port of Tadjourah to make water and wood, and we will give you a raban to introduce you to the city where you wish to stay. If you want to go to the port of Zeila it is the closest to the point where you were currently. We are people of good faith and we believe in God and his prophet. You have the safety of God and the safety of Sultan Mohamed, son of Sultan Dini”, on January 6, 1710, the commercial friendship treaty was signed between Sultan Mahammad Dini and Captain De La Merveille, commander of the French ships. The sultan undertakes to have the coffee imported from Ethiopia stored in Tadjoura with camels and to sell it only to the French¹¹. The captain of the Merveille undertakes for his part to pay 3% of customs duties on all goods purchased and embarked at the port of Tadjourah”.
Both Ibn Majid and Suleyman al Mahri described Mogadishu as the start of the land of Zanj and clearly separated it from Barr Zumāl(not Berber) which surprised me because these authors knew Somalis very well and were the first Arabs to call the Somali country by its name And have described a relatively unknown Somali cities in the north like Ceel Sheekh Caluula etc.

They are hardly a reliable source, as they considered everything south of Mogadishu and North of Mombasa; ‘Pagan’, which is horribly inaccurate as by the time of their writing, even the Portuguese were already highlighting the Islamic pedigree and prosperity of cities like Merca and Barawa, never mind the lesser known ones like Nimmo, Warsheikh, Hannassa.

Ibn Majid also placed the Jubba river right next to Mogadishu, which is geographically inaccurate by several hundred miles, so his grasp of the Somali coast was inferior to earlier accounts. We can therefore comfortably dismiss his boundaries of where Bilad-al-Barbar and Bilad-al-Zanj started and ended.
You're talking from a place of ignorance as always. Have you never seen a nomadic Issa? Almost all of them have sharpened teeth and although they now cover themselves I doubt they were doing that 100 years ago
Thats only issas that live with Canfars 99% of ciises don't do this
Clearly refers to him as king of zeyla/Adel lmao. Any unbiased 3rd party witness to this debate would obviously agree with me but somalispot is a circle jerk of historical revisionists
Adel is an Canfar clan it says that abiffins (abysinna) rule zeila not tadjoura afars
I’m going to assume you’re a child and slow it down for you a little bit, try to keep up. The entire source is an indication of his rule when read in its entirety🤣 the letter itself references messages from the sultan Muhammad Dini on the affairs of Adel “from the well guarded port of tadjourah” it says at the very top of the first page (see below). If he was Somali you would not for a second doubt his rule but your own personal bias clouds your judgement. Muhammad Dini ruled Zeila cope you can’t rewrite history buddy
Zeila, Harar and all of afar land were ruled by issas under the imamate of Aussa danakilos were savage nomads who plundered muslim caravans while begging for help to the issa imam to fight oromos
I’m going to assume you’re a child and slow it down for you a little bit, try to keep up. The entire source is an indication of his rule when read in its entirety🤣 the letter itself references messages from the sultan Muhammad Dini on the affairs of Adel “from the well guarded port of tadjourah” it says at the very top of the first page (see below). If he was Somali you would not for a second doubt his rule but your own personal bias clouds your judgement. Muhammad Dini ruled Zeila cope you can’t rewrite history buddy
Afars were never apart of adal they were fighting for abysinna Christian gaalo and they even as far to claim that adal muslims were they're ancient enemies :sass2:
I’m going to assume you’re a child and slow it down for you a little bit, try to keep up. The entire source is an indication of his rule when read in its entirety🤣 the letter itself references messages from the sultan Muhammad Dini on the affairs of Adel “from the well guarded port of tadjourah” it says at the very top of the first page (see below). If he was Somali you would not for a second doubt his rule but your own personal bias clouds your judgement. Muhammad Dini ruled Zeila cope you can’t rewrite history buddy
Afars never had a kingdom just a port with 50 hut and naked savages running around and the worst part is afar ✌🏽Kings✌🏽would go to habesha emperors and prostrated to them Subhanallah



Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
You're talking from a place of ignorance as always. Have you never seen a nomadic Issa? Almost all of them have sharpened teeth and although they now cover themselves I doubt they were doing that 100 years ago
My Geeljire awoowe from Ali sabieh does not have that.
Don't speak on Geelgire Issa like you know shit warya. Only some may have but ciise are not at all known for sharpening teeth nor do we go out bare chested women.

These are Issa from the 1800s, know us before you spew out nonsense to back your anti Somali crusade on our history and culture to these foreigners.

Issa Geelgires - as you can see our women are very much covered, even more so then the half naken Arabian women at the time of who's people you dick ride so much.

A young issa man and his wife
images (33).jpeg

Issa Ugaas Rooble

Standard wear of issa -
Somali People.jpg

Traditional ciise Grave

Issa spearman guarding the tent of the Ugaas.

Cisse trade route from Zelia to Harar
Map of Zeila 1877.jpg

Living next to a volcano wasteland for millennia made these people so Dhuxul they look like the missing link between Natufian and Nilotes and you think they ruled any part of somalia?
Just 2 or 3 coastal somali cities had more population than afars lmfao.
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It's just typical afar twitter behaviour. Always got the Ciise in their mouths. Not our fault we finnesed them niggas.

Makes sense then they would spread anti Somali posts, we bodied them like the white man did to the native Americans.

Ciise victory 🇩🇯View attachment 292233View attachment 292234View attachment 292236View attachment 292235
Poor afars. I feel for them. We have a two countries of our own, three if you count somaliland while afars are rules by somalis in Djibouti and ruled by Habeshas in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Since they have nothing some of them rely on fake BS and invent stories


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Poor afars. I feel for them. We have a two countries of our own, three if you count somaliland while afars are rules by somalis in Djibouti and ruled by Habeshas in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Since they have nothing some of them rely on fake BS and invent stories
They were cucked by geography. Living on a harsh desert with a tiny population is bound to get conquered by the neighbours who have tens of millions


They were cucked by geography. Living on a harsh desert with a tiny population is bound to get conquered by the neighbours who have tens of millions
We were also cucked by geography but we are Somalis so we survived anyway. Thank God cause he made Somali alhamdulilah


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