We act black but we're not

Would you say extremely dark skinned indians are black?

Extremely dark skinned indians are from Asia, not Africa. In addition, they don't carry 40-50% Sub-saharan African DNA, like Somalis. So yes, we're Black Africans and the children of Mama Africa, literally.

But to me, that title is just a physical/geographic descriptor, not an identity, not a culture, not a language. We share nothing in common, except skin colour, a continent, sometimes religion, and at times, shared experiences with racism.
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I'm not here to make another "are Somalis X???" thread, we've had that discussion literally hundreds of times. I just want to point out a growing hypocrisy I see amongst certain Somalis that's not getting called out enough.

I've noticed that many Somalis like to distance themselves from being labeled as 'black American', some even go so far as to demean black folks with racially abusive language

Yet you can't help but wonder why they are so immersed in black culture, they speak AAVE, have the same fashion choices, the same obsession with the N-word, they listen to hip-hop, every English Somali musician sounds like their favorite black artist

It seems like Somalis enjoy taking from black culture (Rap, N-Word), and hate being referred to as Madow. Basically enjoying the fruits of the black experience while trying to avoid the backlash it entails

I'm not gonna tell you to stop wearing sneakers and to stop listening to Kendrick, that's stupid, you can like whatever you like. But it helps to at least be self-conscious.

It's simple. If you don't think you're black then stop acting like it, I understand if you grew up in a black hood and it's natural to talk and behave that way, but at least stop saying the N-word, it's cringe, it's not yours, your ancestors didn't go through it.
So what, we’re not white but we speak English, we’re not Arab but we’re always dressing like them at weddings. Call it what you will


Coping through the 1st world
This argument is getting boring.
Originally the black label was meant for AA’s ( Africans Americans) but ever since we’ve migrated here in the west we’ve adapted to the label. Black is by definition of people of sub-Saharan decent. Who cares if we’re seen as black. I don’t relate culturally with the meadows but politically speaking we fall under these terms due the synonyms of being from Africa and sharing similar distinctions; hair, skin colour and genetics.
black only came about when the white invader game.

I hear this a lot and it's not true. White people claimed humans belonged to different "races" and one of the categories was "black", their pseudo-science was later debunked. However "black" people have always existed and been described as such. When medieval Arab travelers came to our lands (bilad al-barbar) they described the natives as being "black". This was centuries before colonialism. In conclusion, we don't belong to a black "race" because there's no such thing, but we are black.
I hear this a lot and it's not true. White people claimed humans belonged to different "races" and one of the categories was "black", their pseudo-science was later debunked. However "black" people have always existed and been described as such. When medieval Arab travelers came to our lands (bilad al-barbar) they described the natives as being "black". This was centuries before colonialism. In conclusion, we don't belong to a black "race" because there's no such thing, but we are black.
Calling people black goes back to even Ancient Romans and Greeks. It’s a silly cop out argument.

Arabs used to call Habeshas who are mostly Cushitic and are indeed even lighter than Somalis on average as β€˜black’. We have lots of Hadiths using the word β€˜black’ with regards to Horner East Africans.

The thing is, the demographic who are obsessed with not being seen as black aren’t the ones who are well-read or interested in history or context.
Calling people black goes back to even Ancient Romans and Greeks. It’s a silly cop out argument.

Arabs used to call Habeshas who are mostly Cushitic and are indeed even lighter than Somalis on average as β€˜black’. We have lots of Hadiths using the word β€˜black’ with regards to Horner East Africans.

The thing is, the demographic who are obsessed with not being seen as black aren’t the ones who are well-read or interested in history or context.

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I don’t relate with most blacks in terms of music or language etc, but I’ve had many black friends who wouldn’t fit the stereotype of the average black man, and most blacks I’ve met or known refer to me as Somali, only when it’s a political issue/ticking a box will i accept black label, specifically black African, I feel most comfortable with black African. But before anything I’m a Somali, a Muslim, and then black.

