We don't give a shit about human life

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While the West is about to pave the way for a basic income for around $1,000 a month to end even relative poverty in their countries, Somali politicians are still carrying out revenge killings on Somalis. We have no plans to even end wars in Somalia let alone planning for universal healthcare and education, things Western countries see as basic rights. We're just happy to kill or watch people be killed and either cheer form the sidelines or ignore it altogether. We don't have the civic consciousness of Europeans, the basic mindset it takes to make a country work for all of it's citizens. Even the good Somalis just sit and moan without lifting a finger to help people in need. We're uncaring in a fundemental way, we might donate to charity but we're not ready to end poverty and war on a structural level because we want our clan to be the champions of their Dirtlands. Even if the right president comes in and creates these reforms we'll hate him and be divisive because of his clan.
This is instigated by these puppet politicians. They don't care about Somalis, they care more about their pockets. If the leaders are like this of course the followers will be. I would not shed a fucking tear if they were beheaded and crucified in public
The puppet politicians have better puppet masters who care more about Somalia than they do, for strategic reasons. They're the ones who don't want this to work, not outsiders. Look at Rwanda, only the Hutu extremists wanted it to fail, the failure was theirs not the West who chose to not get involved. Today Rwanda has medical drones and sky cars, also the cleanest city in East Africa which they built almost from scratch the whole time we were warring. We can't blame foreigners, we have to accept the L.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
The thing that boggles me the most is the mentality of the clan militiaman. How can it ever be okay to fight your fellow muslim?

Even the treatment of the Mahdibaan. Why do they get excluded like that? The treatment of the Madow although completely wrong makes some sort of sense since they are different ethnic group, but these Mahdibaans are the same us. Our society allows us to befriend them and interact with them but doesn't allow us to marry them. Think about, it's completely retarded.

As a people we are quite sick.
Division is a choice when you're the same ethnic group. We consciously chose to f*ck up our country and our relations with each other.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Division is a choice when you're the same ethnic group. We consciously chose to f*ck up our country and our relations with each other.

And relations with others. We cut our ties with Iran for a pay check and HSM is helping the Saudi's wreck Yemen. Our government has no understanding of foreign policy. Our government is beyond incompetent, they have become a liability.



USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
They're prostitutes wallahi iyo billahi :susp:

When each job is reserved for a particular clan this is what you get. HSM was a uni lecturer at some charity university, not even the Uni of Mog.

Everything is for sale, even our dignity. HSM sent how many maids to Saudi at a time when countries are bringing them back after the revelations that abuse is widespread. Cali Mahdi let the mafia dump toxic waste of the coast of Somalia. The worst part was he let them do it at a disgustingly low cost. Wallahi these guys will sell anything.
When each job is reserved for a particular clan this is what you get. HSM was a uni lecturer at some charity university, not even the Uni of Mog.

Everything is for sale, even our dignity. HSM sent how many maids to Saudi at a time when countries are bringing them back after the revelations that abuse is widespread. Cali Mahdi let the mafia dump toxic waste of the coast of Somalia. The worst part was he let them do it at a disgustingly low cost. Wallahi these guys will sell anything.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, no sense of duty or sharaf at all. People will support a criminal because they think an attack on him is an attack on their clan. We have to be the most backward, ignorant society on planet Earth.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
This is exactly what I'm talking about, no sense of duty or sharaf at all. People will support a criminal because they think an attack on him is an attack on their clan. We have to be the most backward, ignorant society on planet Earth.

The funny thing is none of them actually pursue clan interests. They simply pocket whatever money they can. A lot of the money doesn't even come back to Somalia, it would atleast help if they used that money to build hotels and universities etc.
The funny thing is none of them actually pursue clan interests. They simply pocket whatever money they can. A lot of the money doesn't even come back to Somalia, it would atleast help if they used that money to build hotels and universities etc.

I'm talking about the people who protected them and funded them at the start. Let's not act like Somalis didn't use money transfer system to fund the civil war and then got left high and dry by their warlord once they captured their money maker whether it's a port or government position.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I'm talking about the people who protected them and funded them at the start. Let's not act like Somalis didn't use money transfer system to fund the civil war and then got left high and dry by their warlord once they captured their money maker whether it's a port or government position.

I heard of people raising money in Australia to help the war efforts in Gaalkacyo I am not kidding. People still do that.
We protect and praise our warlords. We make them 'Generals' and give them government/military posts while the UN are trying to have them punished.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
The next elections we have are supposed to be democratic. If they succeed we will have a semi legtimate government since we can't completely stop the foul play. Once we have that government we can make steady progress In Sha Allah.
The government need guts like no other. to end this rampant warmongering. They will have to be corruption free as well otherwise they'll have already failed.


Accomplished Saaxir
People who are currently in the West, should stay in the West and better themselves. No point worrying about a failed state which looks to be inhospitable within the next 50-100 years.
People who are currently in the West, should stay in the West and better themselves. No point worrying about a failed state which looks to be inhospitable within the next 50-100 years.

Europe was at war, completely wrecked and today they're some of the most powerful, wealthiest nations on earth. I won't give up on Somalia.
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