While the West is about to pave the way for a basic income for around $1,000 a month to end even relative poverty in their countries, Somali politicians are still carrying out revenge killings on Somalis. We have no plans to even end wars in Somalia let alone planning for universal healthcare and education, things Western countries see as basic rights. We're just happy to kill or watch people be killed and either cheer form the sidelines or ignore it altogether. We don't have the civic consciousness of Europeans, the basic mindset it takes to make a country work for all of it's citizens. Even the good Somalis just sit and moan without lifting a finger to help people in need. We're uncaring in a fundemental way, we might donate to charity but we're not ready to end poverty and war on a structural level because we want our clan to be the champions of their Dirtlands. Even if the right president comes in and creates these reforms we'll hate him and be divisive because of his clan.