We don't give a shit about human life

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They weren't united but they were rich from slavery and colonization.
Europe and Japan weren't united but the people were. They all had to set aside differences and assisted each other, now the people sustained their land after WW2 and turned them into powerhouses with unbreakable bonds to each other
Europe and Japan weren't united but the people were. They all had to set aside differences and assisted each other, now the people sustained their land after WW2 and turned them into powerhouses with unbreakable bonds to each other

Yes they benefited from World War 2. But Europe had serious issues, Germany was in two parts and let's forget East Europe, all manner of division there.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
And relations with others. We cut our ties with Iran for a pay check and HSM is helping the Saudi's wreck Yemen. Our government has no understanding of foreign policy. Our government is beyond incompetent, they have become a liability.


I think if you had to choose between the gulf arabs and iranians then you should choose the former. They didnt make a bad choice.
@Repenting Slave @Protagonist Somalia is facing fourth generation of warfare and we don't even recognize it. Honestly they they used Mogadishu militia group picture as example. :kanyehmm:

A 4GW enemy has the following characteristics: lack of hierarchical authority, lack of formal structure, patience and flexibility, ability to keep a low profile when needed, and small size. 4GW adversary might use the tactics of an insurgent, terrorist, or guerrilla in order to wage war against a nation's infrastructure. Fourth generation warfare takes place on all fronts: economical, political, the media, military, and civilian.

Fourth-generation warfare goals:

  • Survival.
  • To convince the enemy's political decision makers that their goals are either unachievable or too costly for the perceived benefit.
Yet, another factor is that political centers of gravity have changed. These centers of gravity may revolve around nationalism, religion, or family or clan honor.

Disaggregated forces, such as guerrillas, terrorists, which lack a center of gravity, deny to their enemies a focal point at which to deliver a conflict ending blow.As a result, strategy becomes more problematic while combating a VNSA.

It has been theorized that a state vs. state conflict in fourth-generation warfare would involve the use of computer hackers and international law to obtain the weaker side’s objectives, the logic being that the civilians of the stronger state would lose the will to fight as a result of seeing their state engage in alleged atrocities and having their own bank accounts harmed.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I think if you had to choose between the gulf arabs and iranians then you should choose the former. They didnt make a bad choice.

The Iranians have the best technology in the Muslims world. They completely turned away someone that was interested in Somali without seeing what they had to offer just to get a small pay check. There are a number of countries interested in investing/helping Somalia, Somalia just needs to play ball and get the most out of it.


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Staff Member
You only help those who want to help themselves. Somalis do not care about human life is an accurate generalisation. That can be witnessed right here on this board and web at large let alone on the ground.
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While the West is about to pave the way for a basic income for around $1,000 a month to end even relative poverty in their countries, Somali politicians are still carrying out revenge killings on Somalis. We have no plans to even end wars in Somalia let alone planning for universal healthcare and education, things Western countries see as basic rights. We're just happy to kill or watch people be killed and either cheer form the sidelines or ignore it altogether. We don't have the civic consciousness of Europeans, the basic mindset it takes to make a country work for all of it's citizens. Even the good Somalis just sit and moan without lifting a finger to help people in need. We're uncaring in a fundemental way, we might donate to charity but we're not ready to end poverty and war on a structural level because we want our clan to be the champions of their Dirtlands. Even if the right president comes in and creates these reforms we'll hate him and be divisive because of his clan.

All trolling aside, basic income is a fantasy. It won't work. The prosperity these countries have experienced the past couple of decades will come to a grinding halt soon, or will continue to be concentrated towards the top. Continued globalization and automation will continue to decimate middle classes, which will predictably result in lower tax revenues and increasingly higher tax cuts for the 1%, which in turn will result in austerity measures and gutting of social safety nets and social security. We are seeing the first generation in these countries that will actually be poorer and have a lower economic outlook than their parents for nearly a century now. We are beginning to see something in statistics that is called regression to the mean, where the "mean" in this case is the global mean in terms of living standards.

In the foreseeable future, these countries won't be much more different than the failed state that is Somalia. Greece will become the norm across the western world, with extremely high unemployment rates, an aristocratic class that possesses the lion share of the wealth, and the rest live in a serfdom. Many of these people see the writing on the wall and want to bring back protectionist policies, as seen with the election of Trump, but at best the Trumps of the world will only delay the inevitable.
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