We have no claim to Ancient Egypt

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Using pictures/drawings to argue for your points is ridiculous. Only genetics matter. So far, there has only been 1 credible peer-reviewed genetic studies on Ancient Egyptians. The mummies examined were located in Lower Egypt near Cairo, so it may not be representive of Ancient Egypt as a whole. Until there are more studies, especially from Upper-Middle Egypt, and from all timeframes, this debate is useless.
False warya.

If you don't look like this pure Egyptian:

And instead look like this:

or this:


Then you're not ethnically Egyptian or a descendant of Ancient Egyptians.
You keep regurgitating white lies! these are the same ppl that came up with race iq theories and yet soem nigerians are doing better than whites who supposedly have a genetic higher iq. These ppl claim that history because htye found a few greek bodies that were buried there and married itno the local population. I know you are smart enough to realise that the ancient egyptians of the first dynasty were africans and there is too much proof that is overlooked deliberately to hide that fact since europeans at the time needed their slaves to believe they were inferior. There are no painting which we know are accurate depictions by the ancient ppl themselves that resemble the painting you displayed above on the walls or in their graves....so please don't patronise me. They were ancient cousins of ours that looked like nilotics and berbers/cushitics that were killed and conquered like the native indians and that's it! The ancient greek historians are theonly ones that described them and are ignored coincidentally. Their names sound nothing like arabic or european names and yet we are supposed to believe that these arabs there today are pure ancient blood related ppl.
Greeks are Whites/Europeans warya.

Those painting depict Native Egyptians with typical North African features/traits.
Greeks conquered liek whites did america! stop playing ignorant or i will not engage you further. They conquered and like the hyksos ancestors of theirs they portrayed themselves as pharaohs (ancient cultural appropriation) except there was no more Ahmose to expel them. Waa parasites sxb. Further more you have failed to provide one tomb painting that depicts the picture of the ppl above .
You keep regurgitating white lies! these are the same ppl that came up with race iq theories and yet soem nigerians are doing better than whites who supposedly have a genetic higher iq. These ppl claim that history because htye found a few greek bodies that were buried there and married itno the local population. I know you are smart enough to realise that the ancient egyptians of the first dynasty were africans and there is too much proof that is overlooked deliberately to hide that fact since europeans at the time needed their slaves to believe they were inferior. There are no painting which we know are accurate depictions by the ancient ppl themselves that resemble the painting you displayed above on the walls or in their graves....so please don't patronise me. They were ancient cousins of ours that looked like nilotics and berbers/cushitics that were killed and conquered like the native indians and that's it! The ancient greek historians are theonly ones that described them and are ignored coincidentally. Their names sound nothing like arabic or european names and yet we are supposed to believe that these arabs there today are pure ancient blood related ppl.
They're not "White lies", it's simply reality. Just accept it & keep it moving sxb.
Using pictures/drawings to argue for your points is ridiculous. Only genetics matter. So far, there has only been 1 credible peer-reviewed genetic studies on Ancient Egyptians. The mummies examined were located in Lower Egypt near Cairo, so it may not be representive of Ancient Egypt as a whole. Until there are more studies, especially from Upper-Middle Egypt, and from all timeframes, this debate is useless.
With this thief and cadaan worshipping begs like the modern day arab invader descendants! Do you really expect them to dig up african bodies or will they keep them in the back room? I always wondered why arab muslims would parade their ancestors like that and allow cadaan to loot their graves and then i realised that no sane man would disrespect their ancestors like that. They are not descendants of their full stop and they parade someone else's ancestor like some kind of treasure with no respect. These are our ancient cousins and they fell and bastard arabs and cadaan are disrespecting them.


Ancient egyptians are expelled from their land (probably during the greek conquest) God knows best.


The Desolation of Egypt

8Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I will bring a sword against you and cut off from you man and beast. 9The land of Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. Then they will know that I am the LORD.

Because you said, “The Nile is mine; I made it,” 10therefore I am against you and against your rivers. I will turn the land of Egypt into a ruin, a desolate wasteland from Migdol to Syene, and as far as the border of Cush.b11No foot of man or beast will pass through, and it will be uninhabited for forty years.

12I will make the land of Egypt a desolation among desolate lands, and her cities will lie desolate forty years among the ruined cities. And I will disperse the Egyptians among the nations and scatter them throughout the countries.’

13For this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the nations to which they were scattered. 14I will restore Egypt from captivityc and bring them back to the land of Pathros, the land of their origin. There they will be a lowly kingdom.

15Egypt will be the lowliest of kingdoms and will never again exalt itself above the nations. For I will diminish Egypt so that it will never again rule over the nations. 16Egypt will never again be an object of trust for the house of Israel, but will remind them of their iniquity in turning to the Egyptians. Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD.’”


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Since we are being honest, neither can we claim Nubia lol just because they spoke Cushitic languages
Our language falls under the same group as theirs so there is somewhat a connection there.
True, the original Cushites were fully Eurasian and looked like Copts & Amazigh people...

As our people pushed south from Egypt, they absorbed Nilotic-like/East African blood from the Madows that lived there before the Cushite expansion.
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This is reimaged its not a picture of the actual painting on the wall.
The far left are the libyans(completely white washed) their descendents are the fulani who still wear that very decorative dress and hairstyle.View attachment 62771View attachment 62772 View attachment 62773 View attachment 62774 View attachment 62775 View attachment 62776
Fulanis are mostly Madow/west african genetically. Modern pure Libyans are the truest representation of the Ancient Libyans.
These paintings are fayyum paintings that are from roman egypt. Convenient that u choose these. Youre a joke
Doesn't matter if they're from the Roman period. It's confirmed those paintings depict Native Egyptians that adopted Roman/Greek cultural clothing styles and so forth. There was no massive Roman or Greek settlement in Egypt, the masses/general populations largely remained pure Egyptian, but were ruled by foreigners.

You're the jokeman for trying to claim a people you have no connection too, put your emotions aside if you want a fruitful discussion.
And who do you mean by modern pure libyans. Provide a visual if you can
Don't bother with these guys man. They want to claim a Nile Valley civilization, where the Pharaohs literally sailed to our lands to claim our gods and ancestry, as belonging to some brown arabs.

Modern day Libyans:

Ancient Libyan:

Modern day Arab Egyptian:


Ancient Egyptian:

Doesn't matter if they're from the Roman period. It's confirmed those paintings depict Native Egyptians that adopted Roman/Greek cultural clothing styles and so forth. There was no massive Roman or Greek settlement in Egypt, the masses/general populations largely remained pure Egyptian, but were ruled by foreigners.

You're the jokeman for trying to claim a people you have no connection too, put your emotions aside if you want a fruitful discussion.
And you didnt show mass depictions of these people. You showed like 30 paintings. Are you saying total Of 30 roman royalty werent present in egypt
For the 6 centuries of roman egypt. Youre the joke
And you didnt show mass depictions of these people. You showed like 30 paintings. Are you saying total Of 30 roman royalty werent present in egypt
For the 6 centuries of roman egypt. Youre the joke

Come back to reality warya & make a quick google search for Genetic studies on Ancient & Modern Egyptians and you'll find that Coptic people are the purest Egyptians. In the end, genetics is on my side.

Come back to reality warya & make a quick google search for Genetic studies on Ancient & Modern Egyptians. In the end, genetics is on my side.
Moses peace be upon him, was seen by the Prophet Muhammad himself. And this is what he said:

وَرَأَيْتُ مُوسَى أَسْحَمَ آدَم
“I saw Musa (Moses) and he was a black-skinned man.”
Musnad Imam Ahmed Hadith # 3365

أَمَّا مُوسَى فَرَجُلٌ آدَمُ جَعْد
“As for Musa/Moses, he is a black-skinned man with very curly hair.”

AL Qurtubi, the famous interprator of the Qur'an says when talking about Musa's (AS) appearance:

وكان موسى أسمر شديد السمرة
"Musa (Moses) was extremely dark brown in skin color."

At Tabari says in the Tafsir about Prophet Musa's sign of his handing turning white:

وكان موسى، فيما ذكر لنا، آدم، فجعل الله تحول يده بيضاء من غير برص، له آية
"According to what we were told, Musa (Moses) was black-skinned and Allah made Musa’s hand turning white, without being affected by leprosy, a sign for him."

Tafsir of the same verse by al Baidawi:

أنه عليه السلام كان آدم شديد الأدمة ، فأدخل يده في جيبه أو تحت إبطه ثم نزعها فإذا هي بيضاء نورانية غلب شعاعها شعاع الشمس
"It is related that Musa (pbuh) was black-skinned. He put his hand in his pocket or under his armpit and took it out and it was white."

Moses lived during the Pharoah's time. He was adopted as the Pharoah's son. He completely blended in with the average Ancient Egyptian. He would have looked closer to a black Somali than an olive-skinned modern Egyptian of today.
Doesn't matter if they're from the Roman period. It's confirmed those paintings depict Native Egyptians that adopted Roman/Greek cultural clothing styles and so forth. There was no massive Roman or Greek settlement in Egypt, the masses/general populations largely remained pure Egyptian, but were ruled by foreigners.

You're the jokeman for trying to claim a people you have no connection too, put your emotions aside if you want a fruitful discussion.

Come back to reality warya & make a quick google search for Genetic studies on Ancient & Modern Egyptians. In the end, genetics is on my side.

Come back to reality warya & make a quick google search for Genetic studies on Ancient & Modern Egyptians and you'll find that Coptic people are the purest Egyptians. In the end, genetics is on my side.

Well theyre apparently mostly e1b1b and j. But you know who are more e1b1b?...
images (1).jpeg

No one disputes that ancient Egyptians were dark skinned.

Modern Egyptian have outside genetic influence like Arab, Greek, levantine and Turkish ancestry.
Don't turn this section to
Sajokal Horseed channel,
:tacky: that guy would even lick those bakhti mummies 24/7.
Moses peace be upon him, was seen by the Prophet Muhammad himself. And this is what he said:

وَرَأَيْتُ مُوسَى أَسْحَمَ آدَم
“I saw Musa (Moses) and he was a black-skinned man.”
Musnad Imam Ahmed Hadith # 3365

أَمَّا مُوسَى فَرَجُلٌ آدَمُ جَعْد
“As for Musa/Moses, he is a black-skinned man with very curly hair.”

AL Qurtubi, the famous interprator of the Qur'an says when talking about Musa's (AS) appearance:

وكان موسى أسمر شديد السمرة
"Musa (Moses) was extremely dark brown in skin color."

At Tabari says in the Tafsir about Prophet Musa's sign of his handing turning white:

وكان موسى، فيما ذكر لنا، آدم، فجعل الله تحول يده بيضاء من غير برص، له آية
"According to what we were told, Musa (Moses) was black-skinned and Allah made Musa’s hand turning white, without being affected by leprosy, a sign for him."

Tafsir of the same verse by al Baidawi:

أنه عليه السلام كان آدم شديد الأدمة ، فأدخل يده في جيبه أو تحت إبطه ثم نزعها فإذا هي بيضاء نورانية غلب شعاعها شعاع الشمس
"It is related that Musa (pbuh) was black-skinned. He put his hand in his pocket or under his armpit and took it out and it was white."

Moses lived during the Pharoah's time. He was adopted as the Pharoah's son. He completely blended in with the average Ancient Egyptian. He would have looked closer to a black Somali than an olive-skinned modern Egyptian of today.
Egyptian are actually pretty dark I lived in Egypt and I had the same skintone as the modern Egyptian some of them are whiter because of Turkish blood but most are a shade lighter than us. Stop claiming other people
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