The whole world knows WE WUZ KANGZThe Somalis & other Horners that claim Ancient Egyptians came from the Horn need to stop embarrassing themselves. Genetic studies have confirmed that Ancient Egyptians are North African/Eurasian and are closely related to their fellow North Africans, the Amazigh. The Coptic people & other Modern Egyptians are the truest representation & the true descendants of Ancient Egyptians.
Plus, the name "Kemet" was in reference to the black soil of their land, not the people.
The only differences between Ancient & Modern Egyptians are:
1. Modern Egyptians, especially the Muslim ones carry some Madow/sub-Saharan admixture, whereas their Coptic countrymen did not mix at all & retained the pure Egyptian blood. The Ancient Egyptians lacked any Madow admixture, since it was forbidden to mix in their culture with the Madows.
2. Arabisation (language & culture) & other cultural influences from Greeks & Persians e.g have been absorbed into Egyptian culture via Islamic/Arab conquest, Eastern Roman and Persian occupation.